Release Notes
Angular is updated to the latest release of 17 (17.3.12)
This has the same fixes that are also included in the 2024.3.3_LTS release.
Besides that it has 3 more cases that are also fixed see the case list below
Smart, Web and NG1 clients are removed, Only NG1 is can still be access in developer by changing or opening a new tab with the "solutions" url. But it is not exported anymore in a WAR This way you can still compare when developing TiNG against the NG1 run. Not all code of Smart/Web is removed, because also HeadlessClient is build on top of some WebClient related classes, we will slowly remove all the old legacy classes and support jars. (so we can move to the new Servlet api specs (Tomcat 10))
Because of a lot of endpoints (servlets/filters that handles a url requests) are removed the web.xml that we add to the WAR, is changed quite a lot, so if you had a custom one you need to update this.
Lib upgrades
rhino upgraded to 1.17.15 https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/releases/tag/Rhino1_7_15_Release We are looking into if we need to support certain stuff (like the rest parameters which won't work right now even with the new parser)
Eclipse updated to 4.31 and other 3rd part libs to the latest releases.
Angular is still on 17 but upgraded to 17.3.6
Java updated to 21.0.3 from 21.0.1
Nodejs upgrade to 20.12.2 from 20.11.1
Lot of (ongoing) improvements in the Form Editor (dynamic guides ect)
Small improvements in the new Ecma parser, better warnings or removed markers which shouldn't be warnings
More Darktheme improvements
We added support for a server connection property: server.[x].initializationString=xxx to send a command to the database server when the connection is made, this way you can send over a few "SET option=value" commands if needed.
Performance improvements for bulk insert/update operations using foundsets.
NGDesktop we now also have support for Arm platform binaries
Known Issue:
When updating from an older release, after the first restart you can get a "tomcat not found" dialog, this can be ignored and make sure that the applicaiton server update is performed right away After another restart the embedded tomcat should be able to start again.
For some reason on MacOSX the Options-Shift-K keybinding (locate servoy resources) are not registered anymore, but other Options-Shift combinations are, you can add this back your self in the preferences under Keys. (search for Locate Servoy)
Case List
Below is a comprehensive list of cases associated with each release (candidate)