


Scriptable object for dialog plugin

Methods Summarized


Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data.

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data.

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data.

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data.

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.

Shows a selection dialog, where the user can select an entry from a list of options.

Shows a selection dialog, where the user can select an entry from a list of options.

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.

Methods Detailed

showErrorDialog(dialogTitle, dialogMessage, buttonsText)

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons. Returns pressed button text, in case window is closed without pressing any button return value depends on client type.


  • String dialogTitle Dialog title.

  • String dialogMessage Dialog message.

  • Array buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.

Returns: String pressed button text


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

showInfoDialog(dialogTitle, dialogMessage, buttonsText)

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons. Returns pressed button text, in case window is closed without pressing any button return value depends on client type.


  • String dialogTitle Dialog title.

  • String dialogMessage Dialog message.

  • Array buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.

Returns: String pressed button text


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK');


Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data. Returns the entered data, or nothing when canceled.

Returns: String input text or null


//show input dialog ,returns nothing when canceled
var typedInput = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog('Specify','Your name');


Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data. Returns the entered data, or nothing when canceled.


Returns: String input text or null


//show input dialog ,returns nothing when canceled
var typedInput = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog('Specify','Your name');

showInputDialog(dialog_title, msg)

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data. Returns the entered data, or nothing when canceled.


Returns: String input text or null


//show input dialog ,returns nothing when canceled
var typedInput = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog('Specify','Your name');

showInputDialog(dialog_title, msg, initialValue)

Shows an input dialog where the user can enter data. Returns the entered data, or nothing when canceled.


Returns: String input text or null


//show input dialog ,returns nothing when canceled
var typedInput = plugins.dialogs.showInputDialog('Specify','Your name');

showQuestionDialog(dialogTitle, dialogMessage, buttonsText)

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons. Returns pressed button text, in case window is closed without pressing any button return value depends on client type.


  • String dialogTitle Dialog title.

  • String dialogMessage Dialog message.

  • Array buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.

Returns: String pressed button text


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showQuestionDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

showSelectDialog(dialog_title, msg, optionArray)

Shows a selection dialog, where the user can select an entry from a list of options. Returns the selected entry, or nothing when canceled.


Returns: String selected value or null


//show select,returns nothing when canceled
var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name','jan','johan','sebastiaan');
//also possible to pass array with options
//var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name', new Array('jan','johan','sebastiaan'));

showSelectDialog(dialog_title, msg, options)

Shows a selection dialog, where the user can select an entry from a list of options. Returns the selected entry, or nothing when canceled.


Returns: String selected value or null


//show select,returns nothing when canceled
var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name','jan','johan','sebastiaan');
//also possible to pass array with options
//var selectedValue = plugins.dialogs.showSelectDialog('Select','please select a name', new Array('jan','johan','sebastiaan'));

showWarningDialog(dialogTitle, dialogMessage, buttonsText)

Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons. Returns pressed button text, in case window is closed without pressing any button return value depends on client type.


  • String dialogTitle Dialog title.

  • String dialogMessage Dialog message.

  • Array buttonsText variable arguments of button texts.

Returns: String pressed button text


//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK', 'Cancel');

Last updated