

Methods Summarized


Adds a header to the JWT token.

Adds the payload (claims) to the web token.

Sign the token with the given algorithm.

Adds data to the payload, which contains the claims.

Add a specific Expires At ("exp") claim to the Payload.

Methods Detailed

header(key, value)

Adds a header to the JWT token.


  • String key a string representing the header name

  • String value can be a string

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Adds the payload (claims) to the web token.


  • Object payload a json containing the data, e.g. {'some': 'data', 'somemore': 'data2'}

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Sign the token with the given algorithm. The 'alg' claim is automatically added to the token header.


  • Algorithm alg the algorithm used to sign the token.

Returns: String a string representing the constructed JSON Web Token.

withClaim(key, value)

Adds data to the payload, which contains the claims. Claims are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data.


  • String key a string representing the claim name (e.g. 'iss' which stands for issuer; 'email', 'name', etc.)

  • Object value can be a string, a boolean, a date, a number or an array

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Add a specific Expires At ("exp") claim to the Payload.


  • Date expire a date representing the expiration time of the token

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining

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