


The JWT Builder facilitates the creation of JSON Web Tokens by providing methods for setting headers, adding payload claims, and signing the token with a specified algorithm. Its chaining capabilities enable streamlined construction of tokens for secure communication.


Headers can be added using the header(key, value) method, specifying header names and values. Payloads, including claims, can be defined with payload(payload) or extended using withClaim(key, value). For specifying token expiration, the withExpires(expire) method adds an "exp" claim. The sign(alg) method finalizes the token by signing it with the chosen algorithm, automatically including the algorithm ("alg") in the header.

Methods Summarized


Adds a header to the JWT token.

Adds the payload (claims) to the web token.

Sign the token with the given algorithm.

Adds data to the payload, which contains the claims.

Add a specific Expires At ("exp") claim to the Payload.

Methods Detailed

header(key, value)

Adds a header to the JWT token.


  • String key a string representing the header name

  • String value can be a string

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Adds the payload (claims) to the web token.


  • Object payload a json containing the data, e.g. {'some': 'data', 'somemore': 'data2'}

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Sign the token with the given algorithm. The 'alg' claim is automatically added to the token header.


  • Algorithm alg the algorithm used to sign the token.

Returns: String a string representing the constructed JSON Web Token.

withClaim(key, value)

Adds data to the payload, which contains the claims. Claims are statements about an entity (typically, the user) and additional data.


  • String key a string representing the claim name (e.g. 'iss' which stands for issuer; 'email', 'name', etc.)

  • Object value can be a string, a boolean, a date, a number or an array

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining


Add a specific Expires At ("exp") claim to the Payload.


  • Date expire a date representing the expiration time of the token

Returns: Builder the jwt builder for method chaining

Last updated

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