Tabs Properties

Reference documentation for Servoy Themes Tabs Properties


The Tabs Properties section defines the styling of tab components within the application. Tabs are used to organize content into separate views, making it easier for users to navigate through different sections.


Some properties have an additional button: Select Color, which opens the color chooser wizard.

Here's an in-depth look at each property:

Tab bg

Sets the background color for the tabs. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @body-bg-inverse).

Tab text color

Defines the text color for the tabs. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @text-color).

Tab text transform

Specifies the text transformation for the tab labels (e.g., uppercase, lowercase). Value: CSS text-transform value (e.g., uppercase).

Tab border color

Sets the border color for the tabs. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @body-bg).

Tab border width

Specifies the border width for the tabs. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 0).

Tab border radius

Defines the border radius for the tabs, providing rounded corners if desired. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 0).

Tab active bg

Sets the background color for the active tab. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @main-color).

Tab active text color

Defines the text color for the active tab. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @main-color-inverse).

Tab active border color

Specifies the border color for the active tab. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @main-color).

Tab active border width

Sets the border width for the active tab. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 0).

Last updated