Move Wizard

A wizard for moving files


The Move Wizard allows users to move .js files within their project. This tool provides options for updating references to the moved elements and creating new folders as needed.


Choose Destination

A tree view of the project structure where users can select the destination for the file being moved.


Here are the available options:

  • Update references to the moved element(s): Automatically updates any references to the moved elements within the project.

  • Update fully qualified names in non-Script text files (forces preview): Updates fully qualified names in non-Script text files and forces a preview of the changes.

    • File name patterns: Specify file name patterns to limit the updates to certain files.


Here are the available buttons:

Create Folder...

Opens the New Script Package dialog to create a new folder within the project.


Displays a preview of the changes that will be made by the move operation.


Executes the move operation.


Closes the Move Wizard dialog without making any changes.

New Script Package dialog sections

Source Folder Selection

Allows users to choose the source folder where the new folder will be created.

Folder Name

Input field where users can specify the name of the new folder.



Opens a dialog to select the source folder from the project structure.


Creates the new folder in the selected source folder.


Closes the Create Folder dialog without creating a new folder.

Using the Move Wizard

Here are the steps for using the Move Wizard:

  1. Open the Move Wizard: Access it from the Servoy Developer Refactor menu or through the right-click context menu in the script editor.

  2. Choose Destination:

    • Navigate through the project structure and select the desired destination for the file or folder being moved.

  3. Configure Options:

    • Check the box to update references to the moved elements if needed.

    • Check the box to update fully qualified names in non-Script text files if required, and specify file name patterns if necessary.

  4. Create a New Folder (Optional):

    1. Click the Create Folder... button to open the New Script Package dialog.

    2. Select Source Folder:

      • Use the Browse... button to open the Source Folder Selection dialog.

      • Choose the desired source folder from the project structure and click OK.

    3. Enter Folder Name:

      • Enter the name of the new folder in the Name field.

    4. Create the Folder:

      • Click the Finish button to create the new folder in the selected source folder.

      • Click the Cancel button to close the Create Folder dialog without creating a new folder.

  5. Preview Changes (Optional):

    • Click the Preview button to see a preview of the changes that will be made by the move operation.

  6. Execute the Move:

    • Click the OK button to execute the move operation.

    • Click the Cancel button to close the Move Wizard dialog without making any changes.

Last updated