


Constants Summarized


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField.

Properties Summarized


Enables a component to stick to a specific side of form and/or to grow or shrink when a window is resized.

The background color of the component.

The type, color and style of border of the component.

CSS position is a replacement for anchoring system making it more intuitive to place a component.

The dataprovider of the component.

The type of display used by the field.

Flag that enables or disables merging of data inside components using tags (placeholders).

Flag that tells if the content of the field can be edited or not.

The enable state of the component, default true.

The font type of the component.

The foreground color of the component.

The Z index of this component.

The format that should be applied when displaying the data in the component.

A String representing a group ID for this component.

The height in pixels of the component.

Horizontal alignment of the text inside the component.

The margins of the component.

The name of the component.

The method that is executed when the component is clicked.

Method that is executed when the data in the component is successfully changed.

The method that is executed when the component gains focus.

The method that is executed when the component looses focus.

The method that is executed when the component is right clicked.

The text that is displayed in field when the field doesn't have a text value.

Scrollbar options for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars.

Flag that tells if the content of the field should be automatically selected when the field receives focus.

The name of the style class that should be applied to this component.

An index that specifies the position of the component in the tab sequence.

The text that is displayed in the column header associated with the component when the form is in table view.

The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor.

Flag that tells if the component is transparent or not.

The valuelist that is used by this field when displaying data.

The visible property of the component, default true.

The width in pixels of the component.

The x coordinate of the component on the form.

The y coordinate of the component on the form.

Methods Summarized


Get the value of an attribute of the element.

Returns the attribute names of an element.

Returns the comment of this component.

Get a design-time property of an element.

Get the design-time properties of an element.

Returns the name of the form.

Returns the UUID of this component.

Set a design-time property of an element.

Remove the attribute of an element.

Clear a design-time property of an element.


Set the attribute value of an element.

Constants Detailed


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to calendar. The field will show a formatted date and will have a button which pops up a calendar for date selection.

Type Number


var cal = form.newField('my_table_date', JSField.CALENDAR, 10, 10, 100, 20);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to checkbox. The field will show a checkbox, or a list of checkboxes if the valuelist property is also set.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var chk = form.newField('my_table_options', JSField.CHECKS, 10, 40, 100, 50);
chk.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to combobox.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var cmb = form.newField('my_table_options', JSField.COMBOBOX, 10, 100, 100, 20);
cmb.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to HTML area. The field will display formatted HTML content.

Type Number


var html = form.newField('my_table_html', JSField.HTML_AREA, 10, 130, 100, 50);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to image. The field will display images.

Type Number


var img = form.newField('my_table_image', JSField.IMAGE_MEDIA, 10, 190, 100, 50);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to list box. The field will show a selection list with single choice selection.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var list = form.newField('my_table_list', JSField.LISTBOX, 10, 280, 100, 50);
list.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to list box. The field will show a selection list with multiple choice selection.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var list = form.newField('my_table_options', JSField.MULTISELECT_LISTBOX, 10, 280, 100, 50);
list.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the fiels to password. The field will allow the user to enter passwords, masking the typed characters.

Type Number


var pwd = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.PASSWORD, 10, 250, 100, 20);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to radio buttons. The field will show a radio button, or a list of them if the valuelist property is also set.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var radio = form.newField('my_table_options', JSField.RADIOS, 10, 280, 100, 50);
radio.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to RTF area. The field will display formatted RTF content.

Type Number


var rtf = form.newField('my_table_rtf', JSField.RTF_AREA, 10, 340, 100, 50);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to spinner. The field will show a spinner.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var spinner = form.newField('my_spinner', JSField.SPINNER, 10, 460, 100, 20);
spinner.valuelist = vlist;


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to text area. The field will show text on multiple lines.

Type Number


var tarea = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 10, 400, 100, 50);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to text field. The field will show regular text on a single line.

Type Number


var tfield = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 460, 100, 20);


Constant for specifying the display type of a JSField. Sets the display type of the field to type ahead. The field will show regular text, but will have type ahead capabilities.

Type Number


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var tahead = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TYPE_AHEAD, 10, 490, 100, 20);
tahead.valuelist = vlist;

Properties Detailed


Enables a component to stick to a specific side of form and/or to grow or shrink when a window is resized.

If opposite anchors are activated then the component with grow or shrink with the window. For example if Top and Bottom are activated, then the component will grow/shrink when the window is vertically resized. If Left and Right are activated then the component will grow/shrink when the window is horizontally resized.

If opposite anchors are not activated, then the component will keep a constant distance from the sides of the window which correspond to the activated anchors.

Type Number


var form = solutionModel.newForm('mediaForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var strechAllDirectionsLabel = form.newLabel('Strech all directions', 10, 10, 380, 280);
strechAllDirectionsLabel.background = 'red';
strechAllDirectionsLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.ALL;
var strechVerticallyLabel = form.newLabel('Strech vertically', 10, 10, 190, 280);
strechVerticallyLabel.background = 'green';
strechVerticallyLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.WEST | SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.SOUTH;
var strechHorizontallyLabel = form.newLabel('Strech horizontally', 10, 10, 380, 140);
strechHorizontallyLabel.background = 'blue';
strechHorizontallyLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.WEST | SM_ANCHOR.EAST;
var stickToTopLeftCornerLabel = form.newLabel('Stick to top-left corner', 10, 10, 200, 100);
stickToTopLeftCornerLabel.background = 'orange';
stickToTopLeftCornerLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.NORTH | SM_ANCHOR.WEST; // This is equivalent to SM_ANCHOR.DEFAULT
var stickToBottomRightCornerLabel = form.newLabel('Stick to bottom-right corner', 190, 190, 200, 100);
stickToBottomRightCornerLabel.background = 'pink';
stickToBottomRightCornerLabel.anchors = SM_ANCHOR.SOUTH | SM_ANCHOR.EAST;


The background color of the component.

Type String


// This property can be used on all types of components.
// Here it is illustrated only for labels and fields.
var greenLabel = form.newLabel('Green',10,10,100,50);
greenLabel.background = 'green'; // Use generic names for colors.
var redField = form.newField('parent_table_text',JSField.TEXT_FIELD,10,110,100,30);
redField.background = '#FF0000'; // Use RGB codes for colors.


The type, color and style of border of the component.

Type String


//HINT: To know exactly the notation of this property set it in the designer and then read it once out through the solution model.
var field = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.borderType = solutionModel.createLineBorder(1,'#ff0000');


CSS position is a replacement for anchoring system making it more intuitive to place a component. CSS position should be set on form, an absolute position form can either work with anchoring or with css position. This is only working in NGClient.

Type CSSPosition


var label = form.newLabel('Label', -1);


The dataprovider of the component.

Type String


// Normally the dataprovider is specified when a component is created.
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
// But it can be modified later if needed.
field.dataProviderID = 'parent_table_id';



Type Number


// The display type is specified when the field is created.
var cal = form.newField('my_table_date', JSField.CALENDAR, 10, 10, 100, 20);
// But it can be changed if needed.
cal.dataProviderID = 'my_table_text';
cal.displayType = JSField.TEXT_FIELD;


Flag that enables or disables merging of data inside components using tags (placeholders). Tags (or placeholders) are words surrounded by %% on each side. There are data tags and standard tags. Data tags consist in names of dataproviders surrounded by %%. Standard tags are a set of predefined tags that are made available by the system.

See the "Merging data" section for more details about tags.

The default value of this flag is "false", that is merging of data is disabled by default.

Type Boolean


var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
field.displaysTags = true;


Flag that tells if the content of the field can be edited or not. The default value of this flag is "true", that is the content can be edited.

Type Boolean


var field = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.editable = false;


The enable state of the component, default true.

Type Boolean


var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.enabled = false;


The font type of the component.

Type String


var label = form.newLabel('Text here', 10, 50, 100, 20);
label.fontType = solutionModel.createFont('Times New Roman',1,14);


The foreground color of the component.

Type String


// This property can be used on all types of components.
// Here it is illustrated only for labels and fields.
var labelWithBlueText = form.newLabel('Blue text', 10, 10, 100, 30);
labelWithBlueText.foreground = 'blue'; // Use generic names for colors.
var fieldWithYellowText = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 50, 100, 20);
fieldWithYellowText.foreground = '#FFFF00'; // Use RGB codes for colors.


The Z index of this component. If two components overlap, then the component with higher Z index is displayed above the component with lower Z index.

Type Number


var labelBelow = form.newLabel('Green', 10, 10, 100, 50);
labelBelow.background = 'green';
labelBelow.formIndex = 10;
var fieldAbove = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 30);
fieldAbove.background = '#FF0000';
fieldAbove.formIndex = 20;


The format that should be applied when displaying the data in the component. There are different options for the different dataprovider types that are assigned to this field. For Integer fields, there is a display and an edit format, using http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/DecimalFormat.html and the max (string) length can be set. For Text/String fields, there are options to force uppercase,lowercase or only numbers. Or a mask can be set that restrict the input the pattern chars can be found here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/swing/text/MaskFormatter.html A mask can have a placehoder (what is shown when there is no data) and if the data must be stored raw (without literals of the mask). A max text length can also be set to force the max text length input, this doesn't work on mask because that max length is controlled with the mask. For Date fields a display and edit format can be set by using a pattern from here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html, you can also say this must behave like a mask (the edit format) A mask only works with when the edit format is exactly that mask (1 char is 1 number/char), because for example MM then only 2 numbers are allowed MMM that displays the month as a string is not supported as a mask. Some examples are "dd-MM-yyyy", "MM-dd-yyyy", etc. The format property is also used to set the UI Converter, this means that you can convert the value object to something else before it gets set into the field, this can also result in a type change of the data. So a string in scripting/db is converted to a integer in the ui, then you have to set an integer format. This property is applicable only for types: TEXT_FIELD, COMBOBOX, TYPE_AHEAD, CALENDAR and SPINNER.

Type String


var field = form.newField('my_table_number', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.format = '$#.00';


A String representing a group ID for this component. If several components have the same group ID then they belong to the same group of components. Using the group itself, all components can be disabled/enabled or made invisible/visible. The group id should be a javascript compatible identifier to allow access of the group in scripting.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var label = form.newLabel('Green', 10, 10, 100, 20);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
label.groupID = 'someGroup';
field.groupID = 'someGroup';
forms['someForm'].elements.someGroup.enabled = false;


The height in pixels of the component.

Type Number


var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original width: ' + field.width);
application.output('original height: ' + field.height);
field.width = 200;
field.height = 100;
application.output('modified width: ' + field.width);
application.output('modified height: ' + field.height);


Horizontal alignment of the text inside the component. Can be one of LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.

Note that this property does not refer to the horizontal alignment of the component inside the form.

Type Number


var leftAlignedLabel = form.newLabel('LEFT', 10, 10, 300, 20);
leftAlignedLabel.horizontalAlignment = SM_ALIGNMENT.LEFT;
var hCenteredLabel = form.newLabel('CENTER', 10, 40, 300, 20);
hCenteredLabel.horizontalAlignment = SM_ALIGNMENT.CENTER;
var rightAlignedLabel = form.newLabel('RIGHT', 10, 70, 300, 20);
rightAlignedLabel.horizontalAlignment = SM_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT;


The margins of the component. They are specified in this order, separated by commas: top, left, bottom, right.

Type String


var label = form.newLabel('Label', 10, 10, 150, 150);
label.background = 'yellow';
label.margin = '10,20,30,40';


The name of the component. Through this name it can also accessed in methods. Must be a valid javascript name. (no - in the name or start with number)

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 620, 300);
var label = form.newLabel('Label', 10, 10, 150, 150);
label.name = 'myLabel'; // Give a name to the component.
// Now use the name to access the component.
forms['someForm'].elements['myLabel'].text = 'Updated text';


The method that is executed when the component is clicked.

Type JSMethod


var doNothingMethod = form.newMethod('function doNothing() { application.output("Doing nothing."); }');
var onClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onClick(event) { application.output("I was clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onDoubleClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onDoubleClick(event) { application.output("I was double-clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onRightClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onRightClick(event) { application.output("I was right-clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
// At creation the button has the 'doNothing' method as onClick handler, but we'll change that later.
var btn = form.newButton('I am a button', 10, 40, 200, 20, doNothingMethod);
btn.onAction = onClickMethod;
btn.onDoubleClick = onDoubleClickMethod;
btn.onRightClick = onRightClickMethod;


Method that is executed when the data in the component is successfully changed.

Type JSMethod


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 620, 300);
var onDataChangeMethod = form.newMethod('function onDataChange(oldValue, newValue, event) { application.output("Data changed from " + oldValue + " to " + newValue + " at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.onDataChange = onDataChangeMethod;


The method that is executed when the component gains focus. NOTE: Do not call methods that will influence the focus itself.

Type JSMethod


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 620, 300);
var onFocusLostMethod = form.newMethod('function onFocusLost(event) { application.output("Focus lost at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onFocusGainedMethod = form.newMethod('function onFocusGained(event) { application.output("Focus gained at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.onFocusGained = onFocusGainedMethod;
field.onFocusLost = onFocusLostMethod;


The method that is executed when the component looses focus.

Type JSMethod


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 620, 300);
var onFocusLostMethod = form.newMethod('function onFocusLost(event) { application.output("Focus lost at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onFocusGainedMethod = form.newMethod('function onFocusGained(event) { application.output("Focus gained at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.onFocusGained = onFocusGainedMethod;
field.onFocusLost = onFocusLostMethod;


The method that is executed when the component is right clicked.

Type JSMethod


var doNothingMethod = form.newMethod('function doNothing() { application.output("Doing nothing."); }');
var onClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onClick(event) { application.output("I was clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onDoubleClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onDoubleClick(event) { application.output("I was double-clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
var onRightClickMethod = form.newMethod('function onRightClick(event) { application.output("I was right-clicked at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');
// At creation the button has the 'doNothing' method as onClick handler, but we'll change that later.
var btn = form.newButton('I am a button', 10, 40, 200, 20, doNothingMethod);
btn.onAction = onClickMethod;
btn.onDoubleClick = onDoubleClickMethod;
btn.onRightClick = onRightClickMethod;


The text that is displayed in field when the field doesn't have a text value.

Type String


field.placeholderText = 'Search';


Scrollbar options for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars. Each of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars can be configured to display all the time, to display only when needed or to never display.

Type Number


var noScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 10, 10, 100, 100);
var neededScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 120, 10, 100, 100);
var alwaysScrollbars = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_AREA, 230, 10, 100, 100);


Flag that tells if the content of the field should be automatically selected when the field receives focus. The default value of this field is "false".

Type Boolean


// Create two fields and set one of them to have "selectOnEnter" true. As you tab
// through the fields you can notice how the text inside the second field gets
// automatically selected when the field receives focus.
var fieldNoSelect = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var fieldSelect = form.newField('my_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
fieldSelect.selectOnEnter = true;


The name of the style class that should be applied to this component.

When defining style classes for specific component types, their names must be prefixed according to the type of the component. For example in order to define a class names 'fancy' for fields, in the style definition the class must be named 'field.fancy'. If it would be intended for labels, then it would be named 'label.fancy'. When specifying the class name for a component, the prefix is dropped however. Thus the field or the label will have its styleClass property set to 'fancy' only.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var style = solutionModel.newStyle('myStyle','field.fancy { background-color: yellow; }');
form.styleName = 'myStyle'; // First set the style on the form.
field.styleClass = 'fancy'; // Then set the style class on the field.


An index that specifies the position of the component in the tab sequence. The components are put into the tab sequence in increasing order of this property. A value of 0 means to use the default mechanism of building the tab sequence (based on their location on the form). A value of -2 means to remove the component from the tab sequence.

Type Number


// Create three fields. Based on how they are placed, by default they will come one
// after another in the tab sequence.
var fieldOne = form.newField('parent_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
var fieldTwo = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 40, 100, 20);
var fieldThree = form.newField('parent_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 70, 100, 20);
// Set the third field come before the first in the tab sequence, and remove the 
// second field from the tab sequence.
fieldOne.tabSeq = 2;
fieldTwo.tabSeq = SM_DEFAULTS.IGNORE;
fieldThree.tabSeq = 1;


The text that is displayed in the column header associated with the component when the form is in table view.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('someForm', 'db:/example_data/my_table', null, false, 640, 480);
var field = form.newField('my_table_number', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.titleText = 'Column Title';
form.view = JSForm.LOCKED_TABLE_VIEW;


The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor. NOTE: HTML should be used for multi-line tooltips; you can also use any valid HTML tags to format tooltip text. For example: <html>This includesbolded text and <font color='blue'>BLUE</font> text as well.</html>

Type String


var label = form.newLabel('Stop the mouse over me!', 10, 10, 200, 20);
label.toolTipText = 'I\'m the tooltip. Do you see me?';


Flag that tells if the component is transparent or not.

The default value is "false", that is the components are not transparent.

Type Boolean


// Load an image from disk an create a Media object based on it.
var imageBytes = plugins.file.readFile('d:/ball.jpg');
var media = solutionModel.newMedia('ball.jpg', imageBytes);
// Put on the form a label with the image.
var image = form.newLabel('', 10, 10, 100, 100);
image.imageMedia = media;
// Put two fields over the image. The second one will be transparent and the
// image will shine through.
var nonTransparentField = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 20, 100, 20);
var transparentField = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 50, 100, 20);
transparentField.transparent = true;


The valuelist that is used by this field when displaying data. Can be used with fields of type CHECKS, COMBOBOX, RADIOS and TYPE_AHEAD.

Type JSValueList


var vlist = solutionModel.newValueList('options', JSValueList.CUSTOM_VALUES);
vlist.customValues = "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour";
var cmb = form.newField('my_table_options', JSField.COMBOBOX, 10, 100, 100, 20);
cmb.valuelist = vlist;


The visible property of the component, default true.

Type Boolean


var form = solutionModel.newForm('printForm', 'db:/example_data/parent_table', null, false, 400, 300);
var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
field.visible = false;


The width in pixels of the component.

Type Number


var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original width: ' + field.width);
application.output('original height: ' + field.height);
field.width = 200;
field.height = 100;
application.output('modified width: ' + field.width);
application.output('modified height: ' + field.height);


The x coordinate of the component on the form.

Type Number


var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);
field.x = 90;
field.y = 90;
application.output('changed location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);


The y coordinate of the component on the form.

Type Number


var field = form.newField('parent_table_text', JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 10, 10, 100, 20);
application.output('original location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);
field.x = 90;
field.y = 90;
application.output('changed location: ' + field.x + ', ' + field.y);

Methods Detailed


Get the value of an attribute of the element.


  • String name the name of the attribute

Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
var attributes = fld.getAttributes();
for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)


Returns the attribute names of an element.

Returns: Array


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
var attributes = fld.getAttributes();
for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)


Returns the comment of this component.

Returns: String


var comment = solutionModel.getForm("my_form").getButton("my_button").getComment();


Get a design-time property of an element.


  • String key the name of the property

Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
var prop = fld.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')


Get the design-time properties of an element.

Returns: Array


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
var propNames = fld.getDesignTimePropertyNames()


Returns the name of the form. (may be empty string as well)

Returns: String The name of the form.


var name = myElement.getFormName();


Returns the UUID of this component.

Returns: UUID


var button_uuid = solutionModel.getForm("my_form").getButton("my_button").getUUID();

putDesignTimeProperty(key, value)

Set a design-time property of an element. Value should be primitive data (string, boolean or number). Complex values should be stringified before call.


  • String key the name of the property

  • Object value the value to store

Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
fld.putDesignTimeProperty('myprop', 'strawberry')


Remove the attribute of an element.


  • String name the name of the attribute

Returns: String the deleted attribute value


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')


Clear a design-time property of an element.


  • String key the name of the property

Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')

setAttribute(name, value)

Set the attribute value of an element.


  • String name the name of the attribute

  • String value the value of the attribute

Returns: void


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var fld = frm.getField('fld')
fld.setAttribute('keylistener', 'callback')

Last updated

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