

The IScriptObject representation of a file, either local, remote or web.

Methods Summarized


Returns true if the file exists and is readable (has access to it) - works on remote files too.

Returns true if the file exists and can be modified - works on remote files too.

Creates the file on disk if needed.

Deletes the file from the disk if possible.

Returns true if the file/directory exists on the filesystem - works on remote files too.

Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.

Returns a String representation of the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.

Gets the contents (bytes) for the file data.

Returns the contenttype of this file, like for example 'application/pdf' - works on remote files too.

Returns the name of the file.

Returns the String representation of the path of the parent of this file - works on remote files too.

Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the parent of this file - works on remote files too.

Returns a String holding the path to the file - works on remote files too.

Returns true if the path is absolute.

Returns true if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Returns true if the file is a file and not a regular file - works on remote files too.

Returns true if the file is hidden (a file system attribute) - works on remote files too.

Returns the time/date of the last modification on the file - works on remote files too.

Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Returns an array of JSFiles naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Creates a directory on disk if possible.

Creates a directory on disk, together with all its parent directories, if possible.

Renames the file to a different name.

Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided Will not create a new file if one doesn't exist

Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided

Sets the date/time of the last modification on the file.

Sets the readonly attribute of the file/directory.

Returns the size in bytes of the file.

Methods Detailed


Returns true if the file exists and is readable (has access to it) - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns true if the file exists and can be modified - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Creates the file on disk if needed. Returns true if the file (name) did not already exists and had to be created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to stream a file.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
if (!f.exists())


Deletes the file from the disk if possible. Returns true if the file could be deleted. If the file is a directory, then it must be empty in order to be deleted - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
if (f && f.exists())


Returns true if the file/directory exists on the filesystem - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.

Returns: JSFile


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


Returns a String representation of the absolute form of this pathname - works on remote files too.

Returns: String


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Gets the contents (bytes) for the file data.

Returns: Array


var theFile = plugins.file.showFileOpenDialog();
application.output('The file size in bytes: ' + theFile.getBytes());


Returns the contenttype of this file, like for example 'application/pdf' - works on remote files too.

Returns: String


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns the name of the file. The name consists in the last part of the file path - works on remote files too.

Returns: String


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns the String representation of the path of the parent of this file - works on remote files too.

Returns: String


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


Returns a JSFile instance that corresponds to the parent of this file - works on remote files too.

Returns: JSFile


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
application.output('parent folder: ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParent());
application.output('parent folder has ' + f.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().listFiles().length + ' entries');


Returns a String holding the path to the file - works on remote files too.

Returns: String


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns true if the path is absolute. The path is absolute if it starts with '/' on Unix/Linux/MacOS or has a driver letter on Windows - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns true if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns true if the file is a file and not a regular file - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns true if the file is hidden (a file system attribute) - works on remote files too.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns the time/date of the last modification on the file - works on remote files too.

Returns: Date


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');


Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Returns: Array


var d = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('plugins');
// or for a remote file:
// var d = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/plugins');
var names = d.list();
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++)
var files = d.listFiles();
application.output('Absolute paths:');
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++)


Returns an array of JSFiles naming the files and directories located inside the file, if the file is a directory - works on remote files too.

Returns: Array


var d = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('plugins');
// or for a remote file:
// var d = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/plugins');
var names = d.list();
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++)
var files = d.listFiles();
application.output('Absolute paths:');
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++)


Creates a directory on disk if possible. Returns true if a new directory was created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to create the directory instead.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four');
f.mkdirs(); // Create all four levels of folders in one step.
var g = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four/five');
g.mkdir(); // This will work because all parent folders are already created.


Creates a directory on disk, together with all its parent directories, if possible. Returns true if the hierarchy of directories is created - for remote, use the streamFilesToServer to create the directories instead.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four');
f.mkdirs(); // Create all four levels of folders in one step.
var g = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('one/two/three/four/five');
g.mkdir(); // This will work because all parent folders are already created.


Renames the file to a different name. Returns true if the file could be renamed - works on remote files too.


Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/story.txt');
// f.renameTo('/otherstory.txt');


Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided Will not create a new file if one doesn't exist


Returns: Boolean true if the operation worked


var file = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('/pathTo/file.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var file = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/remotePathTo/file.jpg');
var success = file.setBytes(blobDataProvider, true);

setBytes(bytes, createFile)

Set the content of the file (local or remote) to the bytes provided


  • Array bytes the data

  • Boolean createFile true to create a file if it doesn't exist

Returns: Boolean true if the operation worked


var file = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('/pathTo/file.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var file = plugins.file.convertToRemoteJSFile('/remotePathTo/file.jpg');
var success = file.setBytes(blobDataProvider, true);


Sets the date/time of the last modification on the file.


Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('story.txt');
// Make the file look old.
f.setLastModified(new Date(1999, 5, 21));


Sets the readonly attribute of the file/directory. Returns true on success.

Returns: Boolean


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('invoice.txt');
plugins.file.writeTXTFile(f, 'important data that should not be changed');


Returns the size in bytes of the file. Returns 0 if the file does not exist on disk - works on remote files too.

Returns: Number


var f = plugins.file.convertToJSFile('./big.jpg');
// or for a remote file:
// var f = plugins.convertToRemoteJSFile('/images/big.jpg');
if (f && f.exists()) {
	application.output('is absolute: ' + f.isAbsolute());
	application.output('is dir: ' + f.isDirectory());
	application.output('is file: ' + f.isFile());
	application.output('is hidden: ' + f.isHidden());
	application.output('can read: ' + f.canRead());
	application.output('can write: ' + f.canWrite());
	application.output('last modified: ' + f.lastModified());
	application.output('name: ' + f.getName());
	application.output('path: ' + f.getPath());
	application.output('absolute path: ' + f.getAbsolutePath());
	application.output('content type: ' + f.getContentType());
	application.output('size: ' + f.size());
else {
	application.output('File/folder not found.');

Last updated