
User manual for Servoy Developer Project Menu item


This menu item includes options for opening, closing, building, and cleaning projects, as well as managing project properties and automating builds.

Eclipse organizes different code sets into projects. In Servoy Developer, there are the following projects:

  • Resource projects - these projects store information about databases, styles, users, and i18n data.

  • Solution projects - all solutions are stored in separate projects in Servoy Developer

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available via clicking on this menu item:


Opens an existing project

Closes the currently active project

Compiles all projects in the workspace

Compiles the current project

Compiles a specified working set of projects

Cleans the project, removing derived resources

Toggles automatic building of projects

Opens the Project Properties configurator

Commands Details

The details for each command available via clicking on this menu item:

Open Project

Opens an existing project in the workspace. This command is used to load a project so you can view, edit, and manage its resources. It typically involves selecting a project from a list or specifying a project location.

Close Project

Closes the currently active project, freeing up resources and reducing clutter in the workspace.

Build All

keybinding: Ctrl+B Compiles all projects in the workspace. This command ensures that all code and resources across all projects are up to date and free of compilation errors. It is useful for large-scale changes affecting multiple projects.

Build Project

Compiles the current project, generating any necessary build artifacts such as class files, binaries, or packaged solutions. This command is essential for verifying that the project code is correct and ready for deployment or further testing.

Build Working Set

Compiles a specified working set of projects. A working set is a subset of projects within the workspace that you can define based on your current task or focus. This command helps manage and compile only those projects you are actively working on. It has one sub-menu item:

  • Select Working Set...: Opens a dialog to select or define the working set of projects you want to build.


Cleans the project by removing all derived resources and forcing a full rebuild. This command is useful for resolving issues related to corrupted build artifacts or ensuring that all components are freshly compiled from source. Besides the Clean all projects option, the user has the possibility to choose which project to clean by selecting it from a list.

Build Automatically

Toggles automatic building of projects whenever changes are made. When enabled, any modifications to the project code or resources will trigger an automatic build, ensuring that the build state is always up to date. This setting is enabled by default.


Opens the Project Properties configurator for the current project, allowing you to view and modify project-specific settings such as build configurations, resource paths, and other project metadata.

Last updated

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