

The servoy solution is equivalent to a "project". It is the unit that holds your UI and bussiness logic. A main solution can use modules (other solutions that are of the module type); in this way you can better organize your work.

Properties Summarized


Additional information, such as programmer notes about this model object's purpose.

The first form that loads when a solution is deployed.

The i18n database server connection and database table that stores the i18n keys for a solution.

The name of the login form that loads when a solution is deployed.

Get the first module that is also a login solution.

The list of modules that have been added to a solution.

Flag that tells if authentication is needed in order to access the solution.

The type of a solution; can be "Normal" (non-module), "Module", "Web client only (deprecated)", "Smart client only (deprecated)", "Login", "Authenticator", "Pre-import hook module", "Post-import hook module", "Mobile", "Mobile shared module", "NG Client", "NG Module", "Service".

The custom CSS used by the solution (a MEDIA lib entry).

The direction that text is displayed.

The menu bar title of a solution.

This is the version of the solution, this can be any kind of string but try to follow "Semantic Versioning".

Events Summarized



The method that is executed when autosave results in validation or save failures.


The method that is to onOpen just that it executes before the login on solutions with a login form (not login soliution).

The method that is executed when a solution closes.


Method that is executed when data broadcast occurs.

The method that is executed when a solution opens and an error occurs.


The method that is executed when a solution opens.

Properties Detailed


Additional information, such as programmer notes about this model object's purpose.

Type String


The first form that loads when a solution is deployed.

NOTE: If the Login form is specified, then the firstForm is the first form that will load next after the loginForm.

Type Number


The i18n database server connection and database table that stores the i18n keys for a solution.

Type String


The name of the login form that loads when a solution is deployed.

Type Number


Get the first module that is also a login solution.

Type String


The list of modules that have been added to a solution.

Type String


Flag that tells if authentication is needed in order to access the solution. If unchecked, the Smart Client will always require authentication, regardless of this setting. If checked, authentication is required, and either a provided loginSolution or otherwise the default Servoy login mechanism will be used. If default Servoy login mechanism is used, the "servoy.webclient.basic.authentication" setting on the Admin Page can be used to enable the use of the standard browser basic authentication.

Type Boolean


The type of a solution; can be "Normal" (non-module), "Module", "Web client only (deprecated)", "Smart client only (deprecated)", "Login", "Authenticator", "Pre-import hook module", "Post-import hook module", "Mobile", "Mobile shared module", "NG Client", "NG Module", "Service".

Type Number


The custom CSS used by the solution (a MEDIA lib entry). It can reference other media resources (even additional .css through relative '@import' statements). For NGClient - this CSS will be available directly in the browser.

Type Number


The direction that text is displayed.

Options include: DEFAULT left to right right to left locale specific

Type Number


The menu bar title of a solution.

Type String


This is the version of the solution, this can be any kind of string but try to follow "Semantic Versioning". This version is important when you are making modules that are distributed by the Servoy Package Manager. Then this version is used to know what the developer has installed. This version should be in sync then with the webpackage.json file.

Type String

Events Detailed


The method that is executed when autosave results in validation or save failures. This is not called for save or validate calls that are triggered from javascript itself (databaseManager.saveData()), only when Servoy tries an auto save because of some event like user clicking on the form itself or foundset selection change.


  • JSRecordMarkers[] recordMarkers an array of all the record markers that failed to validate or save.

Returns: void


The method that is to onOpen just that it executes before the login on solutions with a login form (not login soliution). The default is -none-.


  • Object<Array<String>|String> queryParams all query parameters of the deeplink url with which the Client was started, key>string if there was one value else key>Array<String>

Returns: void


The method that is executed when a solution closes. The default is -none-.


  • Boolean force if false then solution close can be stopped by returning false

Returns: Boolean

onDataBroadcast(dataSource, action, pks, cached)

Method that is executed when data broadcast occurs. The default is -none-.


  • String dataSource table data source

  • Number action see SQL_ACTION_TYPES constants

  • JSDataSet pks affected primary keys

  • Boolean cached data was cached

Returns: void


The method that is executed when a solution opens and an error occurs. The default is -none.


Returns: Boolean

onOpen(arg, queryParams)

The method that is executed when a solution opens. The default is -none-.


  • String arg startup argument part of the deeplink url with which the Client was started

  • Object<Array<String>|String> queryParams all query parameters of the deeplink url with which the Client was started, key>string if there was one value else key>Array<String>

Returns: void

Last updated