

The IScriptTabPanelMethods is a scripting interface for RuntimeTabPanel. Combines (deprecated) script methods and java api (IRuntimeTabPanel).



Properties Summarized


Gets or sets the background color of a field.

Gets or sets the border attribute(s) of a specified element.

Gets or sets the enabled state of a specified field, also known as "grayed".

Gets or sets the foreground color of a field.

Gets or sets the font name, style, and size of an element.

Gets or sets the editable/read-only state of a field; true - read-only; false - editable; ! - the editable/read-only state is inverted (the opposite).

Gets or sets the selected tab index for the specified tabpanel.

Gets or sets the tool tip text of an element; text displays when the mouse cursor hovers over an element.

Gets or sets the transparency of an element; true - transparent; false - not transparent.

Gets or sets the visibility of an element; true - visible; false - not visible; ! - the visibility state is inverted (the opposite).

Methods Summarized



Adds a style to the styleClass property.

Returns the absolute form (designed) Y location.

Gets the specified client property for the element based on a key.

Get the design-time properties of an element.

Get a design-time property of an element.

Returns the type of a specified element.

Returns the name of the form.

Returns the height of the current element.

Returns the x location of the current element.

Returns the y location of the current element.

Returns the maximum tab index for a specified tabpanel.

Returns the mnemonic for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the name of an element.

Returns the foreground color for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the form name for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the name - the "name" design time property value - for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the relation name for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the text for a specified tab of a tabpanel.

Returns the width of the current element.


Check if an element already have a style from the styleClass property.

Returns the enabled status of a specified tab in a tabpanel.


Sets the value for the specified element client property key.

Removes all tabs for a specified tabpanel.


Removes a style from the styleClass property.

Removes a specified tab in a tabpanel; can be based on a relation or relationless.


Sets the location of an element.


Sets the mnemonic for a specified tab in a tabpanel.


Sets the size of an element.


Sets the status of a specified tab in a tabpanel.


Sets the foreground color for a specified tab in a tabpanel.


Sets the text for a specified tab in a tabpanel.

Properties Detailed


Gets or sets the background color of a field. The color has to be set using the hexadecimal RGB value as used in HTML. It only returns it's correct value if it was explicitly set.

Type String


//sets the background color of the field
myElement.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
//gets the background color of the field
var c = myElement.bgcolor;


Gets or sets the border attribute(s) of a specified element.

The border attributes:

borderType - EmptyBorder, EtchedBorder, BevelBorder, LineBorder, TitleBorder, MatteBorder, SpecialMatteBorder. size - (numeric value) for: bottom, left, right, top. color - (hexadecimal value) for: bottom, left, right, top. dash pattern - (numeric value) for selected side(s). rounding radius - (numeric value) for selected side(s).

It only returns it's correct value if it was explicitly set.

NOTE: Use the same value(s) and order of attribute(s) from the element design time property "borderType".

Type String


//sets the border type to "LineBorder"
//sets a 1 px line width for the bottom and left side of the border
//sets the hexadecimal color of the border to "#ccffcc"
myElement.border = 'LineBorder,1,#ccffcc';


Gets or sets the enabled state of a specified field, also known as "grayed". true - enabled; false - not enabled; ! - the enabled state is inverted (the opposite).

NOTE: A disabled element cannot be selected by clicking the element (or by pressing the TAB key even if this option is supported by the operating system).

NOTE: A label or button element will not disable if the "displayType" design time property for a field is set to HTML_AREA.

NOTE: The disabled "grayed" color is dependent on the LAF set in the Servoy Client Application Preferences. For more information see Preferences: Look And Feel in the Servoy Developer User's Guide.

Type Boolean


//gets the enabled state of the field
var currState = myElement.enabled;

//sets the enabled state of the field
myElement.enabled = !currentState;


Gets or sets the foreground color of a field. The color has to be set using the hexadecimal RGB value as used in HTML. It only returns it's correct value if it was explicitly set.

Type String


//sets the foreground color of the field