
User manual for Servoy Developer Edit Menu item


This menu item contains all Edit related commands.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available via clicking on this menu item:


Reverses the last action made on the active view/editor

Reverses the last Undo action

Removes and copies the selected item to the clipboard

Copies the selected item to the clipboard

Inserts clipboard content at the cursor position.

Removes the selected item.

Selects the entire content of the active editor

Switches between standard and block selection modes

Enables multi-selection mode

Finds the next occurrence of the search term

Finds the previous occurrence of the search term

Searches incrementally and finds the next occurrence

Searches incrementally and finds the previous occurrence

Adds a bookmark for quick navigation

Toggles smart insert mode for code formatting

Displays a tooltip with item details

Provides code completion suggestions

Provides a context insensitive word completion

Displays suggested actions

Commands Details

The details for each command available via clicking on this menu item:


keybinding: Ctrl+Z Reverses the last action you performed on the active view/editor. This command is useful for correcting mistakes or reversing unintended changes.


keybinding: Ctrl+Y Reverses the last Undo action. If you accidentally undo an action, you can use redo to restore it. This command works sequentially, allowing you to redo multiple actions if needed.


keybinding: Ctrl+X Removes the selected text or item and places it on the clipboard, so it can be pasted elsewhere. This is useful for moving content within or between editors.


keybinding: Ctrl+C Copies the selected text or item to the clipboard without removing it from its current location.


keybinding: Ctrl+V Inserts the content from the clipboard at the current cursor position or replaces the selected content. This command is often used in conjunction with cut or copy.


keybinding: Delete Removes the selected text or item from the editor without placing it on the clipboard.

Select All

keybinding: Ctrl+A Selects all text or items in the current editor. This command is useful for applying changes to the entire document, such as formatting or copying all content.

Toggle Block Selection

keybinding: Alt+Shift+A Switches the selection mode between standard text selection and block (column) selection. Block selection is useful for editing columns of text or making rectangular selections in the document. This feature allows users to select a block of text (column select) and make identical changes to each line. The selected block of text can then be replaced with new code parts, with the user typing only once.

To multi-selection

Enables multi-selection mode, allowing you to select multiple items or text blocks simultaneously. This is useful for performing bulk actions or edits on non-contiguous sections of text or items.


keybinding: Ctrl+F Opens the Find/Replace wizard.

Find Next

keybinding: Ctrl+K Finds the next occurrence of the search term within the editor. This command continues the search from the current cursor position. Works together with Find/Replace mode.

Find Previous

keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+K Finds the previous occurrence of the search term within the editor. This command searches backwards from the current cursor position. Works together with Find/Replace mode.

Incremental Find Next

keybinding: Ctrl+J Searches incrementally as you type and finds the next occurrence of the search term. This command is useful for quickly locating text without opening the full find dialog.

Incremental Find Previous

keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+J Searches incrementally as you type and finds the previous occurrence of the search term. This command is useful for quickly locating text in reverse order.

Add Bookmark

Adds a bookmark at the current cursor position, allowing you to quickly navigate to this location later. Bookmarks are useful for marking important sections of your code.

Add Task

Opens the Add Task wizard, where you can add a task at the current cursor position. Tasks can be used for TODOs, reminders, or marking sections of code that need further attention.

Smart Insert Mode

keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+Insert Toggles smart insert mode, which can assist with auto-indentation, auto-completion, and other code formatting features. This mode helps maintain consistent code style. It is enabled by default.

Color Chooser

Opens the Color Chooser wizard. After a color is selected, the color code is inserted into the editor.

Font Chooser

Opens the Font Chooser wizard. After a font is configured, the font information is inserted into the editor.

Show Tooltip Description

keybinding: F2 Displays a tooltip with a description of the item under the cursor. This command is useful for quickly accessing documentation or details about a code element.

Content Assist

Provides code completion suggestions based on the current context. This command can improve coding efficiency by suggesting method names, variables, and other code elements. Opens a sub-list of available items:

  • Default: shows a list of template proposals, when applicable; keybinding: Ctrl+Space

  • JSDoc Proposals: shows suggestions based on JSDoc comments

  • Type Proposals: shows suggestions based on variable types

  • Template Proposals: shows code templates and snippets, if available

  • Parameter Hints: shows hints for method parameters; keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+Space

Word Completion

keybinding: Alt+/ Provides a context insensitive word completion. This command is useful for quickly finishing variable names, methods, or other identifiers.

Quick Fix

keybinding: Ctrl+1 Displays suggested actions. Provides quick fixes for issues in the code, such as auto-correcting errors or applying suggested improvements. This command can help maintain code quality and reduce errors.

Set Encoding

Opens the Set Encoding wizard to specify the character encoding for the file. This is important for ensuring that text is correctly interpreted and displayed, especially when sharing files between different systems.

Last updated

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