Client Utils


Return Types


Methods Summary

Methods Details


Creates a blob loader url that can be sent to the browser so that it can download the value of the given dataprovider. The dataprovider is mandatory, but also a datasource or server/tablename combination should be given if it points to a database column.

The build() method will return the url that can be sent to the browser inside a piece of html.

Parameters String dataprovider the dataprovider who's value should be sent to the browser (it can be a global scope variable or a datasource column)

Returns JSBlobLoaderBuilder


// server/table column
var tableName = 'pdf_documents';
var columnName = 'invoice_doc';
var mimeType = 'application/pdf';
var bloburl1 = clientutils.createUrlBlobloaderBuilder(columnName).serverAndTable("example_data", tableName).rowid(doc_id).filename(file_name).mimetype(mimeType).build();

// datasource based column
var bloburl2 = clientutils.createUrlBlobloaderBuilder("invoice_doc").datasource("db:/example_data/pdf_documents").rowid(doc_id).build();

// global var
var bloburl2 = clientutils.createUrlBlobloaderBuilder("scopes.sc1.profilePhoto").filename("profilePhoto.png").mimetype("application/png").build();


This generates a browser function for the given function string that can be executed in the browser by a component that needs a function for a certain property value. The resulting object should be assigned into a config/property object (where the property it typed as 'object'/'json'/'map' in the .spec) that is then assigned to a component. The component will receive this function as a real function object in TiNG (but still as a plain string that needs to be evalled in NG1).

This is needed because in TiNG it is not allowed - due to the Content Security Policy (CSP) that is enforced - to eval(string) in order to get a function object (that then can be executed later on).

This is a more dynamic variant of the .spec property type "clientfunction":

You do not need to use this for properties/arguments/return values that are declared to have "clientfunction" type in the .spec file, but rather for when you want to give it inside plain 'object' typed values. Starting with 2023.09, 'map' and 'json' property types (even nested if configured in the spec correctly) are supported.

Parameters String functionString The javascript function (given as a string) that should be running in the client's browser.

Returns Object An object that can be assigned to a property of an component or custom type. (but which is then nested/part of an object type)


var options = { myfunction: clientutils.generateBrowserFunction("function(param) { return param + 1 }") };
elements.component.options = options;


Get the media url that can be used to server a media in NGClient.

Parameters String mediaName Name of the media

Returns String



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