A View Foundset Datasource is a virtual table that loads data at runtime, often based on a QBSelect query object. It is useful for combining datasets from multiple tables, improving performance compared to standard relations, valuelists, or aggregates.
Creating View Foundset Datasources
View Foundset Datasources can be created in two ways:
Solution Explorer: Accessed via Datasources -> View foundsets -> Create view foundset in the Solution Explorer context menu. This opens the Table Editor for defining the datasource structure.
Runtime Creation: Created via
databaseManager.getViewFoundSet(String name, QBSelect query)
. This returns aViewFoundSet
object with essential operations likegetSize()
, andloadAllRecords()
, but it doesn’t supportfind()
Data Broadcast and Monitoring Changes
View Foundsets do not listen for databroadcast changes by default but can be enabled using viewfoundset.enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause queryTable, int flags)
. Available flags include:
MONITOR_COLUMNS: Tracks changes in specific columns.
MONITOR_JOIN_CONDITIONS: Listens for changes in join conditions.
MONITOR_WHERE_CONDITIONS: Tracks updates to WHERE clause columns.
MONITOR_INSERT: Monitors inserts, triggering a full query update.
MONITOR_DELETES: Tracks deletions, updating records as needed.
MONITOR_DELETES_FOR_PRIMARY_TABLE: Monitors primary table deletions more efficiently.
MONITOR_AGGREGATES: Observes changes impacting aggregates in the query.
Editable View Foundsets
A View Foundset can be made editable with save()
if the primary key (PK) is included in the QBSelect
. Data updates pause databroadcast refreshes until the records are committed.
Commands Summary
Create view foundset datasource: Opens the Table Editor.
Edit table/view: Edits the View Foundset structure via the Table Editor.
Delete View Foundset: Deletes the View Foundset.
Rename View Foundset: Renames the View Foundset.
For more details, refer to the View Foundset Datasource documentation in the Data modeling section.
Constants Summarized
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for changes in columns (selected) of the given datasource in the query that can affect aggregates.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for deletes on the given table/datasource.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for deletes on the given table/datasource which should be the primary/main table of this query.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for inserts on the given table/datasource.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource in the join statement - like order_lines.
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource that are used in the where statement - like order_lines.
Properties Summarized
Methods Summarized
Dispose and unregisters a view foundset from memory when is no longer needed.
Get a duplicate of the viewfoundset.
Databroadcast can be enabled per select table of a query, the select table can be the main QBSelect or on of it QBJoins By default this monitors only the column values that are in the result of the QBSelect, you can only enable this default monitoring for a table if for that table also the PK is selected in the results.
Enable the databroadcast for a specific table of the QBSelect or QBJoin with flags for looking for join or where criteria or deletes/inserts.
Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time.
Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time.
Get the last sort columns that were set using viewfoundset sort api.
Returns the datasource (view:name) for this ViewFoundSet.
Get the edited records of this view foundset.
Get the records which could not be saved.
Get foundset name.
Get the cloned query that created this ViewFoundSset (modifying this QBSelect will not change the foundset).
Get the ViewRecord object at the given index.
Get the ViewRecord from the primary key values.
Get the index of a record object inside a foundset
Get the record index.
Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset.
Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset.
Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect.
Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect.
Get the current record index of the foundset.
Get the indexes of the selected records.
Get the selected records.
Get the number of records in this viewfoundset.
Check whether the foundset has record changes.
Returns true if the viewfoundset has records.
This will reload the current set of ViewRecords in this foundset, resetting the chunk size back to the start (default 200).
Revert changes of all unsaved view records of the view foundset.
Revert changes of the provided view records.
Saves all records in the view foundset that have changes.
Saved a specific record of this foundset.
Set the current record index.
Set the selected records indexes.
Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string.
Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string.
Sorts the foundset based on the given record comparator function.
Validates the given record, it runs first the method that is attached to the entity event "onValidate".
Validates the given record, it runs first the method that is attached to the entity event "onValidate".
Constants Detailed
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for changes in columns (selected) of the given datasource in the query that can affect aggregates. This means that when there are deletes, inserts or updates on columns selected from that datasource, a full re-query will happen to refresh the aggregates.
IMPORTANT: in general, this flag should be set on (possible multiple) datasources from the query that have group by on their columns, and the columns don't contain the pk, or that have the actual aggregates on their columns (because all those could influence the value of aggregates).
For example (ignoring the fact that in a real-life situation these fields might not change), a view foundset based on this query:
SELECT orders.customerid, orders.orderdate, SUM(order_details.unitprice) FROM orders LEFT OUTER JOIN order_details ON orders.orderid = order_details.orderid GROUP BY orders.customerid, orders.orderdate ORDER BY orders.customerid asc, orders.orderdate desc
will want to enable databroadcast flag MONITOR_AGGREGATES on both "orders" (because if "orderdate" or "customerid" - that are used in GROUP BY - change/are corrected on a row, that row could move from one group to the other, affecting the SUM(order_details.unitprice) for the groups involved) and "order_details" (because if "unitprice" changes/is corrected, the aggregate will be affected).
But if the above query would also select the orders.odersid (and also group by that) then the orders row that you select for that sum will always be unique and only #MONITOR_COLUMNS has to be used for those - if needed.
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource. This is used by default if you just use enableDatabroadcastFor() without flags. If you use the one with the flags you need to give this one if you just want to listen to column changes that are in the result for a given datasource and pk.
This constants needs to have the pk's selected for the given datasource (should be in the results).
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for deletes on the given table/datasource. This will always result in a full query to detect changes whenever an delete on that table happens.
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for deletes on the given table/datasource which should be the primary/main table of this query. If a delete comes in for this table, then we will only remove the records from the ViewFoundSet that do have this primary key in its value. So no need to do a full query. So this will only work if the query shows order_lines for the order_lines table, not for the products table that is joined to get the product_name. Only 1 of the 2 monitors for deletes should be registered for a table/datasource.
This constants needs to have the pk's selected for the given datasource (should be in the results)
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen for inserts on the given table/datasource. This will always result in a full query to detect changes whenever an insert on that table happens.
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource in the join statement - like order_lines.productid that has a join to orders and is displaying the productname. If a change in such a join condition (like order_lines.productid in the sample above) is seen then the query will be fired again to detect changes.
Type Number
Constant for the flags in #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to listen also for column changes of the given table/datasource that are used in the where statement - like order_lines.unit_price > 100. If a change is seen on that datasource on such a column used in the where a full query will be fired again to detect changes.
Type Number
Type String
Properties Detailed
Type Boolean `true` if the ViewFoundSet supports selecting multiple records; `false` if only single selection is allowed.
Methods Detailed
Returns: Boolean boolean foundset was disposed
Get a duplicate of the viewfoundset. This is a full copy of the view foundset.
Returns: JSFoundSet foundset duplicate.
Databroadcast can be enabled per select table of a query, the select table can be the main QBSelect or on of it QBJoins By default this monitors only the column values that are in the result of the QBSelect, you can only enable this default monitoring for a table if for that table also the PK is selected in the results.
you can use #enableDatabroadcastFor(QBTableClause,int) to specify what should be monitored more besides pure column values per pk. Those have impact on performance because for the most part if we see a hit then a full query is done to see if there are changes.
QBTableClause queryTable The QBSelect or QBJoin of a full query where this foundset should listen for data changes.
Returns: void
enableDatabroadcastFor(queryTableclause, flags)
QBTableClause queryTableclause The QBSelect or QBJoin of a full query where this foundset should listen for data changes.
Number flags One or more of the ViewFoundSet.XXX flags added to each other.
Returns: void
Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time. It will dynamically load all records in the foundset (using Servoy lazy loading mechanism). If callback function returns a non null value the traversal will be stopped and that value is returned. If no value is returned all records of the foundset will be traversed. Foundset modifications( like sort, omit...) cannot be performed in the callback function. If foundset is modified an exception will be thrown. This exception will also happen if a refresh happens because of a rollback call for records on this datasource when iterating. When an exception is thrown from the callback function, the iteration over the foundset will be stopped.
Function callback The callback function to be called for each loaded record in the foundset. Can receive three parameters: the record to be processed, the index of the record in the foundset, and the foundset that is traversed.
Returns: Object Object the return value of the callback
forEach(callback, thisObject)
Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time. It will dynamically load all records in the foundset (using Servoy lazy loading mechanism). If callback function returns a non null value the traversal will be stopped and that value is returned. If no value is returned all records of the foundset will be traversed. Foundset modifications( like sort, omit...) cannot be performed in the callback function. If foundset is modified an exception will be thrown. This exception will also happen if a refresh happens because of a rollback call for records on this datasource when iterating. When an exception is thrown from the callback function, the iteration over the foundset will be stopped.
Function callback The callback function to be called for each loaded record in the foundset. Can receive three parameters: the record to be processed, the index of the record in the foundset, and the foundset that is traversed.
Object thisObject What the this object should be in the callback function (default it is the foundset)
Returns: Object Object the return value of the callback
Get the last sort columns that were set using viewfoundset sort api.s
Returns: String String sort columns
Returns the datasource (view:name) for this ViewFoundSet.
Returns: String the datasource string representing the ViewFoundSet, typically in the format "view:<name>".
Get the edited records of this view foundset.
Returns: Array an array of edited records
Get the records which could not be saved.
Returns: Array an array of failed records
Get foundset name. If foundset is not named foundset will return null.
Returns: String name.
Get the cloned query that created this ViewFoundSset (modifying this QBSelect will not change the foundset). The ViewFoundSets main query can't be altered after creation; you need to make a new ViewFoundSet for that (it can have the same datasource name).
Returns: QBSelect query.
Get the ViewRecord object at the given index. Argument "index" is 1 based (so first record is 1).
Number index record index (1 based).
Returns: JSRecord ViewRecord record.
Get the ViewRecord from the primary key values.
Array pk pk values as array
Returns: JSRecord ViewRecord record.
Get the index of a record object inside a foundset
JSRecord record the records object
Returns: Number the index or -1 if not present (anymore)
Get the record index. Will return -1 if the record can't be found.
JSRecord record Record
Returns: Number int index.
Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset. Optionally, the foundset and table filter params can be excluded in the sql (includeFilters=false).
Returns: String String representing the sql of the JSFoundset.
Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset. Optionally, the foundset and table filter params can be excluded in the sql (includeFilters=false).
Boolean includeFilters include the foundset and table filters [default true].
Returns: String String representing the sql of the JSFoundset.
Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect. Table filters are on by default.
Returns: Array An Array with the sql parameter values.
Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect. Table filters are on by default.
Boolean includeFilters include the foundset and table filters [default true].
Returns: Array An Array with the sql parameter values.
Get the current record index of the foundset.
Returns: Number int current index (1-based)
Get the indexes of the selected records. When the foundset is in multiSelect mode (see property multiSelect), a selection can consist of more than one index.
Returns: Array Array current indexes (1-based)
Returns: JSRecord the currently selected `ViewRecord`, or `null` if no record is selected.
Get the selected records. When the viewfoundset is in multiSelect mode (see property multiSelect), selection can be a more than 1 record.
Returns: Array Array current records.
Get the number of records in this viewfoundset. This is the number of records loaded, note that when looping over a foundset, size() may increase as more records are loaded.
Returns: Number int current size.
Check whether the foundset has record changes.
Returns: Boolean true if the foundset has any edited records, false otherwise
Returns true if the viewfoundset has records.
Returns: Boolean true if the viewfoundset has records.
This will reload the current set of ViewRecords in this foundset, resetting the chunk size back to the start (default 200). All edited records will be discarded! So this can be seen as a full clean up of this ViewFoundSet.
Returns: Boolean true if the records were successfully reloaded.
Revert changes of all unsaved view records of the view foundset.
Returns: void
Revert changes of the provided view records.
Array rec an array of view records
Returns: void
Saves all records in the view foundset that have changes. You can only save columns from a table if the pks of that table are also selected by the view foundset's query.
Returns: Boolean true if the save was successfull, false if not and then the record will hav the exception set.
Saved a specific record of this foundset. You can only save columns from a table if also the pk is selected of that table
JSRecord record ;
Returns: Boolean true if the save was successfull, false if not and then the record will hav the exception set.
Set the current record index.
Number index index to set (1-based)
Returns: void
Set the selected records indexes.
Array indexes An array with indexes to set.
Returns: void
Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string. Column in sort string must already exist in ViewFoundset.
String sortString the specified columns (and sort order)
Returns: void
sort(sortString, defer)
Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string. Column in sort string must already exist in ViewFoundset.
String sortString the specified columns (and sort order)
Boolean defer when true, the "sortString" will be just stored, without performing a query on the database (the actual sorting will be deferred until the next data loading action).
Returns: void
Sorts the foundset based on the given record comparator function. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key. If first record is selected or cannot select old record it will select first record after sort. The comparator function is called to compare two records, that are passed as arguments, and it will return -1/0/1 if the first record is less/equal/greater then the second record.
The function based sorting does not work with printing. It is just a temporary in-memory sort.
NOTE: starting with 7.2 release this function doesn't save the data anymore
Function recordComparisonFunction record comparator function
Returns: void
Validates the given record, it runs first the method that is attached to the entity event "onValidate". Those methods do get a parameter JSRecordMarkers where the problems can be reported against. All columns are then also null/empty checked and if they are and the Column is marked as "not null" an error will be added with the message key "servoy.record.error.null.not.allowed" for that column.
An extra state object can be given that will also be passed around if you want to have more state in the validation objects (like giving some ui state so the entity methods know where you come from)
It will return a JSRecordMarkers when the record had validation problems
JSRecord record ;
Returns: JSRecordMarkers Returns a JSRecordMarkers if the record has validation problems
validate(record, customObject)
Validates the given record, it runs first the method that is attached to the entity event "onValidate". Those methods do get a parameter JSRecordMarkers where the problems can be reported against. All columns are then also null/empty checked and if they are and the Column is marked as "not null" an error will be added with the message key "servoy.record.error.null.not.allowed" for that column.
An extra state object can be given that will also be passed around if you want to have more state in the validation objects (like giving some ui state so the entity methods know where you come from)
It will return a JSRecordMarkers when the record had validation problems
JSRecord record The ViewRecord to validate
Object customObject An extra customObject to give to the validate method.
Returns: JSRecordMarkers a `JSRecordMarkers` object indicating validation problems for the given record with the provided custom context, or `null` if no issues are found.
Last updated
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