Method Selection Wizard


The Method Selection Wizard gives you the option to either choose an already existing method or create a new one. It presents a organized view of all the methods that are available, sorted into categories such as "form methods," "entity methods," and "scope methods."


Filter Box

Use the filter text box at the top to search for methods by name.

Method Categories

Expand the categories (form methods, entity methods, scope methods) to see available methods.

Method creation locations

Create Method In : Select where you want to create a new method:

New Form Method

This dialog allows you to specify a name for a new form method and choose its access level. Usage:

  1. Specify a Method Name: Enter the name for the new form method (e.g., "onAction").

  2. Select one of the options:

    • Create Public: Create a public method accessible from other forms and global scopes.

    • Create Private: Create a private method accessible only within the form.

    • Create Protected: Create a protected method accessible only within the form and its subclasses.

    • Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new method.

New Entity Method

This dialog prompts you to specify a name for a new entity method. Usage:

  1. Specify a Method Name: Enter the desired name for the new entity method (e.g., "onAction").

  2. Select one of the options:

    • Create: Create the method with the specified name.

    • Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new method.

New Global Scope Method

This dialog allows you to specify a name for a new form method and choose its access level. Usage:

  1. Specify a Method Name: Enter the name for the new form method (e.g., "onAction").

  2. Select one of the options:

    • Create Public: Create a public method accessible from other forms and global scopes.

    • Create Private: Create a private method accessible only within the form.

    • Create Protected: Create a protected method accessible only within the form and its subclasses.

    • Cancel: Cancel the creation of the new method.


  • OK: Select the highlighted method or proceed to create a new method.

  • OK & Show: Select the method and display it in the editor.

  • Cancel: Cancel the operation.

General Steps for Creating a New Method

  1. Open Method Selection Dialog: Start by opening the method selection dialog where you can view existing methods or choose to create a new one.

  2. Choose Method Type: Decide where you want to create the new method (Form, Entity, or Scope) and select the appropriate button.

  3. Name the Method: In the subsequent dialog, specify the name for the new method.

  4. Set Access Level (for Form Methods): If creating a form method, choose its access level (public, private, or protected).

  5. Create the Method: Click the "Create" button to finalize the creation of the method.

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