
User manual for Servoy Developer File Menu item


This menu item provides options for creating new files, opening existing files, managing recent files, and saving work. It also includes commands for closing editors, printing, importing, exporting, and accessing project properties. Additional functionalities such as switching workspaces, refreshing the environment, renaming items, and converting line delimiters are available.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available via clicking on this menu item:


Opens a list of available items to be created

Opens a File location window

Opens the Import Projects from File System or Archive wizard

Displays a list of recent used files

Closes the current editor

Closes all editors

Saves the current file

Saves the current file

Saves changes done in all files

Reverts all unsaved changes in the current file

Moves the selected file

Renames the selected file

Refreshes the content of the current file

Changes the line delimiters

Displays printing settings

Opens the Import wizard

Opens the Export wizard

Opens the Properties editor

Displays a list of recent workspaces

Restarts the Servoy Developer

Exits the Servoy Developer

Commands Details

The details for each command available via clicking on this menu item:


keybinding: Alt+Shift+N Opens a sublist of available items to be created:

  • Servoy Solution: opens the New Solution wizard

  • Project: opens the New Project wizard

  • Database Server: opens a window where the user can select the server type, then it switches to Database Server Connection editor

  • Form: opens the New Form wizard

  • Method: opens the New Method wizard

  • Relation: opens a window where the user can enter a name for the new relation and select the solution, then it switches to Relation editor

  • Valuelist: opens a window where the user can enter a name for the new valuelist and select the solution, then it switches to Valuelist editor

  • Other: opens a wizard selection window; keybinding: Ctrl+N

Open File

Opens a File location window, where the user can search and select the desired file.

Open Projects from File System

Opens the Import Projects from File System or Archive wizard.

Recent Files

Displays a list of recent used files. The user has the option to select a file and to clear history.

Close Editor

keybinding: Ctrl+W Closes the current editor. It displays a message if there are any unsaved changes.

Close All Editors

keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+W Closes all editors. In case there are any unsaved changes it shows a window with a list of all resources that have unsaved edits: the user can select which ones to save.


keybinding: Ctrl+S Saves changes done in the current file.

Save As

It shows a window where the user can change the file location, select a parent folder and even rename the file.

Save All

keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+S Saves changes done in all files.


Reverts all unsaved changes in the current file to the last saved change.


When performing thus operation, a window will appear, allowing users to specify the required information (new location of the file) and preview the change.

This command is available only in the Project Explorer view.


keybinding: F2 Allows the user to rename the selected file.

This command is available only in the Project Explorer view.


keybinding: F5 Refreshes the content of the current file.

Convert Line Delimiters To

The user can change the line delimiters by selecting an option between Windows and Unix.


keybinding: Ctrl+P Opens a window where the user can configure the printing settings and preferences before printing the current file.


Opens the Import wizard, where the user can import / install software from another product.


Opens the Export wizard, where the user can select the export type and set further options, according to initial choice.


keybinding: Alt+Enter Opens the Properties editor for the active file.

Switch workspace

Shows a list of recent workspaces and the option Other, which opens a window where the user can select the desired workspace.


Restarts the Servoy Developer.


Exits the Servoy Developer.

Last updated

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