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Servoy Developer download options


Cloud Control Center Download page is where you can find all the available Servoy Developer installers for different operating systems.

Operating Systems

Servoy Developer is available for the following operating systems.

  • Windows 64-bit

  • MacOS 64-bit and ARM

  • Linux



Current version represents the latest iteration of the software. It incorporates the most recent enhancements, features, and bug fixes, ensuring users have access to the latest development.


The "LTS" (Long-Term Support) version, offers a stable and reliable option. This version receives prolonged support, ensuring a consistent user experience and security updates over an extended period. Users who prioritize stability and continuity in their software environment often opt for the LTS version


"Beta" versions introduce users to features that are under development and testing. While they might contain exciting new capabilities, it's important to note that beta versions can occasionally have issues or bugs.

RC (Release Candidate)

RC (Release Candidate) versions are pre-release versions of software or a product that are made available to a limited audience for testing and evaluation before the final release. RC versions are typically considered to be in the final stages of development, and they are intended to be very close to the official release version.

RC versions are usually labeled with a version number that indicates their status as release candidates. For example, you might see version numbers like RC1 (Release Candidate 1), RC2 or even RC3.


A "Nightly build" in the context of Servoy Cloud refers to a software version that is automatically generated every night (02:00 UTC) from the most recent codebase of Servoy. This version may contain new features and updates that have not yet undergone comprehensive testing.

Please note that the Nightly build version is always one step ahead of the official release. For instance, if the current release is 2023.06, the corresponding nightly build version will be 2023.09.

Nightly release

A "Nightly release" in the context of Servoy Cloud refers to a software version that is automatically generated every night from the most recent codebase of the release branch. This version may contain small fixes and improvements beyond the latest official release.

Nightly LTS

A "Nightly LTS" in the context of Servoy Cloud refers to a software version that is automatically generated every night from the most recent codebase of the LTS branch. This version may contain small fixes and improvements beyond the official LTS release.

Unsupported versions

Unsupported Versions are versions that are no longer maintained or updated by the development team. These versions lack ongoing support, security updates, and essential fixes.

Last updated

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