


Provider for the Window plugin.

Returned Types


Methods Summarized



Close the current form popup panel without assigning a value to the configured data provider.


Close the current form popup panel and assign the value to the configured data provider.

Create a form popup that can be filled with data and shown.

Creates a new popup menu that can be populated with items and displayed.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Create a shortcut.

Remove a shortcut.

Remove a shortcut.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.

Methods Detailed


Close the current form popup panel without assigning a value to the configured data provider.

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form


Close the current form popup panel and assign the value to the configured data provider.


  • Object retval return value for data provider

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form


Create a form popup that can be filled with data and shown.


Returns: FormPopup FormPopup




Creates a new popup menu that can be populated with items and displayed.

Returns: Popup


// create a popup menu
var menu = plugins.window.createPopupMenu();
// add a menu item
menu.addMenuItem("an entry", feedback);

if (event.getSource()) {
	// display the popup over the component which is the source of the event;
	// display the popup over the components, at specified coordinates relative to the component
	//, 10, 10);
	// display the popup at specified coordinates relative to the main window
	//, 100);

createShortcut(shortcut, methodName)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • String methodName scopes.scopename.methodname or formname.methodname String to target the method to execute

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, methodName, arguments)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • String methodName scopes.scopename.methodname or formname.methodname String to target the method to execute

  • Array arguments ;

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, methodName, contextFilter)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • String methodName scopes.scopename.methodname or formname.methodname String to target the method to execute

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method, contextFilter, arguments)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Object method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

  • Array arguments ;

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, methodName, contextFilter, arguments, consumeEvent)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • String methodName scopes.scopename.methodname or formname.methodname String to target the method to execute

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

  • Array arguments ;

  • Boolean consumeEvent if true then the shotcut will consume the event and the default browser behavior will not be executed (default false)

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Function method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method, arguments)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Function method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

  • Array arguments ;

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method, contextFilter)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Function method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method, contextFilter, arguments)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Function method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

  • Array arguments ;

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

createShortcut(shortcut, method, contextFilter, arguments, consumeEvent)

Create a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • Function method the method/function that needs to be called when the shortcut is hit

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

  • Array arguments ;

  • Boolean consumeEvent if true then the shotcut will consume the event and the default browser behavior will not be executed (default false)

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.


Remove a shortcut.


Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

removeShortcut(shortcut, contextFilter)

Remove a shortcut.


  • String shortcut ;

  • String contextFilter form or element name ( ng only - specified by formName.elementName); only triggers the shortcut when on this form/element

Returns: Boolean


// this plugin uses the java keystroke parser
// see
// global handler
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut);
// global handler with a form context filter
plugins.window.createShortcut('control shift I', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts');
// form method called when shortcut is used
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut);
// form method called when shortcut is used and arguments are passed to the method
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', forms.frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut, new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method argument as a string prevents unnecessary form loading
//plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Passing the method as a name and the contextFilter set so that this shortcut only trigger on the form 'frm_contacts'.
plugins.window.createShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts.handleMyShortcut', 'frm_contacts', new Array(argument1, argument2));
// Num Lock and Substract shortcuts
plugins.window.createShortcut("NUMPAD8", handleMyShortcut);
plugins.window.createShortcut("SUBTRACT", handleMyShortcut);
// remove global shortcut and form-level shortcut
plugins.window.removeShortcut('menu 1');
plugins.window.removeShortcut('control RIGHT', 'frm_contacts');
// consuming they keystroke so that a default browser event will not happen
plugins.window.createShortcut('F4', scopes.globals.handleOrdersShortcut, 'frm_contacts', null, true);
// shortcut handlers are called with an JSEvent argument
// * Handle keyboard shortcut.
// * @param {JSEvent} event the event that triggered the action
// */
//function handleShortcut(event)
//  application.output(event.getType()) // returns 'menu 1'
//  application.output(event.getFormName()) // returns 'frm_contacts'
//  application.output(event.getElementName()) // returns 'contact_name_field' or null when no element is selected
// 1) shortcuts will not override existing operating system or browser shortcuts,
// choose your shortcuts carefully to make sure they work in all clients.
// 2) always use lower-case letters for modifiers (shift, control, etc.), otherwise createShortcut will fail.

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID, width, height)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

  • Number width popup width

  • Number height popup height

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID, width, height, x, y)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope. Can show relative to a component or at specified coordinates. Show on specified location is only supported in NGClient.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

  • Number width popup width

  • Number height popup height

  • Number x popup x location

  • Number y popup y location

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100);
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID, width, height, x, y, showBackdrop)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope. Can show relative to a component or at specified coordinates. Show on specified location and backdrop is only supported in NGClient.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

  • Number width popup width

  • Number height popup height

  • Number x popup x location

  • Number y popup y location

  • Boolean showBackdrop whatever to show a dimmed backdrop under the popup

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true);
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID, width, height, x, y, showBackdrop, doNotCloseOnClickOutside)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope. Can show relative to a component or at specified coordinates. Show on specified location and backdrop is only supported in NGClient. By setting the

@param doNotCloseOnClickOutside as true, one can ensure that the popup will not be closed when clicking outside this popup.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

  • Number width popup width

  • Number height popup height

  • Number x popup x location

  • Number y popup y location

  • Boolean showBackdrop whatever to show a dimmed backdrop under the popup

  • Boolean doNotCloseOnClickOutside whether to close on not close the popup on clicking outside

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true, true);
// do call closeFormPopup(ordervalue) from the orderPicker form

showFormPopup(elementToShowRelatedTo, form, scope, dataproviderID, width, height, x, y, showBackdrop, doNotCloseOnClickOutside, onClose)

Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope. Can show relative to a component or at specified coordinates. Show on specified location and backdrop is only supported in NGClient.


  • Object elementToShowRelatedTo element to show related to or null to center in screen

  • Object form the form to show

  • Object scope the scope to put retval into

  • String dataproviderID the dataprovider of scope to fill

  • Number width popup width

  • Number height popup height

  • Number x popup x location

  • Number y popup y location

  • Boolean showBackdrop whatever to show a dimmed backdrop under the popup

  • Boolean doNotCloseOnClickOutside whether to close on not close the popup on clicking outside

  • Function onClose a callback function that is being triggered once the formpopup window is being closed

Returns: void


// Show a form as popup panel, where the closeFormPopup can pass return a value to a dataprovider in the specified scope.
// plugins.window.showFormPopup(null,forms.orderPicker,foundset.getSelectedRecord(),"order_id",-1,-1,100,100,true, false, onClose);
// function onClose(event) {application.output("Popup closed");}

Last updated