Properties Summarized
Enables a component to stick to a specific side of form and/or to grow or shrink when a window is resized.
The background color of the component.
The type, color and style of border of the component.
CSS position is a replacement for anchoring system making it more intuitive to place a component.
The dataprovider of the component.
Flag that enables or disables merging of data inside components using tags (placeholders).
The enable state of the component, default true.
The font type of the component.
The foreground color of the component.
The Z index of this component.
The format that should be applied when displaying data(using dataProviderID) in the label/button.
A String representing a group ID for this component.
The height in pixels of the component.
Horizontal alignment of the text inside the component.
The image Media object that should be displayed inside the component.
Some components can be set to be labels of other components.
The margins of the component.
Options to scale the image Media object that is displayed inside the component.
The keyboard shortcut that activates this component.
The name of the component.
The method that is executed when the component is clicked.
The method that is executed when the component is double clicked.
The method that is executed when the component is rendered.
The method that is executed when the component is right clicked.
The cursor that is shown as the mouse is rolled over the component.
The roll over image Media object used.
The rotation of the element.
When set, the element will show the clicked state when selected.
When set the text of an element will showfocus when selected.
The name of the style class that should be applied to this component.
An index that specifies the position of the component in the tab sequence.
The text that is displayed inside the component.
The text displayed when hovering over the component with a mouse cursor.
Flag that tells if the component is transparent or not.
The vertical alignment of the text inside the component.
The visible property of the component, default true.
The width in pixels of the component.
The x coordinate of the component on the form.
The y coordinate of the component on the form.
Methods Summarized
Get the value of an attribute of the element.
Returns the attribute names of an element.
Returns the comment of this component.
Get a design-time property of an element.