ServoyApi (serverside)



It provides utility methods for web object (NG / Titanium client components or services) server side scripting to interact with the Servoy environment. These will be used by the internal implementation of those web-objects when needed.

Methods Summarized


Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records.

Can be used to deep copy a custom value.

Creates an empty JSDataSet

This will create a JSEvent filled with component information.

Performs a sql query with a query builder object.

This will generate a list of primary keys names for the given data source.

This will generate a url from a byte array so that the client can get the bytes from that url.

Get select query for dataSource

Hide a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for hiding the form through the browser's component.

Show a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for showing the form through the browser's component.

Show a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for showing the form through the browser's component.

Methods Detailed

addFoundSetFilterParam(foundset, query, filterName)

Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records. This is similar as calling foundset.js_addFoundSetFilterParam, but the main difference is that this works also on related foundsets.


  • JSFoundSet foundset The foundset to add the filter param/query to

  • QBSelect query The query repesenting the filter

  • String filterName a name given to this foundset filter

Returns: Boolean


Can be used to deep copy a custom value.


  • Object value the value to be copied

Returns: Object a copy of the value object, the same as constructing the object in javascript from scratch


var eventSourceCopy = servoyApi.copyObject(eventSource);


Creates an empty JSDataSet

Returns: JSDataSet an empty JSDataSet


This will create a JSEvent filled with component information.

Returns: JSEvent the jsevent


var event = servoyApi.createJSEvent();

getDataSetByQuery(query, max_returned_rows)

Performs a sql query with a query builder object. Will throw an exception if anything did go wrong when executing the query. Will use any data filter defined on table.


  • QBSelect query QBSelect query.

  • Number max_returned_rows The maximum number of rows returned by the query.

Returns: JSDataSet The JSDataSet containing the results of the query.


var dataset = servoyApi.getDataSetByQuery(qbselect, 10);


This will generate a list of primary keys names for the given data source.


  • String datasource the data source

Returns: Array a list of primary key names


var pkNames = servoyApi.getDatasourcePKs(datasource);



Returns: JSFoundSet


This will generate a url from a byte array so that the client can get the bytes from that url.


  • Array bytes The value where an url should be created for

Returns: String the url where the bytes can be downloaded from


var url = servoyApi.getMediaUrl(bytes);


Get select query for dataSource


  • String dataSource the dataSource

Returns: QBSelect QB select for the dataSource

getViewFoundSet(name, query)


Returns: JSFoundSet


Hide a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for hiding the form through the browser's component.


  • Object formName the form to hide

Returns: Boolean true if the form was hidden




Show a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for showing the form through the browser's component.


  • String nameOrUUID the form to show

Returns: Boolean true if the form was marked as visible



showForm(nameOrUUID, relationName)

Show a form directly on the server for instance when a tab will change on the client, so it won't need to do a round trip for showing the form through the browser's component.


  • String nameOrUUID the form to show

  • String relationName the parent container

Returns: Boolean true if the form was marked as visible



Last updated