Active Solution


Expanding the currently active solution node lists the contents of the solution:

Each item above can be expanded to reveal the contents.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu:


Changes resources project attached to solution

Changes all ocurrences of a server in solution to another server

Changes all ocurrences of a table in solution to another table

Converts legacy absolute forms to css position forms

Publish solution Git repository to Servoy Cloud

Can choose a new name for your solution

Runs jsunit tests from your solution

Properties Summary

See Solution Object Model for properties that can be set on active solution from Properties View.

Commands Details

The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu

Download/Install with Servoy Package Manager

Opens the Servoy Package Manager. Is used to manage installed packages (components, services..).

Create new solution

Opens the New Solution Wizard.

Change resources project

Can select a new resources project (or no resources project). Some Servoy Developer resources are kept under a different project, that can be re used by different solutions. Basically , what you see under Resources is saved under the resources project. Changing the resources project will reload all those resources from the new project.

Replace server

Can modify a server name, in all places where is used in the active solution (and its modules). Can select another server name that will be saved in all workspace files.

Replace table

Can modify a table name (from a specific server), in all places where is used in the active solution (and its modules). Can select another table that will be saved in all workspace files.

Convert all absolute forms to CSS position

Convert all forms from the active solution (and its modules) from legacy absolute form type. In absolute form, location , size and anchor properties were determining the position of an element. The new CSS Position Form uses a CSS Position property for each element to determine its location and size. Is a better and more flexible mechanism. Any absolute form can be converted to a css position form (the layout will be exactly the same), however the reverse is not possible/doable.

Configure the theme

Opens the Theme Editor.


Publish solution Git repository to Servoy Cloud. The local git repository must be in sync with remote repository (no changes).

Export Solution [File Export]

Opens the File Export Wizard. Exports a solution to a .servoy file that can be imported in another Servoy Developer.

Export Solution [WAR Export]

Opens the WAR Export Wizard. Exports the solution to a war file, that can be deployed to an application server like TOMCAT.

Export Solution [NGDesktop Export]

Opens the NG Desktop Export Wizard. Exports active solution to a standalone desktop application that can be installed on any local machine.

Externalize Strings

Opens the Externalize Strings Wizard. Is used replace strings in your solution with i18n keys (that can be modified using i18n Editor)

Rename solution

You can choose a new name for your solution.

Warning Use with care.

Run JSUnit tests

Runs JSUnit tests from your solution. See Unit Testing for what is unit testing and JSUnit API for JSUnit testing API.

Last updated

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