Tables Properties

Reference documentation for Servoy Theme Tables Properties


The Tables Properties section defines the styling of table and NG Grids components within the application. Tables are often used to display structured data, and these properties ensure that they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


Some properties have an additional button: Select Color, which opens the color chooser wizard.

Here's an in-depth look at each property:

Table bg

Sets the background color for the entire table. Value: Inherit or hex color code (e.g., inherit).

Table border width

Specifies the width of the table's borders. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 1px).

Table border radius

Defines the border radius of the table, providing rounded corners if desired. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 0).

Table header bg

Sets the background color for the table header. Value: Inherit or hex color code (e.g., inherit).

Table header color

Defines the text color for the table header. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

Table header font style

Specifies the font style for the table header text. Value: CSS font style (e.g., normal).

Table header text transform

Defines text transformation for the table header (e.g., uppercase). Value: CSS text-transform value (e.g., uppercase).

Table row odd bg color

Sets the background color for odd-numbered table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @body-bg).

Table row odd text color

Defines the text color for odd-numbered table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

Table row even bg color

Sets the background color for even-numbered table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @body-bg).

Table row even text color

Defines the text color for even-numbered table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

Table row selected bg color

Specifies the background color for selected table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @main-color).

Table row selected text color

Sets the text color for selected table rows. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @main-color-inverse).

Table row border width

Defines the border width for table rows. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 1px).

NGGrids row group bg

Sets the background color for row groups in NGGrids. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @body-bg).

NGGrids row group color

Defines the text color for row groups in NGGrids. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

NGGrids row group bg level 0

Sets the background color for the first level of row groups in NGGrids. Value: Hex color code (e.g., #F9F9F9).

NGGrids row group color level 0

Defines the text color for the first level of row groups in NGGrids. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @main-color).

NGGrids row group cell font weight

Sets the font weight for cells in row groups. Value: CSS font-weight value (e.g., bold).

NGGrids menu panel bg

Defines the background color for the NGGrids menu panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @body-bg).

NGGrids menu panel text color

Sets the text color for the NGGrids menu panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

NGGrids side panel bg

Specifies the background color for the NGGrids side panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., #F9F9F9).

NGGrids side button bg

Sets the background color for buttons in the NGGrids side panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @body-bg).

NGGrids side button text color

Defines the text color for buttons in the NGGrids side panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

NGGrids side button selected bg

Specifies the background color for selected buttons in the NGGrids side panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., #F9F9F9).

NGGrids side button selected text color

Sets the text color for selected buttons in the NGGrids side panel. Value: Hex color code (e.g., @text-color).

NGGrids search field height

Defines the height of the search field in NGGrids. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 32px).

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