E2E Cypress Testing

Reference documentation for setting up Servoy Cloud End-to-end(E2E) Testing


This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up Cypress and make it work within the Servoy Cloud system.

Get started with Cypress

End-to-end (E2E) testing is a type of software testing that assesses flows in the application from start to finish. E2E testing is valuable for detecting issues related to the integration of different components, catching bugs in the user interface, and ensuring that the application functions correctly in a real-world scenario.

Servoy Cloud now uses Cypress to run the E2E tests.

In Cypress, test files are referred to as "specs." Each spec can include one or more E2E tests, offering a flexible and efficient way to organize and run tests.


To set up Cypress testing, please read the documentation below and follow each step accordingly.

Step 1: Set up test data

When using Servoy Cloud E2E Testing, you are required to have test data which you can run your tests against.

To create your test data, follow these steps:

1. Create Dataseed file

  • Generate a dataseed file using svyDataSeed by calling scopes.svyDataSeed.createDataSeedFiles()

  • The file will be stored in your workspace under svyCloudUtils/medias/dataseeds

2. Create post-import hook module

In Servoy Developer:

  1. Right-click on Modules and select "Create new module."

  2. Create a new module with Solution Type set to "Post-import hook module."

  3. Create an onSolutionOpen method in the post-import module to run your dataseed.

function onSolutionOpen(arg, queryParams) {
	if(scopes.svyCloud.getCurrentEnvironment() == scopes.svyCloud.CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT_TYPES.E2E){

This enables Servoy Cloud to prepare test data for E2E tests. For local setup, see the Local setup section.

3. Local setup

For local test data setup, run the dataseed from the command console or add the following method to a button on a page:


Step 2: Workspace structure

To facilitate E2E testing with Cypress, Servoy Cloud provides a specific workspace structure:

|── e2e-test-scripts
    ├── cypress
        ├── e2e
            ├── loginFlow.cy.js
            ├── resetPasswordFlow.cy.js
    ├── cypress.config.js
    ├── cypress.env.json (Optional, see section "Use Locally" on this page)

Refer to the documentation for any of the Cypress specific files or on how to add spec files (e.g loginFlow.cy.js)

Step 3: Install Cypress

To install Cypress, use the following npm command:

npm install cypress -g

You are now ready to start using Cypress. To use Custom data, such as usernames and passwords, refer to the section Custom Data.

Custom data

Servoy Cloud supports dynamic test data, like usernames and passwords, offering flexibility for your Cypress tests. These must be specified in the job configuration. Follow these steps to define and use custom data:

Define in Servoy Cloud

Follow these steps if you want to use custom data in your cypress tests:

  1. Navigate to Job Configuration

  2. Create a custom property of type E2E with a specified name and value

  3. Save the configuration

Now, your E2E custom properties are ready for use in Cypress tests (see example)

Use Locally

To use the E2E properties when running the tests locally, additional steps must be followed:

Step 1: Update Servoy Admin page

To enable testing mode for local use:

  1. Navigate to the Admin page using the button in the Help menu > Servoy Admin page in the Servoy Developer

  2. Set the property servoy.ngclient.testingMode to true

Step 2: Set up env file for custom data

  1. Create a file named cypress.env.json in the e2e-test-scripts folder

  2. Add custom properties in JSON format. If not defined, refer to "Define in Servoy Cloud"

Example cypress.env.json:

    "username": "myTestUsername",
    "password": "myTestPassword123!"

where username and password are the the E2E custom properties defined in the job configuration.

Cypress Config file

The Cypress configuration file cypress.config.js is where Cypress config properties are defined.

Example cypress.config.js:

module.exports = {
    "video": true,
    "screenshotOnRunFailure": true,
    "screenshotsFolder": "cypress/screenshots",
    "videosFolder": "cypress/videos",
    "fixturesFolder": "cypress/fixtures",
    "viewportWidth": 1920,
    "viewportHeight": 1080,
    "chromeWebSecurity": false,
  e2e: {
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:8183",
    specPattern: "**/*.{cy.js, spec.js, test.js}",
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      // implement node event listeners here
    experimentalStudio: true

Config attributes


Stores the localhost URL with the port. Update if the localhost port is changed.


Enables the use of Cypress Studio for E2E tests

Cypress Studio BETA

Cypress Studio is an experimental feature designed to enhance your testing experience. It provides a visual way to generate E2E tests within Cypress, by recording interactions against the application under test.

By default, Cypress Studio is enabled in Servoy Cloud but can be disabled by setting the experimentalStudio attribute to false in the Cypress Config file

Last updated

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