Windows Properties

Reference documentation for Servoy Theme Windows Properties


Windows Properties

The Windows Properties section defines the styling of window components, including headers, bodies, and footers, within the application. These settings help create a consistent and visually appealing interface for windowed elements.


Some properties have an additional button: Select Color, which opens the color chooser wizard.

Here's an in-depth look at each property:

Window header bg

Sets the background color for the window header. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @brand-primary).

Window header color

Defines the text color for the window header. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @brand-primary-inverse).

Window body bg

Sets the background color for the window body. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @body-bg).

Sets the background color for the window footer. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @body-bg).

Border radius for window and dialogs

Defines the border radius for windows and dialog boxes, providing rounded corners if desired. Value: CSS size value (e.g., 6px).

Sets the background color for selected items in popups. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @body-bg).

Defines the text color for selected items in popups. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @text-color).

Sets the color for disabled items in popups. Value: Hex color code or CSS variable (e.g., @border-color).

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