API Documentation v1.0.0


Lookup LookupField



Creates a lookup object which can be used to show a pop-up form


lookup.addField(dataProvider) ⇒ LookupField

Adds a field to the lookup object

lookup.getDataSource() ⇒ String

Gets the data source for this Lookup object

lookup.getField(index) ⇒ LookupField

Gets the field at the specified index

lookup.getFieldCount() ⇒ Number

Gets the number of fields in the lookup object


Removes a field at the specified index

lookup.showPopUp(callback, target, [width], [height], [initialValue])

Shows the lookup

Suppresswarnings(wrongparameters): Fixes illegitmate warning

new Lookup(datasource)


lookupField.getDataProvider() ⇒ String

Gets the data provider for this field

lookupField.getFormat() ⇒ String

Gets the display format for this field;

lookupField.getTitleText() ⇒ String

Gets the display text for this field

lookupField.getValueListName() ⇒ String

Gets the value list name for this field

lookupField.isSearchable() ⇒ Boolean

Gets the searchability of this field

lookupField.isVisible() ⇒ Boolean

Indicates if this field should be displayed

lookupField.setFormat(f) ⇒ LookupField

Sets the display format for this field

lookupField.setSearchable(b) ⇒ LookupField

Indicates if this field is searchable

lookupField.setTitleText(txt) ⇒ LookupField

Sets the display text for this field

lookupField.setVisible(b) ⇒ LookupField

Sets this field's visibility in the lookup form

lookupField.setvalueListName(vl) ⇒ LookupField

Sets the valuelist to use to display this field

new LookupField(lookup, dataProvider)

createLookup(dataSource) ⇒ Lookup

Creates a lookup object which can be used to show a pop-up form

createLookup~ds : String

Last updated