In Memory DataSource


The In Memory DataSource represents a table, which instead of coming from a database exists just in memory.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu


Edit table/view

Opens the Table Editor

Move In Memory Datasource

Move In Memory Datasource to another solution

Delete In Memory Datasource

Delete the In Memory Datasource definition

Rename In Memory Datasource

Rename the In Memory Datasource definition

Commands Details

The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu

Edit table/view

Opens the Table Editor to edit the in memory table and its associated column information (metadata stored by Servoy Developer).

Move In Memory Datasource

Move the In Memory Datasource to another solution (module).

Delete In Memory Datasource

Delete the In Memory Datasource definition.

Rename In Memory Datasource

Rename the In Memory Datasource definition.

Last updated