Full API Reference
DataSetExcelWorkbook ⇐ ServoyExcelWorkbook
FoundSetExcelWorkbook ⇐ ServoyExcelWorkbook
copies : Number
The number of copies
draft : Boolean
Whether it is in draft mode
fitHeight : Number
The number of pages high to fit the sheet in
fitWidth : Number
The number of pages high to fit the sheet in
landscape : Boolean
Whether to print in landscape
mergedRegionType : Object
noColor : Boolean
Whether it is black and white
paperSize : Number
The paper size
createPrintSetup() ⇒ PrintSetup
Creates a PrintSetup object that can be used in ExcelSheet.setPrintSetup() or to set the default print setup used when workbooks are created from FoundSet or DataSet
createWorkbook([templateOrFileType]) ⇒ ExcelWorkbook
Returns an empty ExcelWorkbook
createWorkbookFromDataSet(dataset, [columns], [headers], [templateOrFileType], [sheetNameToUse]) ⇒ DataSetExcelWorkbook
Creates an ExcelWorkbook from the given dataset
If a template is provided, the dataset will be inserted in the given sheet
createWorkbookFromFoundSet(foundset, dataproviders, [headers], [templateOrFileType], [sheetNameToUse]) ⇒ FoundSetExcelWorkbook
Creates an ExcelWorkbook from the given foundset
If a templateOrFileType is provided, the foundset will be inserted in the given sheet
getCellReferenceFromRange(firstRow, lastRow, firstColumn, lastColumn) ⇒ String
Creates a cell reference (e.g. "A4:C92") from the given range
getRangeFromCellReference(cellReference) ⇒ Object
Converts a cell reference (e.g. "B4:AK234" or "C6") to an object holding first and last row and column
getWorkbook(original) ⇒ ExcelWorkbook
Returns an ExcelWorkbook from the given file or media URL
isLoaded() ⇒ Boolean
If true, all required libraries are present and the scope can be used
Sets the default print setup used when workbooks are created from FoundSet or DataSet
DataSetExcelWorkbook ⇐ ServoyExcelWorkbook
Extends: ServoyExcelWorkbook
DataSetExcelWorkbook ⇐
~dataFilled :