The JSColumnObject is a scripting object that represents a data-source column created through JSTableObject.createNewColumn(...). It extends JSColumn by providing additional setter methods for modifying the column's properties, such as nullability, flags, sequence types, and row identifier types. These changes are not immediately applied but take effect only after invoking server.synchronizeWithDB().
This object allows developers to customize columns further during table creation, including defining primary key configurations, database sequences, and UUID generation settings. Flags can also be set or cleared to mark columns as excluded, tenant-specific, or native type columns.
Constants Summarized
Constant used when setting or getting the sequence type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the sequence type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the flags of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the flags of columns.
Constant for column information indicating unset values.
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the row identifier type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the row identifier type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the flags of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the flags of columns.
Constant used when setting or getting the sequence type of columns.
Properties Summarized
Get or set the allow-null flag of a new column.
Get or set the row identifier type of the column.
Get or set the sequence type of the column.
Methods Summarized
Get the data provider id for this column (which is the same as name if not explicitly defined otherwise).
Get the default format of the column.
Get the description property of the column.
Get the foreign type of the column.
Get the length of the column as reported by the JDBC driver.
Get the name of the column as used by Servoy.
Get the qualified name (including table name) of the column as known by the database.
Returns a quoted version of the column name, if necessary, as defined by the actual database used.
Get the raw title property of the column.
Get the name of the column as known by the database.
Get the raw JDBC type of the column, which allows to check database specific types, like sting/byte column type variations.
Get the scale of the column as reported by the JDBC driver.
Get the JSTable of this column.
Get the title property of the column.
Get the JDBC type of the column.
Get the name JDBC type of the column.
Check a flag of the column.
Set the database sequence name of the column, used for columns with sequence type JSColumn.
Set or clear a flag of a new column.
Constants Detailed
Constant used when setting or getting the sequence type of columns.
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getSequenceType()){caseJSColumn.NONE:// handle column with no sequencebreak;caseJSColumn.UUID_GENERATOR:// handle uuid generated columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the sequence type of columns.
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getSequenceType()){caseJSColumn.NONE:// handle column with no sequencebreak;caseJSColumn.UUID_GENERATOR:// handle uuid generated columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getType()){caseJSColumn.TEXT:// handle text columnbreak;caseJSColumn.NUMBER:caseJSColumn.INTEGER:// handle numerical columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the flags of columns.
This flag identifies columns that are marked as a native type column (for example uniqueidentifier).
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getSequenceType()){caseJSColumn.NONE:// handle column with no sequencebreak;caseJSColumn.UUID_GENERATOR:// handle uuid generated columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the type of columns.
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getType()){caseJSColumn.TEXT:// handle text columnbreak;caseJSColumn.NUMBER:caseJSColumn.INTEGER:// handle numerical columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the row identifier type of columns.
This value identifies columns that are defined as primary key in the database.
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getRowIdentifierType()){caseJSColumn.NONE:// handle normal columnbreak;caseJSColumn.PK_COLUMN:// handle database pk columnbreak;caseJSColumn.ROWID_COLUMN:// handle developer defined pk columnbreak;}
Constant used when setting or getting the row identifier type of columns.
This value identifies columns that are defined as primary key by the developer (but not in the database).
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')switch (column.getSequenceType()){caseJSColumn.NONE:// handle column with no sequencebreak;caseJSColumn.UUID_GENERATOR:// handle uuid generated columnbreak;}
Properties Detailed
Get or set the allow-null flag of a new column.
Note that when a column is added to an existing table, allowNull will always be set.
For a primary key column, the allowNull flag will be always off, for other columns the flag is set by default.
var server =plugins.maintenance.getServer("example_data");if (server){var table =server.createNewTable("users");if (table) {var pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.MEDIA,16); // can also use (JSColumn.TEXT, 36) for UUIDspk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.setFlag(JSColumn.UUID_COLUMN,true)pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.UUID_GENERATORvar c =table.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100);c.allowNull =falsetable.createNewColumn("age",JSColumn.INTEGER,0);table.createNewColumn("last_login",JSColumn.DATETIME,0);var result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table not created."); }}
Get or set the row identifier type of the column.
The sequence type is one of:
- JSColumn.NONE
var server =plugins.maintenance.getServer("example_data");if (server){// users has uuid pkvar table =server.createNewTable("users");if (table) {var pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.MEDIA,16); // can also use <JSColumn.TEXT, 36> for UUIDs)pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.setFlag(JSColumn.UUID_COLUMN,true)pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.UUID_GENERATORtable.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100);var result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table users successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table users not created."); }// groups has database sequence pk table =server.createNewTable("groups");if (table) { pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.INTEGER,0);pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.DATABASE_SEQUENCEpk.setDatabaseSequenceName('mygroupsequence')table.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100); result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table groups successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table groups not created."); }}
Get or set the sequence type of the column.
The sequence type is one of:
- JSColumn.NONE
var server =plugins.maintenance.getServer("example_data");if (server){// users has uuid pkvar table =server.createNewTable("users");if (table) {var pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.MEDIA,16); // can also use <JSColumn.TEXT, 36> for UUIDs)pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.setFlag(JSColumn.UUID_COLUMN,true)pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.UUID_GENERATORtable.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100);var result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table users successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table users not created."); }// groups has database sequence pk table =server.createNewTable("groups");if (table) { pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.INTEGER,0);pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.DATABASE_SEQUENCEpk.setDatabaseSequenceName('mygroupsequence')table.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100); result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table groups successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table groups not created."); }}
Methods Detailed
Get the data provider id for this column (which is the same as name if not explicitly defined otherwise).
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customername')if (column.getLength() <10){// handle short column}
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')var colName =column.getName()
Get the qualified name (including table name) of the column as known by the database.
The name is quoted, if necessary, as defined by the actual database used.
//use with the raw SQL plugin://if the table name contains characters that are illegal in sql, the table name will be quotedvar jsTable =databaseManager.getTable('udm','campaigns')var quotedTableName =jsTable.getQuotedSQLName()var jsColumn =jsTable.getColumn('active')var quotedColumnName =jsColumn.getQuotedSQLName()plugins.rawSQL.executeSQL('udm', quotedTableName,'select * from '+ quotedTableName +' where '+ quotedColumnName +' = ?', [1])
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customername')var title =column.getTitle()
Get the JDBC type of the column.
The type reported by the JDBC driver will be mapped to one of:
- JSColumn.TEXT
- JSColumn.MEDIA
var table =databaseManager.getTable('db:/example_data/orders')var column =table.getColumn('customerid')var typeName =column.getTypeAsString()
Check a flag of the column.
The flags are a bit pattern consisting of 1 or more of the following bits:
var server =plugins.maintenance.getServer("example_data");if (server){// users has uuid pkvar table =server.createNewTable("users");if (table) {var pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.MEDIA,16); // can also use <JSColumn.TEXT, 36> for UUIDs)pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.setFlag(JSColumn.UUID_COLUMN,true)pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.UUID_GENERATORtable.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100);var result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table users successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table users not created."); }// groups has database sequence pk table =server.createNewTable("groups");if (table) { pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.INTEGER,0);pk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.DATABASE_SEQUENCEpk.setDatabaseSequenceName('mygroupsequence')table.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100); result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table groups successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table groups not created."); }}
setFlag(flag, set)
Set or clear a flag of a new column.
The flags are a bit pattern consisting of 1 or more of the following bits:
Booleanset true for set flag, false for clear flag
Returns: void
var server =plugins.maintenance.getServer("example_data");if (server){var table =server.createNewTable("users");if (table) {var pk =table.createNewColumn("id",JSColumn.MEDIA,16); // can also use (JSColumn.TEXT, 36) for UUIDspk.rowIdentifierType =JSColumn.PK_COLUMN;pk.setFlag(JSColumn.UUID_COLUMN,true)pk.sequenceType =JSColumn.UUID_GENERATORvar c =table.createNewColumn("name",JSColumn.TEXT,100);c.allowNull =falsetable.createNewColumn("age",JSColumn.INTEGER,0);table.createNewColumn("last_login",JSColumn.DATETIME,0);var result =server.synchronizeWithDB(table);if (result) application.output("Table successfully created.");elseapplication.output("Table not created."); }}