New Method Wizard

A wizard for creating new methods


The New Method wizard in Servoy Developer provides two different interfaces depending on whether the method is being created in a form or in a global scope. Below are the details for each of these interfaces.

New Global Scope Method Wizard

The New Global Scope Method wizard is used to create methods in a global scope, which can be accessed throughout the application. Here are the sections of this wizard:

Method Name Input Field

A text field where the user specifies the name of the new global method.


Here are the available buttons:


Finalizes the creation of the new global method with the specified name.


Cancels the method creation process and closes the wizard.

New Form Method Wizard

The New Form Method wizard is used to create methods specifically within a form. This interface allows the user to specify the name of the new method and set its access level. Here are the sections of this wizard:

Method Name Input Field

A text field where the user specifies the name of the new method.

Access Level Buttons

Create Public

Creates a method with public access, making it accessible from anywhere within the application.

Create Private

Creates a method with private access, restricting its visibility to the form it belongs to.

Create Protected

Creates a method with protected access, allowing visibility to subclasses or classes in the same package.


Here are the available buttons:


Cancels the method creation process and closes the wizard.

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