
User manual for Servoy Developer Refactor Menu items


This menu item is available only when a script editor is active. It is important to note that for refactoring to work comprehensively, the code must be properly documented through JSDoc. Insufficient information will result in decreased usefulness of the refactoring functionality. When performing a refactoring operation, a window will appear, allowing users to specify the required information and preview all the changes that will be made in all the code.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available via clicking on this menu item:


Renames variables (global, form and local - within functions), functions and function parameters

Opens the Move wizard

Commands Details

The details for each command available via clicking on this menu item:


keybinding: Alt+Shift+R Opens a window where the user can insert a new name. Renames variables (global, form and local - within functions), functions and function parameters. The rename refactor changes the name both for the declaration of the object to be renamed, as well as all references to the object.


Opens the Move wizard.

Last updated

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