User manual for Servoy Developer Toolbar items
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User manual for Servoy Developer Toolbar items
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The Servoy Developer Toolbar provides quick access to frequently used commands and tools within the Servoy development environment. This toolbar helps streamline development tasks, making it easier to perform actions such as running and debugging applications, managing resources, and navigating through the project.
Opens the New Project wizard. The options displayed in the drop down for this icon are the same as File menu item > New.
keybinding: Ctrl+S
Saves changes done in the current file / editor.
keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+S
Saves changes done in all files / editors.
keybinding: Ctrl+Z
Reverses the last action you performed on the active view/editor.
keybinding: Ctrl+Y
Reverses the last Undo action.
Launches the active solution in the NGClient. The drop down for this icon displays the following options:
Launch NG Client: keybinding: Alt+Shift+G
; sub-options:
Default System Web Browser: Launches the NG client in the default web browser of the system
a list with other available web browsers: Launches the NG client in the selected web browser
Launch NGDesktop Client: keybinding: Alt+Shift+A
; Launches the NGDesktop client for the current solution, allowing testing and debugging in a desktop environment
Opens the Package Manager to download and install Servoy components, plugins, and modules.
Opens the theme configuration settings, allowing customization of the appearance and styling of the application.
keybinding: Ctrl+Alt+B
Toggles the skipping of all breakpoints during debugging. This allows the application to run without pausing at breakpoints.
Publishes the current solution to the Servoy Cloud, making it accessible online.
Toggle Mark Occurrences highlights every instance of a selected item within the open editor window. To use this function, click on the item to highlight, then click on the Toggle Mark Occurrences button.
keybinding: Alt+Shift+Y
Toggles word wrap in the editor, ensuring long lines of text are wrapped within the visible area.
keybinding: Alt+Shift+A
Toggles block selection mode, allowing for the selection of rectangular blocks of text.
Opens the Externalize Strings Wizard. Is used replace strings in your solution with i18n keys (that can be modified using i18n Editor)
Opens the i18n editor for internationalization (I18N) messages, allowing the modification of localized strings used in the application.
Opens the color chooser wizard.
Opens the font chooser wizard.
Opens the External Tools Configurations wizard, where external tools can be managed and executed. The drop down for this icon displays the following options:
Run As: shows applicable options
External Tools Configurations...: opens the External Tools Configurations wizard
Organize Favorites: opens a window where the user can sort external tools by preference
Opens Locate Servoy Resource wizard to find and locate a specific resource within Servoy projects. This command is particularly useful for quickly finding forms, methods, or other resources by name.
Opens the Search wizard. The drop down for this icon displays the following options:
File Search: Searches for text within files in the workspace.
Git Search: Searches within the Git repository for commits, changes, and other Git-related information.
Java Search: Searches within Java files for classes, methods, and other Java-specific elements.
JavaScript Search: Searches within JavaScript files for functions, variables, and other JavaScript-specific elements.
keybinding: Ctrl+.
Moves to the next annotation (e.g., TODO, FIXME, warning) in the file.
keybinding: Ctrl+,
Moves to the previous annotation in the file.
The drop down for this icon displays the following check list:
Bookmarks: Navigates to the next bookmark set in the code.
Breakpoints: Moves to the next breakpoint in the code, useful for debugging.
Diff Additions: Jumps to the next addition in a diff view.
Diff Changes: Moves to the next change in a diff view.
Errors: Navigates to the next error in the code.
Infos: Jumps to the next informational annotation in the code.
Occurrences: Moves to the next occurrence of the selected element.
Search Results: Navigates to the next search result.
Spelling Errors: Moves to the next spelling error in the document.
Tasks: Jumps to the next task marker in the code.
Warnings: Moves to the next warning in the code.
keybinding: Ctrl+Q
Navigates to the last edited location in the file.
The drop down for this icon displays the following check list:
Bookmarks: Navigates to the previous bookmark set in the code.
Breakpoints: Moves to the previous breakpoint in the code, useful for debugging.
Diff Additions: Jumps to the previous addition in a diff view.
Diff Changes: Moves to the previous change in a diff view.
Errors: Navigates to the previous error in the code.
Infos: Jumps to the previous informational annotation in the code.
Occurrences: Moves to the previous occurrence of the selected element.
Search Results: Navigates to the previous search result.
Spelling Errors: Moves to the previous spelling error in the document.
Tasks: Jumps to the previous task marker in the code.
Warnings: Moves to the previous warning in the code.
keybinding: Ctrl+Alt+Right
Navigates to the next edited location in the file.
keybinding: Alt+Left
Goes back to the last editor/view.
The drop down for this icon displays a list of possible locations to navigate back to.
keybinding: Alt+Right
Goes forward to the next editor/view.
The drop down for this icon displays a list of possible locations where the users navigated forward to.
Pins the current editor, keeping it open and accessible even when switching between different views or editors.
keybinding: Ctrl+3
Opens the Find Actions wizard.
Opens the perspective selection dialog, allowing you to switch between different perspectives (layouts of views and editors) in the IDE:
Java Browsing
Java Type Hierarchy
Servoy Design (default)
Team Synchronization
Opens the Servoy Design Perspective.
Opens the Debug Perspective.