

The JSLayoutContainer is a JavaScript object designed to facilitate the management and manipulation of layout containers in the Solution Model. It supports both hierarchical navigation and dynamic creation of containers, offering extensive control over layout structures. This object is particularly useful for building responsive designs and managing nested layouts efficiently.

The container's properties allow users to define dimensions, positions, and appearance attributes. For example, height, x, and y coordinates control spatial placement, while cssClasses and tagType customize the HTML output. Identifiers such as elementId, name, packageName, and specName ensure clear referencing and seamless integration with layout specifications.

The methods provided enable comprehensive interaction with components and containers. Users can add, retrieve, or remove components through functions like newWebComponent(type) or getComponent(name). Attribute management is also supported, allowing customization with methods like putAttribute(key, value). Additionally, hierarchical navigation is made simple with functions such as findLayoutContainer(name) and getLayoutContainers(), which aid in accessing or organizing nested structures dynamically.

These features collectively make the JSLayoutContainer a robust tool for developing adaptable and scalable form layouts.

Properties Summarized


The css classes to be output for html tag.

The id to be output for html tag.

Get/set container height.

The name of the component.

returns the layouts package name

returns the layouts spec name

The tag type for html output.

Get/set x location.

Get/set Y location.

Methods Summarized


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name throughout the whole form hierarchy.

Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name through the whole hierarchy of JSLayoutContainers

Returns the comment of this container.

Returns a JSComponent that has the given name; if found it will be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.

Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponents or JSTabPanel.

Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.

Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name of this container.

Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container.

Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container

Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name that is a child of this layout container.

Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container.

Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container.

Create a new layout container as the last child of its parent container.

Create a new layout container.

Create a new layout container.

Create a new layout container as the last child in its parent container.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form, as the last component in its parent container.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the form.



Remove a layout container (with all its children) from hierarchy.

Removes a component (JSLabel, JSButton, JSField, JSPortal, JSBean, JSTabpanel, JSWebComponent) that has the given name.

Removes a JSWebComponent that has the specified name.

Properties Detailed


The css classes to be output for html tag.

Type String


layoutContainer.cssClasses = 'myContainer';


The id to be output for html tag.

Type String


layoutContainer.elementId = 'rowCol';


Get/set container height. This is only used for CSS Position Container.

Type Number


layoutContainer.height = 300;


The name of the component. Through this name it can also accessed in methods. Must be a valid javascript name. (no - in the name or start with number)

Type String


layoutContainer.name = 'col1';


returns the layouts package name

Type String String


returns the layouts spec name

Type String String


The tag type for html output. Default value is 'div'.

Type String


layoutContainer.tagType = 'span';


Get/set x location. Location is used for ordering in html output.

Type Number


layoutContainer.x = 100;;


Get/set Y location. Location is used for ordering in html output.

Type Number


layoutContainer.y = 100;;

Methods Detailed


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name throughout the whole form hierarchy.


  • String name the specified name of the container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer a JSLayoutContainer object


var container = myForm.findLayoutContainer("row1");


Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name through the whole hierarchy of JSLayoutContainers


  • String name the specified name of the web component

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var btn = myForm.findWebComponent("mycomponent");



  • String name the attributes name

Returns: String




Returns the comment of this container.

Returns: String


var comment = solutionModel.getForm("my_form").getComment();


Returns a JSComponent that has the given name; if found it will be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.


  • String name the specified name of the component

Returns: JSComponent a JSComponent object (might be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel)


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var cmp = frm.getComponent("componentName");
application.output("Component type and name: " + cmp);


Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponents or JSTabPanel.

Returns: Array an array of all the JSComponents on the form.


var form = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var components = form.getComponents();
for (var i in components)
	application.output("Component type and name: " + components[i]);


Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from the parent form

Returns: Array an array of all the JSComponents on the form.


var form = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var components = form.getComponents();
for (var i in components)
	application.output("Component type and name: " + components[i]);


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name of this container. Use findLayoutContainer() method to find a JSLayoutContainter through the hierarchy


  • String name the specified name of the container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer a JSLayoutContainer object


var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1");


Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container. Does not return the inherited containers, use #getLayoutContainers(true) to get the inherited as well.

Returns: Array all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var containers = frm.getLayoutContainers();
for (var c in containers)
		var fname = containers[c].name;


Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from parent form

Returns: Array all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var containers = frm.getLayoutContainers();
for (var c in containers)
		var fname = containers[c].name;


Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name that is a child of this layout container. Use findWebComponent() to find a webcomponent through the hierarchy


  • String name the specified name of the web component

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var btn = myForm.getWebComponent("mycomponent");


Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container. If this method is called on a form, then it will return all web components on that form. If the form is responsive, it will return the web components from all the containers. It does not return the inherited components, use #getWebComponents(true) to get the inherited as well.

Returns: Array the list of all JSWebComponent on this forms


var webComponents = myForm.getWebComponents();
for (var i in webComponents)
	if (webComponents[i].name != null)


Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container. If this method is called on a form, then it will return all web components on that form. If the form is responsive, it will return the web components from all the containers.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from parent form

Returns: Array the list of all JSWebComponents on this forms


var webComponents = myForm.getWebComponents(false);
for (var i in webComponents)
	if (webComponents[i].name != null)


Create a new layout container as the last child of its parent container. This method can only be used in responsive forms.

If you want to use default values and so on from a layout package (like 12grid) or if you use the solution model to create a form that is saved back into the workspace (servoyDeveloper.save(form)) then you have to set the packageName and specName properties. So that it works later on in the designer.

If the packageName and specName are not provided, then: the packageName is the same as for the parent container the specName is the first allowed child defined in the specification of the parent container

If the specification of the parent container does not defined allowed children, then if it is not empty the packageName and the specName are copied from the first child layout container.

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer();
container.packageName = "12grid";
container.specName = "row";


Create a new layout container. The position is used to determine the generated order in html markup. This method can only be used in responsive forms.

If you want to use default values and so on from a layout package (like 12grid) or if you use the solution model to create a form that is saved back into the workspace (servoyDeveloper.save(form)) then you have to set the packageName and specName properties. So that it works later on in the designer.

If the packageName and specName are not provided, then: the packageName is the same as for the parent container the specName is the first allowed child defined in the specification of the parent container

If the specification of the parent container does not defined allowed children, then if it is not empty the packageName and the specName are copied from the first child layout container.


  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1);
container.packageName = "12grid";
container.specName = "row";

newLayoutContainer(position, spec)

Create a new layout container. The position is used to determine the generated order in html markup. This method can only be used in responsive forms.


  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

  • String spec a string of the form 'packageName-layoutName', or 'layoutName'

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1, "12grid-row");
container.newLayoutContainer(1, "column");


Create a new layout container as the last child in its parent container. This method can only be used in responsive forms.


  • String spec a string of the form 'packageName-layoutName', or 'layoutName'

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1, "12grid-row");
container.newLayoutContainer(1, "column");


Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form. Will receive a generated name. Will be added as last position in container.


  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1")