
Reference documentation to Cloud Control Center's Home


Home, considered as a dashboard for your namespace, it displays at-a-glance information about recent pipeline activity or available environments in the namespace.

Pipeline Activity at-a-glance

The pipeline activity offers insights into the latest five build packages generated within your namespace on any job. If there is no pipeline activity, you can start a job to generate a build package.

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Package build number (typically presented as # followed by a number; e.g., #176)

Build package details

Warning or error badges

Build markers

Environments at-a-glance

The environments overview provides real-time statistics about the environments available within your namespace:

  • Latest build package generated on that environment

  • Environment status

  • Environment health

  • Environment user sessions

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Environment tile

Environment details overview

Build package number

Build package details

Environment status

Environment downtime details

Environment health

Environment health details

Last updated

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