About Servoy Developer


The About Servoy Developer window provides detailed information about the version of Servoy Developer you are using, copyright details, and third-party software included in the product. It can be accessed from the Servoy Developer Help menu.



Version Information

Displays the current version of Servoy Developer you are using.

Provides the copyright details for Servoy Developer.

States the legal protections and penalties associated with unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the software.

Third-Party Software

Lists the third-party software included in Servoy Developer along with their respective licenses. This section acknowledges the contributions of other developers and organizations whose software is utilized within Servoy Developer.


Each icon in the About Servoy Developer window provides additional information about specific features or components:

  • Eclipse.org

  • Eclipse Modeling Project

  • Eclipse EGit

  • Eclipse GEF

  • Servoy

  • Eclipse Marketplace Client


Here are the available buttons:

Installation Details

Opens the Servoy Developer Installation Details window, providing detailed information about the current installation of Servoy Developer, including installed plugins and components.


Closes the About Servoy Developer window.

Last updated