

A package node can either be a zip file or a project. Actions on it depend on its type. The zip file is readonly while the project itself can be further customized.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu


Create new Component/Service/Layout

Creates a new component/service/layout

Remove Reference to this Package

Removes reference to this Package Project

Edit Package details

Edit Package Project details

Delete Package

Deletes package

Commands Details

The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu

Create new Component/Service/Layout

Only available for Package Project (no zip). Can add a new component, service or layout to the package (depending on package type).

Remove Reference to this Package

Only available for Package Project (no zip, zip file can only be deleted altogether). Remove reference to Package Project (will not delete the project itself).

Edit Package details

Only available for Package Project (no zip). Edit package name and version.

Delete Package

Delete (from local disk), the package project or zip file.

Last updated