
User manual for Servoy Developer Window Menu items


This menu item contains window, editor, view, appearance, perspective, navigation and preferences related commands.

Commands Summary

A summary of commands available via clicking on this menu item:


Opens a separate Servoy Developer window

Displays a list of available editor commands

Displays a list of available appearance commands

Displays a list of available views

Displays a list of available perspective commands

Displays a list of available navigation commands

Opens a new JSON editor

Opens the Preferences configurator

Commands Details

The details for each command available via clicking on this menu item:

New Window

Opens a separate Servoy Developer window.


Opens a sub-list of available commands:

  • Toggle Split Editor (Horizontal): splits the editor horizontally (in case the split is active, this command will revert it); keybinding: Ctrl+_

  • Toggle Split Editor (Vertical): splits the editor vertically (in case the split is active, this command will revert it); keybinding: Ctrl+{

  • Clone: opens a clone of the active editor

  • Toggle Word Wrap: activates and deactivates word wrapping; keybinding: Alt+Shift+Y

  • Zoom In: increases the size of the editor's content; keybinding: Ctrl+ +

  • Zoom Out: decreases the size of the editor's content; keybinding: Ctrl+ -


Opens a sub-list of available commands:

  • Hide / Show Toolbar: hides and shows the toolbar

  • Hide / Show Status Bar: hides and shows the status bar

  • Toggle Full Screen: enters and exits full screen mode of Servoy Developer; keybinding: Alt+F11

  • Maximize Active View or Editor: maximizes the active view or editor; keybinding: Ctrl+M

  • Minimize Active View or Editor: minimizes the active view or editor

Show View

Opens a sub-list of available views:

  • Other: keybinding: Alt+Shift+Q, Q; opens a window containing available views, grouped by category:

    • General:

      • Bookmarks

      • Console

      • Error Log

      • Internal Web Browser

      • Markers

      • Minimap

      • Outline

      • Palette

      • Problems

      • Progress

      • Project Explorer

      • Properties

      • Search

      • Snippets

      • Tasks

      • Templates

      • Welcome

    • Ant:

      • Ant

    • Debug:

      • Breakpoints

      • Debug

      • Debug Shell

      • Expressions

      • Launch Configurations

      • Memory

      • Modules

      • Registers

      • Variables

    • Dynamic Languages:

      • Call Hierarchy

      • Interactive Console

      • Script Explorer

      • Script Unit Test

    • Git:

      • Git Interactive Rebase

      • Git Reflog

      • Git Repositories

      • Git Staging

      • Git Tree Compare

    • Help:

      • Cheat Sheets

      • Help

    • Java:

      • Call Hierarchy

      • Declaration

      • Javadoc

      • JUnit

      • Package Explorer

      • Type Hierarchy

    • Java Browsing:

      • Members

      • Packages

      • Projects

      • Types

    • Servoy:

      • Command Console

      • Favorites

      • Form Hierarchy

      • Profiler

      • Servoy AI

      • Solution Explorer

    • Version Control (Team):

      • History

      • Synchronize

    • Other:

      • Call Hierarchy

      • Declaration

      • Documentation


Opens a sub-list of available commands:

  • Open Perspective: shows the following options:

    • Debug: opens the Debug perspective

    • Other...: opens a window containing available perspectives:

      • Debug

      • Git

      • Java

      • Java Browsing

      • Javascript

      • Java Type Hierarchy

      • Resource

      • Servoy Design (default)

      • Team Synchronization

      • XML

  • Customize Perspective...: opens the Customize Perspective Configurator

  • Save Perspective As...: displays a window where the user can enter or select (from existing perspectives) a name to save the current perspective as

  • Reset Perspective...: displays a confirmation window before resetting the active perspective to its defaults

  • Close Perspective: closes the active perspective

  • Close All Perspectives: closes all perspectives

Opens a sub-list of available commands:

  • Show System Menu: shows a system menu with available commands for the active view or editor; keybinding: Alt+ -

  • Show View Menu: shows a menu with available commands for the active view

  • Find Actions: opens the Find Actions wizard; keybinding: Ctrl+3

  • Activate Editor: activates the current editor, bringing it into focus for editing; keybinding: F12

  • Next Editor: shows a list of all opened editors so the user may select one; keybinding: Ctrl+F6

  • Previous Editor: shows a list of all opened editors so the user may select one; keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+F6

  • Switch to Editor...: opens the Switch to Editor wizard; keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+E

  • Next View: shows a list of all opened views so the user may select one; keybinding: Ctrl+F7;

  • Previous View: shows a list of all opened views so the user may select one; keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+F7

  • Next Perspective: shows a list of perspectives so the user may select one to open; keybinding: Ctrl+F8

  • Previous Perspective: shows a list of perspectives so the user may select one to open; keybinding: Ctrl+Shift+F8

New JSON Editor

keybinding: Alt+Shift+Q, N Opens a new JSON editor, allowing you to create or edit JSON files. This command is useful for working with JSON data structures and configuring settings or data in JSON format.


Opens the Preferences configurator.

Last updated