
Methods Summarized


Get the list of available time zones.

Gets the list of countries available for localization

Gets the currency format from client (using client's locale).

Gets the current country; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

Gets the current private extensions; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

Gets the current language; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

Gets the current time zone of the client; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

Gets the date format from client (using client's locale).

Gets the current default date format from server; based on the current admin settings.

Gets the current default number format from server; based on the current admin settings.

Gets the real message (for the clients locale) for a specified message key.

Gets the real message (for the clients locale) for a specified message key.

Gets the real message using specified locale for a specified message key.

Gets the real message using the specified locale for a specified message key.

Returns a dataset with rows that contains a language key (en) and the displayname (English) column.

Gets the number format from client (using client's locale).

Returns a dataset with rows that contains 3 columns: 'key' (i18n key), 'reference' (reference text for that key) and 'locale ([CURRENT_LOCALE])' (where [CURRENT_LOCALE] is the current language) - with the system messages of servoy.

Returns the offset (in milliseconds) of this time zone from UTC for the current date or at the specified date.

Returns the offset (in milliseconds) of this time zone from UTC for the current date or at the specified date.

Returns an array of known timezones.


This function overrides the default value of the locale first day of the week property.


Sets the value of i18n key for client scope,if value null the setting is removed.


Set/Overwrite the locale for this client.


Set/Overwrite the locale for this client.

Methods Detailed


Get the list of available time zones.

Returns: Array


//Get the list of available time zones
var timezones = i18n.getAvailableTimeZoneIDs();


Gets the list of countries available for localization

Returns: Array a String array containing the available countries.




Gets the currency format from client (using client's locale).

Returns: String a String representing the currency format.


var currencyFormat = i18n.getCurrencyFormat();


Gets the current country; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

NOTE: For more information on i18n, see the chapter on Internationalization in the Servoy Developer User's Guide, and the chapter on Internationalization-I18N in the Programming Guide.

Returns: String a String representing the current country.


var currCountry = i18n.getCurrentCountry();


Gets the current private extensions; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

NOTE: For more information on i18n, see the chapter on Internationalization in the Servoy Developer User's Guide, and the chapter on Internationalization-I18N in the Programming Guide.

Returns: Array an array of Strings representing the current extensions.


var currentExtensions = i18n.getCurrentExtensions();


Gets the current language; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences.

NOTE: For more information on i18n, see the chapter on Internationalization in the Servoy Developer User's Guide, and the chapter on Internationalization-I18N in the Programming Guide.

Returns: String a String representing the current language.


var currLang = i18n.getCurrentLanguage();


Gets the current time zone of the client; based on the current locale settings in the Servoy Client Locale preferences. For Servoy Web Clients the time zone is given by the browser (if it is possible to obtain it).

Returns: String a String representing the current time zone.


var currTimeZone = i18n.getCurrentTimeZone();


Gets the date format from client (using client's locale).

Returns: String a String representing the date format.


var dateFormat = i18n.getDateFormat();


Gets the current default date format from server; based on the current admin settings.

Returns: String a String representing the default date format.


var defaultDateFormat = i18n.getDefaultDateFormat();


Gets the current default number format from server; based on the current admin settings.

Returns: String a String representing the default number format.


var defaultNumberFormat = i18n.getDefaultNumberFormat();


Gets the real message (for the clients locale) for a specified message key.


  • String i18nKey The message key

Returns: String a String that is the message for the message key.


// returns 'Welcome my_name in my solution'
// if the key 'mykey.username.text' is 'Welcome {0} in my solution'
i18n.getI18NMessage('mykey.username.text',new Array('my_name'))

getI18NMessage(i18nKey, dynamicValues)

Gets the real message (for the clients locale) for a specified message key. You can use parameter substitution by using {n}, where n is a index number of the value thats in the arguments array.


  • String i18nKey The message key

  • Array dynamicValues Arguments array when using parameter substitution.

Returns: String a String that is the message for the message key.


// returns 'Welcome my_name in my solution'
// if the key 'mykey.username.text' is 'Welcome {0} in my solution'
i18n.getI18NMessage('mykey.username.text',new Array('my_name'))

getI18NMessage(i18nKey, dynamicValues, language, country)

Gets the real message using specified locale for a specified message key. You can use parameter substitution by using {n}, where n is a index number of the value thats in the arguments array.


  • String i18nKey The message key

  • Array dynamicValues Arguments array when using parameter substitution.

  • String language The lowercase 2 letter code of the locale

  • String country The upper case 2 letter code of the locale

Returns: String a String that is the message for the message key.


// returns 'Welcome my_name in my solution'
// if the key 'mykey.username.text' is 'Welcome {0} in my solution'
i18n.getI18NMessage('mykey.username.text',new Array('my_name'),'en','US')

getI18NMessage(i18nKey, language, country)

Gets the real message using the specified locale for a specified message key.


  • String i18nKey The message key

  • String language The lowercase 2 letter code of the locale

  • String country The upper case 2 letter code of the locale

Returns: String a String that is the message for the message key.


// returns 'Welcome my_name in my solution'
// if the key 'mykey.username.text' is 'Welcome {0} in my solution'
i18n.getI18NMessage('mykey.username.text',new Array('my_name'),'en','US')


Returns a dataset with rows that contains a language key (en) and the displayname (English) column.

See http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt for a list that could be returned.

Returns: JSDataSet a JSDataSet with all the languages.


var set = i18n.getLanguages();
for(var i=1;i<=set.getMaxRowIndex();i++)
	application.output(set.getValue(i, 1) + " " + set.getValue(i, 2));


Gets the number format from client (using client's locale).

Returns: String a String representing the number format.


var numberFormat = i18n.getNumberFormat();


Returns a dataset with rows that contains 3 columns: 'key' (i18n key), 'reference' (reference text for that key) and 'locale ([CURRENT_LOCALE])' (where [CURRENT_LOCALE] is the current language) - with the system messages of servoy. This means all servoy messages, with all available translations.

Returns: JSDataSet a JSDataSet with all the system messages.


var set = i18n.getSystemMessages();
for(var i=1;i<=set.getMaxRowIndex();i++)
	application.output(set.getValue(i, 1) + " " + set.getValue(i, 2)+ " " + set.getValue(i, 3));


Returns the offset (in milliseconds) of this time zone from UTC for the current date or at the specified date.


  • String timeZoneId The time zone to get the offset for.

Returns: Number an int representing the time zone's offset from UTC.


var timeZoneOffset = i18n.getTimeZoneOffset('America/Los_Angeles');

getTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneId, date)

Returns the offset (in milliseconds) of this time zone from UTC for the current date or at the specified date.


  • String timeZoneId The time zone to get the offset for.

  • Date date The date in the time zone (default current date). Needed in case daylight saving time/GMT offset changes are used in the time zone.

Returns: Number an int representing the time zone's offset from UTC.


var timeZoneOffset = i18n.getTimeZoneOffset('America/Los_Angeles');


Returns an array of known timezones.

Returns: Array an Array with all the timezones.


var timeZones = i18n.getTimeZones();


This function overrides the default value of the locale first day of the week property. This is used in the various calendar fields (default,bootstrap)


  • Number weekday The weekday that should be shown as the first day (1 == monday)

Returns: void


// set the first day of the week to monday even if the locale in the browser (us) says i it is 0 (sunday)

setI18NMessage(i18nKey, value)

Sets the value of i18n key for client scope,if value null the setting is removed. All forms not yet loaded will change (execute this in solution startup or first form)


  • String i18nKey The message key

  • String value They value for the message key.

Returns: void


//sets the value of i18n key for client scope; if value null the setting is removed
//Warning: already created form elements with i18n text lookup will not change,
//so call this method in the solution startup method or in methods from first form
//this method saves message for current locale, so if locale is changed with setLocale, all messages set from scripting will be lost


setLocale(language, country)

Set/Overwrite the locale for this client. All forms not yet loaded will change (execute this in solution startup or first form).

The language must be a lowercase 2 letter code defined by ISO-639. see ISO 639-1 codes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_code The country must be an upper case 2 letter code defined by ISO-3166 see ISO-3166-1 codes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2

NOTE: For more information on i18n, see the chapter on Internationalization in the Servoy Developer User's Guide, and the chapter on Internationalization-I18N in the Programming Guide.


  • String language The lowercase 2 letter code

  • String country The upper case 2 letter code.

Returns: void


//Warning: already created form elements with i18n text lookup will not change,
//so call this method in the solution startup method or in methods from first form


setLocale(language, country, extensions)

Set/Overwrite the locale for this client. All forms not yet loaded will change (execute this in solution startup or first form).

The language must be a lowercase 2 letter code defined by ISO-639. see ISO 639-1 codes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_code

The country must be an upper case 2 letter code defined by ISO-3166 see ISO-3166-1 codes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2

The extensions must be an array of strings indicating for example different industries. Each extension string must consist of only letters and digits with a max length of 8 characters see private extensions at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/locale/extensions.html

NOTE: For more information on i18n, see the chapter on Internationalization in the Servoy Developer User's Guide, and the chapter on Internationalization-I18N in the Programming Guide.


  • String language The lowercase 2 letter code

  • String country The upper case 2 letter code

  • Array extensions array of private extensions strings

Returns: void


//Warning: already created form elements with i18n text lookup will not change,
//so call this method in the solution startup method or in methods from first form


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