NGDesktop UI (ref)

(part of package 'NGDesktop UI')

You can access it in code via: plugins.ngdesktopui




Add a checkbox to the specified menu. NOTE: when adding the checkbox to an existing menuitem, that menuitem will turn from type "normal" to type "submenu". If a callback has been set previously, that callback will no longer be called.


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {String} text - checkbox label

  • {Function} callback - callback function to call. The callback function will receive:- text of the clicked item- type of the clicked item ("normal", "radio", "checkbox")- checked value for checkboxes and radio buttons, otherwise undefined

  • {Boolean} [checked] - checkbox initial status (unchecked by default)

  • {Number} [position] - insert position

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu

Returns: Number - the index of the added checkbox


Add Developer Tools menu to the menu bar

Use it just for debugging. Remove any call to this function once you're done.

Returns: Number - the index of the added menu or -1 if nothing has changed


Add new menu to the menu bar


  • {String} text - menu text

  • {Number} [index] - menu insert position (zero based)

Returns: Number - the index of the added menu


Add menu items to existing menu. NOTE: when adding an item to an existing menuitem, that menuitem will turn from type "normal" to type "submenu". If a callback has been set previously, that callback will no longer be called.


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {String} text - menuitem text

  • {Function} callback - callback function to call. The callback function will receive:- text of the clicked item- type of the clicked item ("normal", "radio", "checkbox")- checked value for checkboxes and radio buttons, otherwise undefined

  • {Number} [position] - insert position

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu

Returns: Number - the index of the added menu item


Add a radio button to the specified menu.

NOTE: when adding the checkbox to an existing menuitem, that menuitem will turn from type "normal" to type "submenu". If a callback has been set previously, that callback will no longer be called. NOTE: For the first added radio button in a group, the radio button will be selected ignoring the 'selected' param.


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {String} text - checkbox label

  • {Function} callback - callback function to call. The callback function will receive:- text of the clicked item- type of the clicked item ("normal", "radio", "checkbox")- checked value for checkboxes and radio buttons, otherwise undefined

  • {Boolean} [selected] - initial selected status

  • {Number} [position] - insert position

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu

Returns: Number - the index of the added radio button


Add a menuitem with standard native system behavior. For a complete list of allowed values see:


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {String} role - item role.

  • {String} [text] - menuitem text; when not specified the System will provide a standard (localized) one

  • {Number} [position] - insert position; when role is a predefined menu, this parameter is ignored;

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu; when role is a predefined menu this parameter is ignored

Returns: Number - the index of the added role item


Add separator line to the specified menu


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {Number} [position] - insert position

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu

Returns: Number - the index of the added separator


Closes a and destroys a previously created BrowserView by the given id.


  • {Number} id - the id of the view to close.


Creates a BrowserView (looks like an iframe) and adds this to the current window at the given coordinates with the given width and height. It returns and id that can be used to close/clean up this view later on, or to target that view to inject some javascript.


  • {Number} x - the X coordinate to position this view

  • {Number} y - the Y coordinate to position this view

  • {Number} width - the width of this view

  • {Number} height - the height of this view

  • {String} url - the url to load into this view

Returns: Number The id to target this view later on.


Creates a system tray menu for the application. The tray menu allows users to interact with the application via a small icon in the system tray.


// Create a tray menu with custom options
var trayMenu = plugins.ngdesktopui.createTrayMenu();
trayMenu.title = "My App";
trayMenu.tooltip = "Application is running";
trayMenu.icon = plugins.file.readFile('media:///tray_icon.png');
trayMenu.trayMenuItems = [
    { label: "Open", type: "normal", click: function() { application.showForm('mainForm'); } },
    { label: "Exit", type: "normal", click: function() { application.exit(); } }

Returns: CustomType<ngdesktopui.trayMenu> The tray menu object that can be customized with title, tooltip, icon, and menu items.


Count menus from the menu bar.

Returns: Number The total number of menus currently present in the menu bar.


Return the menu text at the specified position.


  • {String} text - the text to query for

Returns: Number - menu index containing the specified text; if not found return -1


Get menuitem index from the specified menu


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {String} text - menuitem text to query for index

Returns: Number The index of the menu item with the specified text, or -1 if not found.


Get menuitem text from the specified menu


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {Number} itemIndex - menuitem index to query for text

Returns: String The text of the specified menu item, or null if the index is out of range.


Count menu items for the specified menu


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the submenu items will be count

Returns: Number The number of menu items in the specified menu or submenu.


Return the menu text from the specified menu position.


  • {Number} index The index to query for

Returns: String - menu's text; if index is out of range - null is returned


Get window size

Returns: Array<Number> - an array containing window's width and height


Get the zoom factor of the current window

Returns: Number The zoom factor of the current window


Hide the window


Injects the given javascript into the content of the BrowserView of the given id. The javascript can be a function declaration that is then called later on. The last statement return value is given back to the callback as a first argument. If something goes wrong then the callback is called where the first argument is null and a second argument has the message of the exception.


// open<br/>
var id = plugins.ngdesktopui.createBrowserView(100,200,700,500,"");<br/>
// get the value of the search field and return this.<br/>
plugins.ngdesktopui.injectJSIntoBrowserView(id, "function test() { return document.getElementsByName('q')[0].value};test();", callback);


  • {Number} id - the id of the view to execute javascript in.

  • {String} js - the piece of javascript that is injected into this view.

  • {Function} callback - the callback function that is used to get the results or exception if the call fails.


Return true if window is in full screen state

Returns: Boolean True if the window is currently in full-screen mode; otherwise, false.


Return true if window is in maximized state

Returns: Boolean True if the window is currently maximized; otherwise, false.


Return true if window is in minimized state

Returns: Boolean True if the window is currently minimized; otherwise, false.


Return true whether the window is in normal state (not maximized, not minimized, not in fullscreen mode)

Returns: Boolean True if the window is in its default (normal) state; otherwise, false.


Return true if window is in visible to the user

Returns: Boolean True if the window is currently visible to the user; otherwise, false.


Maximize the window


Minimize the window


Register callback to be executed before closing ngdesktop


  • {Function} callback - function to be executed before closing ngdesktop. Must return a boolean value: true if ngdesktop will close; false if ngdesktop will not close

Returns: Boolean - whether function executed succesfully or not


Cleanup the specified menu


  • {Number} index - menu position

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index


Cleanup the menubar. For MacOS that means to display a minimal menu


Delete menu from the specified position from the menu bar


  • {Number} index - menu position to be deleted


Removes a menu item from an existing menu. NOTE: when the last item from a submenu is removed, that submenu will turn from type "submenu" to type "normal". If a callback has been set previously for the item, that callback will be called from then on.


  • {Number} index - menu index

  • {Number} position - menuitem position to be removed

  • {Number} [itemIndex] - submenu index; when specified the position is relative to this submenu


Reset ngdesktop menu to default


Restore the window


Set window to full screen mode


  • {Boolean} flag If true, sets the window to full-screen mode; if false, exits full-screen mode.


Show/hide menubar visibility. This function is working only on Windows/Linux


  • {Boolean} visible If true, the menu bar will be shown; if false, it will be hidden.


Set window size to the specified dimensions


  • {Number} width Integer value greater than zero

  • {Number} height Integer value greater than zero


Set the zoom factor of the current window 1 == 100%. 0.5 == 50%.


  • {Number} factor (values greater than 0.0 and smaller or equal to 5.0)

Returns: Boolean True if the zoom factor was successfully set; otherwise, false.


Show and gives focus to the window


Unmaximize the window


Unregister the callback to be executed before closing ngdesktop.

Set the way external links will be handled from ngdesktop. When the flag parameter is set to: - true: open external links using OS default browser - false: open external links using a new ngdesktop window


  • {Boolean} flag If true, external links will open in the OS default browser; if false, they will open in a new ngdesktop window.



scripting type: CustomType<ngdesktopui.trayMenu>


scripting type: CustomType<ngdesktopui.trayMenuItem>

Last updated

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