
Constants Summary


Constant that is returned as a JSEvent type when in the callback method when it executed normally..

Constant that is returned as a JSEvent type when in the callback method when an exception occurred..

Methods Summary


Gets the id of the client..

Get a data-provider value..

Get a data-provider value..

returns true if this client is still valid/usable..


Queues a method call on the remote server, without a callback method..


Queues a method call on the remote server..

Set a data-provider value..

Set a data-provider value..


closes the client..


closes the client..

Constants Details


Constant that is returned as a JSEvent type when in the callback method when it executed normally.

Returns String


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);


Constant that is returned as a JSEvent type when in the callback method when an exception occurred.

Returns String


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);

Methods Details


Gets the id of the client.

This client id can be used to find the client from the headless client plugin. Note that this client id is not the same id as the id displayed on the Aplicationb Server admin page.

Returns String


var headlessClient = plugins.headlessclient.createClient("someSolution", "user", "pass", null);
var clientID = headlessClient.getClientID()
headlessClient = plugins.headlessclient.getClient(clientID);
if (headlessClient != null && headlessClient.isValid()) {
	 headlessClient.queueMethod(null, "someRemoteMethod", null, callback);

getDataProviderValue(contextName, dataprovider)

Get a data-provider value.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method, null if it is global method or a form name for a form method String dataprovider the data-provider name as seen in Servoy

Returns Object the value for the data-provider.


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	// only gets the globals.media when the 'remoteMethod' is currently executing for this client
	var value = jsclient.getDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", 'remoteMethod');
	if (value != null)
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: "+ value);
		scopes.globals.value = value+10;
		var returnValue = jsclient.setDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", scopes.globals.value, 'remoteMethod');
		application.output("value set to scopes.globals.number previous value "+ returnValue);
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: " + null);

getDataProviderValue(contextName, dataprovider, methodName)

Get a data-provider value.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method; null if it is global method or a form name for a form method. String dataprovider the data-provider name as seen in Servoy. String methodName if this is specified, the data-provider's value will only be returned if the specified method is running in this headless client because the currently running client requested it to. Otherwise undefined is returned.

Returns Object the value of the data-provider.


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	// only gets the globals.media when the 'remoteMethod' is currently executing for this client
	var value = jsclient.getDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", 'remoteMethod');
	if (value != null)
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: "+ value);
		scopes.globals.value = value+10;
		var returnValue = jsclient.setDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", scopes.globals.value, 'remoteMethod');
		application.output("value set to scopes.globals.number previous value "+ returnValue);
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: " + null);


returns true if this client is still valid/usable.

Returns Boolean


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);

queueMethod(contextName, methodName, args)

Queues a method call on the remote server, without a callback method. Please note that calling queueMethod without a callback does not return anything: no result of the remote method or no exception if something went wrong.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method, null if it is global method or a form name for a form method. String methodName The method name. Array args The arguments that should be passed to the method.

Returns void


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x]);

queueMethod(contextName, methodName, args, notifyCallBackMethod)

Queues a method call on the remote server. The callback method will be called when the method is executed on the server and the return value is given as the JSEvent.data object with the JSEvent.getType() value of JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT. If an exception is thrown somewhere then the callback method will be called with the exception as the JSEvent data object with the JSEvent.getType() value of JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT The second argument that is give back is the JSClient instance that did the call.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method, null if it is global method or a form name for a form method. String methodName The method name. Array args The arguments that should be passed to the method. Function notifyCallBackMethod The callback method that is called when the execution is finished.

Returns void


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);

setDataProviderValue(contextName, dataprovider, value)

Set a data-provider value.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method, null if it is global method or a form name for a form method. String dataprovider the data-provider name as seen in Servoy. Object value the value to set.

Returns Object the old value or null if no change.


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	// only gets the globals.media when the 'remoteMethod' is currently executing for this client
	var value = jsclient.getDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", 'remoteMethod');
	if (value != null)
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: "+ value);
		scopes.globals.value = value+10;
		var returnValue = jsclient.setDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", scopes.globals.value, 'remoteMethod');
		application.output("value set to scopes.globals.number previous value "+ returnValue);
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: " + null);

setDataProviderValue(contextName, dataprovider, value, methodName)

Set a data-provider value.

Parameters String contextName The context of the given method, null if it is global method or a form name for a form method String dataprovider the data-provider name as seen in Servoy Object value the value to set String methodName if this is specified, the data-provider's value will only be set if the specified method is running in this headless client because the currently running client requested it to. Otherwise the value is not set into the data-provider and undefined is returned.

Returns Object the old value or null if no change


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	// only gets the globals.media when the 'remoteMethod' is currently executing for this client
	var value = jsclient.getDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", 'remoteMethod');
	if (value != null)
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: "+ value);
		scopes.globals.value = value+10;
		var returnValue = jsclient.setDataProviderValue(null, "scopes.globals.number", scopes.globals.value, 'remoteMethod');
		application.output("value set to scopes.globals.number previous value "+ returnValue);
		application.output("value get from scopes.globals.number :: " + null);


closes the client.

Returns void


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);


closes the client.

Parameters Boolean force ;

Returns void


if (jsclient && jsclient.isValid())
	/*Queue a method where the callback can do something like this
	if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EVENT)
		application.output("callback data, name: " + event.data);
	else if (event.getType() == JSClient.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION_EVENT)
		application.output("exception callback, name: " + event.data);
	var x = new Object();
	x.name = 'remote1';
	x.number = 10;
	// this calls a 'remoteMethod' on the server as a global method, because the context (first argument is set to null), you can use a formname to call a form method
	jsclient.queueMethod(null, "remoteMethod", [x], callback);

Last updated