2023.12 (Servoy Cloud)

Release Notes

Download Database Backup Files

Easy downloading of database backup files can now be done on the database overview page. Downloading backup files is only supported for users who have the Administrator role. All downloaded backups are encrypted and need to be decrypted afterwards, see documentation.

Support for Cypress E2E tests

The previous end-to-end (E2E) tests based on Protractor are no longer supported. Now, we use Cypress to run the E2E tests in Servoy Cloud. To run all Cypress tests, those tests need to be added to the jenkins-custom folder.

|── e2e-test-scripts
    ├── cypress
        ├── e2e
            ├── loginFlow.cy.js
            ├── resetPasswordFlow.cy.js

All Cypress tests should have the extension cy.js. There is also support for dynamic password data, which can be specified in the build configuration. The following sample is a login flow written with Cypress:

describe("LoginFlow CCC", () => {
  it("LoginFlow CCC", () => {
    //Login into solution
    cy.get("[data-cy='svyCloudLogin\\.fc_password\\$containedForm\\$input']").type(Cypress.env('e2e_var_password'), { log: false });

Where the values e2e_var_username and e2e_var_password are read from the job configuration. Also, as you noticed, the URL should not have the http/https part, but only the last part starting from solution.

Servoy Cloud Security

Starting from Servoy 2023.12, application login can also be done against Servoy Cloud. This means that you have an easy way of managing your Application Users & Roles without writing any code. In the application itself, you use the permissions defined in Servoy Developer, which will be automatically synced during a build in Servoy Cloud. In the future, this will have more features, such as easy support for 2FA, and it will replace most of the features of svySecurity.

Mobile Builder Improvements

  • Add app URL validation.

  • Add support for the App Store camera usage description.

  • Add support for the App Store location usage description.

  • Add support for Servoy Mobile solution (Advanced Builder).

Servoy Build job Improvements

You can now easily select a specific time when a build should be run or fetched from the Git repository to check if it has changed and run a new build.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Add support for easy copying of code blocks in ServoyAI Response.

  • Improve the new Application Flow to also support custom GIT repositories and existing GIT Repos.

  • Custom job properties of type "password" were not always displayed as passwords.

  • Improve log message parsing to correctly highlight code and provide better user messages.

  • Add support for easily updating the application icon from the application server.

  • Build markers are now also shown in the quality reports tab of a build package detail screen.

  • Deleting an application will no longer delete the GIT repository.

  • Moved the Docker namespace steps for On-Premise deployment into Servoy Docs.

Last updated