
Reference documentation for the i18n item in the Solution Explorer


A solution has i18n messages attached if i18nDataSource property is filled in on solution (default value is null). Even after an i18n table is defined, Servoy Developer uses workspace files to store i18n keys (the files are under resources project solution). There are some actions to synchronize between i18n table and workspace. Note that Servoy will also provide some default i18n keys that are always included.

Commands Summary


Opens the i18n Editor

Reads i18n Messages from the i18n table and writes them to the project workspace.

Reads i18n Messages from the workspace and writes them to the i18n table

Commands Details

Edit i18n Messages

Opens the i18n Editor

Read from DB

Will write i18n content from database (defined at solution level in i18n datasource) to workspace files. New keys will be inserted, existing keys will be updated, for deletes you choose to apply or ignore them.

Write to DB

Will write i18n content from workspace files (under resources project) to database table(defined at solution level in i18n datasource) . New keys will be inserted, existing keys will be updated, for deletes you choose to apply or ignore them.

Last updated