E4X (Ecma-357) XML global object. This is based on a deprecated/withdrawn standard.
Properties Summarized
If set to true, then comments in the XML are ignored when constructing new XML objects.
If set to true, then processing instructions are ignored when constructing new XML objects.
If set to true, then whitespace in the XML is ignored when constructing new XML objects.
The amount of positions used when indenting child nodes are relative to their parent if prettyPrinting is enabled.
If set to true, then toString() and toXMLString() methods will normalize the output to achieve a uniform appearance.
Methods Summarized
Takes one argument which can be a string with a namespace URI or a Namespace object and adds the argument to the in scope namespaces of this XML object.
Appends a new child at the end of this XML object's properties, the changed XML object is then returned.
Takes a single argument with the attribute name and returns an XMLList with attributes matching the argument.
Returns an XMLList with the attributes of this XML object which are in no namespace.
If the XML object has no parent then the special number NaN is returned, otherwise the ordinal position the object has in the context of its parent is returned.
Returns a deep copy of the XML object it is called on where the internal parent property is set to null
Returns an XMLList with the descendants matching the passed name argument or with all descendants if no argument is passed.
Returns an XMLList with the descendants matching the passed name argument or with all descendants if no argument is passed.
Takes one optional argument, the name of elements you are looking for, and returns an XMLList with all matching child elements.
Takes one optional argument, the name of elements you are looking for, and returns an XMLList with all matching child elements.
Returns false for XML objects of node kind 'text', 'attribute', 'comment', and 'processing-instruction'.
Returns true if the XML object the method is called on has a property of that name.
Returns an array of Namespace objects representing the namespace that are in scope for this XML object.
Takes two arguments, an existing child to insert after and the new child to be inserted.
Takes two arguments, an existing child to insert before and the new child to be inserted.
If no argument is passed to the method then it returns the namespace associated with the qualified name of this XML object.
If no argument is passed to the method then it returns the namespace associated with the qualified name of this XML object.
Returns an array with the namespace declarations associated with the XML object it is called on.
Iinserts the given value as the first child of the XML object and returns the XML object.
If no argument is passed in then the method returns an XMLList with all the children of the XML object which are processing instructions.
If no argument is passed in then the method returns an XMLList with all the children of the XML object which are processing instructions.
Returns true if the property name is '0' and false otherwise.
Removes the namespace from the in scope namespaces of this XML object if the namespace is not used for the qualified name of the object or its attributes.
Takes two arguments, the property name of the property / properties to be replaced, and the value to replace the properties.