Reference documentation for individual Scope items in the Solution Explorer
In Servoy, a scope is a JavaScript execution context within the solution, containing variables and functions. Expanding a scope will show the following:
relations: by right-clicking on this item, the user has the option to create a relation through relation editor.
Commands Summary
A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu:
Creates a new method in global scope
Deletes the global scope
Gives a new name to the scope
Runs JSUnit tests from a global scope
Commands Details
The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu
Open in Script Editor
Opens the scope in Script Editor. A scope is just a javascript file in the workspace.
Create method
Creates a javascript method in the scope.
Delete scope
Deletes the global scope (deletes scope javascript file from workspace).
Rename scope
You can choose a new name for your global scope. This will NOT change all occurrences of old name, will only modify the scope itself to the new name.
Warning Use with care.
Run JSUnit tests
Runs JSUnit tests from your scope. See Unit Testing for what is unit testing and JSUnit API for JSUnit testing API.
Contextual List
Here are the item details that appear in the contextual list and each command available via right-click:
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