Color Chooser Wizard

A wizard for color choosing


The Color Chooser Wizard allows users to select and define colors for their projects. It provides a palette of basic colors, the ability to define custom colors, and options to add new colors to the custom palette.


Basic Colors

A palette of pre-defined basic colors that can be selected for use. These colors are readily available and provide a wide range of options for immediate use.

Custom Colors

A palette where users can define and save custom colors. This section allows for more flexibility and personalization in color selection.

Define Custom Colors

An extended section that allows users to create custom colors by adjusting hue, saturation, and luminosity, as well as red, green, and blue values. This section is accessible by clicking the Define Custom Colors button.


Here are the available buttons:

Define Custom Colors

Expands the dialog to show additional options for creating custom colors.


Applies the selected or custom color and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without making any changes.

Using the Color Chooser

Here are the steps for using the Color Chooser:

  1. Open the Color Chooser Dialog: Access it from the Servoy Developer Edit menu or through the Toolbar Color Chooser icon.

  2. Select a Basic Color:

    • Click on any color in the Basic Colors palette to select it.

  3. Define a Custom Color in case the needed color is not found in the Basic Color Palette:

    • Click on Define Custom Colors to open the extended custom color options.

    • Adjust the hue, saturation, luminosity, and RGB values to create a custom color.

    • Click Add to Custom Colors to save the color to the Custom Colors palette.

  4. Use the Selected Color:

    • Click OK to apply the selected or custom color.

    • Click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.

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