File Export Wizard


The Solution Export Wizard is a tool designed to facilitate the process of exporting Servoy solutions, allowing developers to package and deploy their applications. It guides users through selecting the destination file and specifying various export options to tailor the export process to their needs.

Export a Solution

Here are the steps to export a solution:

  • Select Export Solution > File export from the context menu of the active solution node.

  • Specify the file destination.

  • By default, Servoy uses the Servoy application_server/solutions folder on the local machine.

  • You can click the Browse button to specify a different location.

  • Choose your export options. You can protect the solution with a password, and export the solution with referenced modules, tables, sample data, i18n data, and user groups.

  • Click Next for additional options (if applicable to the options you selected).

  • Click Finish. The file will be saved as a .servoy file.

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