Reference documentation for Controller in the Solution Explorer
This node represents the controller of the form.
Commands Summary
A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu:
Opens Form in Titanium Client
Adds form to a Working Set
Commands Details
The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu:
Open in Form Editor
Opens the Form Editor. A form has two parts, user interface file and scripting file. In Form Editor you can change the design of the form.
Open Form Hierarchy
Opens the Form Hierarchy. There you see the hierarchy tree (according to parent-child relation).
Open in Debug Client
Open form in Titanium Client. The client opened from Servoy Developer is a Debug Client (as you can debug through it). If you have an opened Client, you can open the selected form in it (as main form).
Open in Script Editor
Opens the form Script Editor. Each form has a design file and a scripting file (javascript code). Is used to encapsulate code specific to that form, that should not be reused from another form (except through inheritance).
Toggle Form Commands
Opens the Form Editor. A form has two parts, user interface file and scripting file. In Form Editor you can change the design of the form.
Add to working set
Add the form to a working set (like a logical folder for that form).
Contextual List
Here are the item details that appear in the contextual list and each command available via right-click:
property and functions:
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