The Utils
scripting object provides a range of utility methods for data transformation, formatting, and validation. It includes functionality for handling Base64 encoding and decoding, byte array manipulation, and string transformations such as escaping markup, formatting, and hashing. This makes it a versatile tool for managing data in different formats.
Key methods include base64ToBytes
, which converts Base64-encoded strings to byte arrays, and bytesToBase64
, which performs the reverse operation. The dateFormat
method allows dates to be formatted based on specified patterns, with support for custom timezones and locales. Similarly, numberFormat
enables precise number formatting, including locale-specific options.
Advanced string operations such as stringReplace
, stringFormat
, and stringTrim
are complemented by security-focused methods like stringMD5HashBase16
and stringPBKDF2Hash
, providing robust options for hashing and validation. For example, validatePBKDF2Hash
ensures that a given password matches a hash, supporting modern cryptographic standards like SHA256.
The object also facilitates Unicode character conversion, checks for related records using hasRecords
, and parses strings into date objects with parseDate
, offering rich functionality for varied use cases.
Methods Summarized
Return the byte array representation of the Base64 value
Return the String representation of the Base64 value
Return the Base64 value representation of the byteArray
Return the string conversion of the byteArray
Format a date object to a text representation.
Format a date object to a text representation using the format and timezone given.
Format a date object to a text representation.
Format a date object to a text representation using the format, timezone, language and country given.
Returns a string containing the character for the unicode number.
Returns true if the (related)foundset exists and has records.
Returns true if the (related)foundset exists and has records.
Returns true when Monday is the first day of the week for your current locale setting.
Format a number to have a defined fraction.
Format a number to have a defined fraction.
Format a number to specification.
Format a number to specification.
Parse a string to a date object.
Parse a string to a date object.
Parse a string to a date object.
Parse a string to a date object.
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
Formats a string according to format specifiers and arguments.
Format a string using mask.
Replaces a portion of a string with replacement text from a specified index.
Returns all words starting with capital chars.
Returns a string with the requested number of characters, starting from the left.
Returns the number of words, starting from the left.
Returns the md5 hash (encoded as base16) for specified text.
Returns the md5 hash (encoded as base64) for specified text.
Returns a substring from the original string.
Returns a substring from the original string.
Returns the PBKDF2 hash for specified text.
Returns the PBKDF2 hash for specified text.
Returns the number of times searchString appears in textString.
Returns the position of the string to search for, from a certain start position and occurrence.
Replaces a portion of a string with replacement text.
Returns the text with %%tags%% replaced, based on provided record or foundset or form.
Returns a string with the requested number of characters, starting from the right.
Returns the number of words, starting from the right.
Return the Base64 representation of the string
Return the byte array representation of the string
Filters characters out of from a string and leaves digits, returns the number.
Filters characters out of from a string and leaves digits, returns the number.
Returns the string without leading or trailing spaces.
Returns the number of words in the text string.
Returns a datestamp from the timestamp (sets hours,minutes,seconds and milliseconds to 0).
Validates the given password against the given hash.
Methods Detailed
Return the byte array representation of the Base64 value
Object base64String: the Base64 encoded string to convert to byte array
Returns: Array byteArray representation of the base64 string using UTF-8 charset for conversion
Return the String representation of the Base64 value
Object base64String: the Base64 value to convert to String
Returns: String String decoded representation of the Base64 value using UTF-8 charset for conversion
Return the Base64 value representation of the byteArray
Object byteArray: the byte array to convert to Base64 value
Returns: String Base64 representation of the byte array using UTF-8 charset for conversion
Array bytearray the byte array to convert to hex encoded string
Returns: String returns hex encoded string from bytearray
Return the string conversion of the byteArray
Object byteArray: the byte array to convert to
Returns: String string representation of the byte array using UTF-8 charset for conversion
dateFormat(date, format)
Returns: String the date as text
dateFormat(date, format, timezone)
Date date the date
String format the format to output
String timezone The timezone string to use to parse the date (like GMT+3), if null then the timezone of the current client is used.
Returns: String the date as text
dateFormat(date, format, language, country)
Date date the date
String format the format to output
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: String the date as text
dateFormat(date, format, timezone, language, country)
Date date the date
String format the format to output
String timezone the timezone to use the format, if null then current client timezone is used.
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: String the date as text
Returns a string containing the character for the unicode number.
Number unicodeCharacterNumber the number indicating the unicode character
Returns: String a string containing the unicode character
Returns true if the (related)foundset exists and has records. Another use is, to pass a record and qualified relations string to test multiple relations/foundset at once
JSFoundSet foundset the foundset to be tested
Returns: Boolean true if exists
hasRecords(record, relationString)
Returns true if the (related)foundset exists and has records. Another use is, to pass a record and qualified relations string to test multiple relations/foundset at once
Returns: Boolean true if the foundset/relation has records.
String hex hex encoded string to be decoded into a byte array.
Returns: Array a byte array from hex encoded string
String hex ;
Returns: String returns decoded string from hex
Returns true when Monday is the first day of the week for your current locale setting.
Returns: Boolean true if Monday is first day of the week in current locale
numberFormat(number, digits)
Format a number to have a defined fraction.
Returns: String the resulting number in text
numberFormat(number, digits, language, country)
Format a number to have a defined fraction.
Number number the number to format
Number digits nr of digits
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: String the resulting number in text
numberFormat(number, format)
Format a number to specification.
Returns: String the resulting number in text
numberFormat(number, format, language, country)
Format a number to specification.
Number number the number to format
String format the format
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: String the resulting number in text
parseDate(date, format)
Parse a string to a date object. This parses the date using the TimeZone of the server Format can be a string like: 'dd-MM-yyyy' , 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm' , 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa', 'dd.MM.yyyy'
Returns: Date the date as date object
parseDate(date, format, timezone)
Parse a string to a date object. Using the timezone that is given, if null then it formats it with the clients timezone.
see i18n.getAvailableTimeZoneIDs() to get a timezone string that can be used.
Format can be a string like: 'dd-MM-yyyy' , 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm' , 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa', 'dd.MM.yyyy'
String date the date as text
String format the format to parse the date
String timezone The timezone string to use to parse the date (like GMT+3)
Returns: Date the date as date object
parseDate(date, format, language, country)
Parse a string to a date object. Using language and country that are given, if null then it formats it with the locale of the client
Format can be a string like: 'dd-MM-yyyy' , 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm' , 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa', 'dd.MM.yyyy'
String date the date as text
String format the format to parse the date
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: Date the date as date object
parseDate(date, format, timezone, language, country)
Parse a string to a date object. Using the timezone, language and country that are given, if null then it formats it with the timezone and locale of the client
see i18n.getAvailableTimeZoneIDs() to get a timezone string that can be used.
Format can be a string like: 'dd-MM-yyyy' , 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm' , 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa', 'dd.MM.yyyy'
String date the date as text
String format the format to parse the date
String timezone The timezone string to use to parse the date (like GMT+3)
String language language used to create locale
String country country used along side language to create the locale
Returns: Date the date as date object
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
String textString the text to process
Returns: String the escaped text
stringEscapeMarkup(textString, escapeSpaces)
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
Returns: String the escaped text
stringEscapeMarkup(textString, escapeSpaces, convertToHtmlUnicodeEscapes)
Returns the escaped markup text (HTML/XML).
String textString the text to process
Boolean escapeSpaces indicating to escape spaces
Boolean convertToHtmlUnicodeEscapes indicating to use unicode escapes
Returns: String the escaped text
stringFormat(text_to_format, parameters)
Formats a string according to format specifiers and arguments.
Returns: String the formatted text
stringFormat(text, format)
Format a string using mask.
Returns: String the resulting text
stringIndexReplace(text, i_start, i_size, replacement_text)
Replaces a portion of a string with replacement text from a specified index.
String text the text to process
Number i_start the start index to work from
Number i_size the size of the text to replace
String replacement_text the replacement text
Returns: String the changed text string
Returns all words starting with capital chars.
String text the text to process
Returns: String the changed text
stringLeft(text, i_size)
Returns a string with the requested number of characters, starting from the left.
Returns: String the result text string
stringLeftWords(text, numberof_words)
Returns the number of words, starting from the left.
Returns: String the string with number of words form the left
Returns the md5 hash (encoded as base16) for specified text.
NOTE: MD5 (Message-Digest Algorythm 5) is a hash function with a 128-bit hash value, for more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5
String textString the text to process
Returns: String the resulting hashString
Returns the md5 hash (encoded as base64) for specified text.
NOTE: MD5 (Message-Digest Algorythm 5) is a hash function with a 128-bit hash value, for more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5
String textString the text to process
Returns: String the resulting hashString
stringMiddle(text, i_start, i_size)
Returns a substring from the original string.
String text the text to process
Number i_start the start index to work from
Number i_size the size of the text to return
Returns: String the result text string
stringMiddleWords(text, i_start, numberof_words)
Returns a substring from the original string.
Returns: String the string with number of words form the left and
Returns the PBKDF2 hash for specified text. This method is preferred above the old MD5 hash for enhanced security. It uses a default of 9999 iterations. The string that is returned can only be used in the utils.validatePBKDF2Hash(password,thisReturnValue) to check if this hash is a result of that password. This will always be false: utils.stringPBKDF2Hash("test") == utils.stringPBKDF2Hash("test"). Because for the same string in multiply calls it will not generate the same hash. So you can only check it like this: utils.validatePBKDF2Hash("test",utils.stringPBKDF2Hash("test"))
NOTE: PBKDF2 is the key hash function for the PKCS (Public-Key Cryptography) standard, for more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2
String textString the text to process
Returns: String the resulting hashString
stringPBKDF2Hash(textString, iterations)
Returns the PBKDF2 hash for specified text. This method is preferred above the old MD5 hash for enhanced security. From Servoy 2024.3.1 on this method will use SHA256 (HmacSHA256) as the Hash Algorithm. Before that it did use SHA1 (HmacSHA1) as the Hash Algorithm, this does result in the a different length of the hash. The total hash length (including interations of 9999) for SHA256 is 87 that was 63. So you need to make sure you can store at least 87 characters in your database. (but make sure you can handle more for future updates)
NOTE: PBKDF2 is the key hash function for the PKCS (Public-Key Cryptography) standard, for more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2
String textString the text to process
Number iterations how many hash iterations should be done, minimum should be 1000 or higher.
Returns: String the resulting hashString
stringPatternCount(text, toSearchFor)
Returns the number of times searchString appears in textString.
Returns: Number the occurrenceCount that the search string is found in the text
stringPosition(textString, toSearchFor, i_start, i_occurrence)
Returns the position of the string to search for, from a certain start position and occurrence.
String textString the text to process
String toSearchFor the string to search
Number i_start the start index to search from
Number i_occurrence the occurrence
Returns: Number the position
stringReplace(text, search_text, replacement_text)
Replaces a portion of a string with replacement text.
String text the text to process
String search_text the string to search
String replacement_text the replacement text
Returns: String the changed text string
stringReplaceTags(text, scriptable)
Returns the text with %%tags%% replaced, based on provided record or foundset or form.
String text the text tags to work with
Object scriptable the javascript object or foundset,record,form to be used to fill in the tags
Returns: String the text with replaced tags
stringRight(text, i_size)
Returns a string with the requested number of characters, starting from the right.
Returns: String the result text string
stringRightWords(text, numberof_words)
Returns the number of words, starting from the right.
Returns: String the string with number of words form the right
Return the Base64 representation of the string
Object string: the string to convert to Base64
Returns: String Base64 encoded representation of the string using UTF-8 charset for conversion
Return the byte array representation of the string
Object string: the string to convert to bytes
Returns: Array byte array representation of the string using UTF-8 charset for conversion
String string String to be encoded into hex
Returns: String returns hex encoded string
Filters characters out of from a string and leaves digits, returns the number. Uses locale decimal separator.
String textString the text to process
Returns: Number the resulting number
stringToNumber(textString, decimalSeparator)
Filters characters out of from a string and leaves digits, returns the number. Decimal separator is specified as parameter.
Returns: Number the resulting number
Returns the string without leading or trailing spaces.
String textString the text to process
Returns: String the resulting trimmed string
Returns the number of words in the text string.
String text the text to process
Returns: Number the word count
Returns a datestamp from the timestamp (sets hours,minutes,seconds and milliseconds to 0).
Date date object to be stripped from its time elements
Returns: Date the stripped date object
validatePBKDF2Hash(password, hash)
Validates the given password against the given hash. The hash should be generated by one of the stringPBKDF2Hash(password [,iteration]) functions. If hash is null or empty string the method will return false. This method can handle the older generated hash values based on SHA1 (HmacSHA1) and the new SHA256 (HmacSHA256) hash values.
NOTE: PBKDF2 is the key hash function for the PKCS (Public-Key Cryptography) standard, for more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2
Returns: Boolean true if his hash is valid for that password
Last updated
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