
Methods Summarized


Flips the image verticaly (type param=0) or horizontaly (type param=1).

Gets the contenttype (image/jpeg) of this image.

Gets the bytes of this image, so that they can be saved to disk or stored the database.

Gets the height of this image.

Gets the description of a metadata property from the image.

Gets the real object of a metadata property from the image.

Gets the available metadata properties from the image.

Gets the width of this image.

Resizes the image to the width/height given, keeping aspect ratio.

Rotates the image the number of degrees that is given.

Methods Detailed


Flips the image verticaly (type param=0) or horizontaly (type param=1). A new JSImage is returned.


Returns: JSImage


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
image = image.flip(0);//flip vertically
var bytes = image.getData();//gets the image bytes
plugins.file.writeFile('filename',bytes);//saves the image bytes


Gets the contenttype (image/jpeg) of this image.

Returns: String


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file);
var width = image.getWidth();
var height = image.getHeight();
var contentType = image.getContentType();


Gets the bytes of this image, so that they can be saved to disk or stored the database.

Returns: Array


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
image = image.resize(200,200);//resizes it to 200,200
var bytes = image.getData();//gets the image bytes
plugins.file.writeFile('filename',bytes);//saves the image bytes


Gets the height of this image.

Returns: Number


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file);
var width = image.getWidth();
var height = image.getHeight();
var contentType = image.getContentType();


Gets the description of a metadata property from the image. Currently only jpg is supported.


Returns: String


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
// get the available metadata properties from the image, currently only jpg is supported
var propertiesArray = image.getMetaDataProperties();
for(var i=0;i<propertiesArray.length;i++)
	var property = propertiesArray[i]
	application.output("property: " + property);
	application.output("description (string): " + image.getMetaDataDescription(property))
	application.output("real object: " + image.getMetaDataObject(property))
// Thumbnail data is stored under property 'Exif - Thumbnail Data', extract that and set it in a dataprovider
thumbnail = image.getMetaDataObject("Exif - Thumbnail Data"); // gets thumbnail data from the image


Gets the real object of a metadata property from the image. Currently only jpg is supported.


Returns: Object


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
// get the available metadata properties from the image, currently only jpg is supported
var propertiesArray = image.getMetaDataProperties();
for(var i=0;i<propertiesArray.length;i++)
	var property = propertiesArray[i]
	application.output("property: " + property);
	application.output("description (string): " + image.getMetaDataDescription(property))
	application.output("real object: " + image.getMetaDataObject(property))
// Thumbnail data is stored under property 'Exif - Thumbnail Data', extract that and set it in a dataprovider
thumbnail = image.getMetaDataObject("Exif - Thumbnail Data"); // gets thumbnail data from the image


Gets the available metadata properties from the image. Currently only jpg is supported.

Returns: Array


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
// get the available metadata properties from the image, currently only jpg is supported
var propertiesArray = image.getMetaDataProperties();
for(var i=0;i<propertiesArray.length;i++)
	var property = propertiesArray[i]
	application.output("property: " + property);
	application.output("description (string): " + image.getMetaDataDescription(property))
	application.output("real object: " + image.getMetaDataObject(property))
// Thumbnail data is stored under property 'Exif - Thumbnail Data', extract that and set it in a dataprovider
thumbnail = image.getMetaDataObject("Exif - Thumbnail Data"); // gets thumbnail data from the image


Gets the width of this image.

Returns: Number


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file);
var width = image.getWidth();
var height = image.getHeight();
var contentType = image.getContentType();

resize(width, height)

Resizes the image to the width/height given, keeping aspect ratio. A new JSImage is returned.


Returns: JSImage


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
image = image.resize(200,200);//resizes it to 200,200
var bytes = image.getData();//gets the image bytes
plugins.file.writeFile('filename',bytes);//saves the image bytes


Rotates the image the number of degrees that is given. A new JSImage is returned.


Returns: JSImage


var image = plugins.images.getImage(byteArray_or_file_or_filename);//loads the image
image = image.rotate(90);//rotate the image 90 degrees
var bytes = image.getData();//gets the image bytes
plugins.file.writeFile('filename',bytes);//saves the image bytes

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