

JSFoundSet is the data model for various UI components or forms that link directly (both ways) to a datasource (db table, view, in-mem...).

It eases the read-from-db/datasource and write-to-db/datasource, editing data, data input validations and so on. It's API supports common tasks like sorting, query based loading, working through relations etc. It will automatically handle loading of data in batches from the datasource and supports lazy loading/partial loading in the UI as well (if the UI components themselves (lists / tables / trees etc.) support that).

Properties Summarized

Methods Summarized

Properties Detailed


Get all dataproviders of the foundset.

Type Array


var dataprovidersNames = alldataproviders;
application.output("This foundset has " + dataprovidersNames.length + " data providers.")
for (var i=0; i<dataprovidersNames.length; i++)


Get or set the multiSelect flag of the foundset.

Type Boolean


// allow user to select multiple rows.
foundset.multiSelect = true;

Methods Detailed


Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records.

Filters on tables touched in the query will not be applied to the query filter. For example, when a table filter exists on the order_details table, a query filter with a join from orders to order_details will be applied to the foundset, but the filter condition on the orders_details table will not be included.

Use clear(), reloadWithFilters(), loadRecords() or loadAllRecords() to make the filter effective. Multiple filters can be added to the same dataprovider, they will all be applied.


Returns: Boolean true if adding the filter succeeded, false otherwise.


var query = datasources.db.example_data.orders.createSelect();
   .add(    query.columns.shipcity.eq('Amsterdam')));

var success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam(query, 'cityFilter'); // possible to add multiple
// Named filters can be removed using foundset.removeFoundSetFilterParam(filterName)

foundset.loadAllRecords(); // to make param(s) effective

addFoundSetFilterParam(query, name)

Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records.

Filters on tables touched in the query will not be applied to the query filter. For example, when a table filter exists on the order_details table, a query filter with a join from orders to order_details will be applied to the foundset, but the filter condition on the orders_details table will not be included.

Use clear(), reloadWithFilters(), loadRecords() or loadAllRecords() to make the filter effective. The filter is removed again using removeFoundSetFilterParam(name).

The table of the query has to be the same as the foundset table.


  • QBSelect query condition to filter on.

  • Object name String name, used to remove the filter again.

Returns: Boolean true if adding the filter succeeded, false otherwise.


var query = datasources.db.example_data.orders.createSelect();
   .add(    query.columns.shipcity.eq('Amsterdam')));

var success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam(query, 'cityFilter'); // possible to add multiple
// Named filters can be removed using foundset.removeFoundSetFilterParam(filterName)

foundset.loadAllRecords(); // to make param(s) effective

addFoundSetFilterParam(dataprovider, operator, value)

Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records. Use clear(), reloadWithFilters(), loadRecords() or loadAllRecords() to make the filter effective. Multiple filters can be added to the same dataprovider, they will all be applied.


  • String dataprovider String column to filter on.

  • String operator String operator: =, <, >, >=, <=, !=, (NOT) LIKE, (NOT) IN, (NOT) BETWEEN and IS (NOT) NULL optionally augmented with modifiers "#" (ignore case) or "^||" (or-is-null), prefix with "sql:" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query.

  • Object value Object filter value (for in array and between an array with 2 elements)

Returns: Boolean true if adding the filter succeeded, false otherwise.


var success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam('customerid', '=', 'BLONP', 'custFilter'); // possible to add multiple
// Named filters can be removed using foundset.removeFoundSetFilterParam(filterName)

// you can use modifiers in the operator as well, filter on companies where companyname is null or equals-ignore-case 'servoy'
var ok = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam('companyname', '#^||=', 'servoy')

// Filters with in-conditions can be used with arrays or with custom queries:
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("productcode", "in", [120, 144, 200]);
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("city", "in", ["London", "Paris"]);
// use "sql:in" in stead of "in" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("countrycode", "sql:in", "select country code from countries where region in ('Europe', 'Asia')");

foundset.loadAllRecords(); // to make param(s) effective

// see https://wiki.servoy.com/display/DOCS/Using+Table+Filters

addFoundSetFilterParam(dataprovider, operator, value, name)

Add a filter parameter that is permanent per user session to limit a specified foundset of records. Use clear(), reloadWithFilters(), loadRecords() or loadAllRecords() to make the filter effective. The filter is removed again using removeFoundSetFilterParam(name).


  • String dataprovider String column to filter on.

  • String operator String operator: =, <, >, >=, <=, !=, (NOT) LIKE, (NOT) IN, (NOT) BETWEEN and IS (NOT) NULL optionally augmented with modifiers "#" (ignore case) or "^||" (or-is-null), prefix with "sql:" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query.

  • Object value Object filter value (for in array and between an array with 2 elements)

  • String name String name, used to remove the filter again.

Returns: Boolean true if adding the filter succeeded, false otherwise.


var success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam('customerid', '=', 'BLONP', 'custFilter'); // possible to add multiple
// Named filters can be removed using foundset.removeFoundSetFilterParam(filterName)

// you can use modifiers in the operator as well, filter on companies where companyname is null or equals-ignore-case 'servoy'
var ok = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam('companyname', '#^||=', 'servoy')

// Filters with in-conditions can be used with arrays or with custom queries:
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("productcode", "in", [120, 144, 200]);
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("city", "in", ["London", "Paris"]);
// use "sql:in" in stead of "in" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query
success = foundset.addFoundSetFilterParam("countrycode", "sql:in", "select country code from countries where region in ('Europe', 'Asia')");

foundset.loadAllRecords(); // to make param(s) effective

// see https://wiki.servoy.com/display/DOCS/Using+Table+Filters


Clear the foundset.

This will set a special condition in the query that makes the query not return any results.

But if new Records are added to this foundset, then those records become the query pk set. So it will then behave the same as loadRecord(pkset) of a pkset of those new records.

You can query for this state in the isCleared() call so you can call loadRecords() to remove that cleared state if needed.

Returns: void


//Clear the foundset, including searches that may be on it


Create a new record on top of the foundset and change selection to it. Returns the new record or null if record was not created.

Returns: JSRecord IJSRecord the new record


var rec = foundset.createRecord(); // add as first record


Create a new record in the foundset. Returns the new record or null if the record can't be made.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

Returns: JSRecord IJSRecord of new record.


var rec = foundset.createRecord(false); // add as last record, do change selection

createRecord(onTop, changeSelection)

Create a new record in the foundset. Returns the new record or null if the record can't be made.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record; when false the record is added to the end, if all records are loaded, otherwise it will be added to the top

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the new record.

Returns: JSRecord IJSRecord of new record.


var rec = foundset.createRecord(false, false); // add as last record, do not change selection


Create a new record in the foundset and change selection to it at specified index. Returns the new record or null if the record can't be made.


  • Number index the new record is added at specified index (1-based).

Returns: JSRecord IJSRecord of new record.


var rec = foundset.createRecord(1); // add as first record, do change selection

createRecord(index, changeSelection)

Create a new record in the foundset. Returns the new record or null if the record can't be made.


  • Number index the new record is added at specified index (1-based).

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the new record.

Returns: JSRecord IJSRecord of new record.


var rec = foundset.createRecord(1, false); // add as first record, do not change selection

createTableFilterParam(dataprovider, operator, value)

Create a table filter that can be applied to the foundset. Multiple filters can be applied at the same time using foundset.setTableFilters().


  • String dataprovider A specified dataprovider column name.

  • String operator One of "=, <, >, >=, <=, !=, LIKE, or IN" optionally augmented with modifiers "#" (ignore case) or "^||" (or-is-null), prefix with "sql:" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query.

  • Object value The specified filter value.

Returns: JSTableFilter table filter or null when no filter could be created.


// filter on messages table where messagesid>10
var filter = foundset.createTableFilterParam('messagesid', '>', 10)

// some filters with in-conditions
var filter = foundset.createTableFilterParam('productcode', 'in', [120, 144, 200])
// use "sql:in" in stead of "in" to allow the value to be interpreted as a custom query
var filter = foundset.createTableFilterParam('countrycode', 'sql:in', 'select country code from countries where region = "Europe"')

// you can use modifiers in the operator as well, filter on companies where companyname is null or equals-ignore-case 'servoy'
var filter = foundset.createTableFilterParam('companyname', '#^||=', 'servoy')

// the value may be null, this will result in 'column is null' sql condition.
var filter = foundset.createTableFilterParam('verified', '=', null)

// apply multiple filters at the same time, previous filters with the same name are removed:
var success = foundset.setTableFilters('myfilters', [filter1, filter2])


Delete all records in foundset, resulting in empty foundset.

Returns: Boolean boolean true if all records could be deleted.


var success = foundset.deleteAllRecords();


Delete currently selected record(s). If the foundset is in multiselect mode, all selected records are deleted.

Returns: Boolean boolean true if all records could be deleted.


var success = foundset.deleteRecord();
//can return false incase of related foundset having records and orphans records are not allowed by the relation


Delete record from foundset.


  • JSRecord record The record to delete from the foundset.

Returns: Boolean boolean true if record could be deleted.


var success = foundset.deleteRecord(rec);
//can return false incase of related foundset having records and orphans records are not allowed by the relation


Delete record with the given index.


  • Number index The index of the record to delete.

Returns: Boolean boolean true if record could be deleted.


var success = foundset.deleteRecord(4);
//can return false incase of related foundset having records and orphans records are not allowed by the relation


Dispose a foundset from memory when foundset is no longer needed. Should be used to destroy separate foundsets (is an optimization for memory management). A related foundset or a foundset which is linked to visible forms/components cannot be disposed. Returns whether foundset was disposed or not.

Returns: Boolean boolean foundset was disposed




Get a duplicate of the foundset. This is a full copy of the foundset (cached pks,records, relation, filters, search criteria, omitted records, selection).

Returns: JSFoundSet foundset duplicate.


var dupFoundset = foundset.duplicateFoundSet();
//search some fields
var count = foundset.search();
if (count == 0)
	plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Alert', 'No records found','OK');


Duplicate current record, change selection to new record, place on top.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record


Duplicate selected record, change selection to new record.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record

duplicateRecord(onTop, changeSelection)

Duplicate selected record.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the duplicated record.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record


Duplicate record at index in the foundset, change selection to new record, place on top.


  • Number index The index of the record to duplicate; defaults to currently selected index. Ignored if first given parameter is a boolean value.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record

duplicateRecord(index, onTop)

Duplicate record at index in the foundset, change selection to new record.


  • Number index The index of the record to duplicate; defaults to currently selected index. Ignored if first given parameter is a boolean value.

  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record

duplicateRecord(index, onTop, changeSelection)

Duplicate record at index in the foundset.


  • Number index The index of the record to duplicate; defaults to currently selected index. Ignored if first given parameter is a boolean value.

  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the duplicated record.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record

duplicateRecord(index, location)

Duplicate record at index in the foundset, change selection to new record.


  • Number index The index of the record to duplicate; defaults to currently selected index. Ignored if first given parameter is a boolean value.

  • Number location the new record is added at specified index

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record

duplicateRecord(index, location, changeSelection)

Duplicate record at index in the foundset.


  • Number index The index of the record to duplicate; defaults to currently selected index. Ignored if first given parameter is a boolean value.

  • Number location the new record is added at specified index

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the duplicated record.

Returns: Number 0 if record was not created or the record index if it was created.


foundset.duplicateRecord(false); //duplicate the current record, adds at bottom
foundset.duplicateRecord(1,2); //duplicate the first record as second record
//duplicates the record (record index 3), adds on top and selects the record


Set the foundset in find mode. (Start a find request), use the "search" function to perform/exit the find.

Before going into find mode, all unsaved records will be saved in the database.
If this fails (due to validation failures or sql errors) or is not allowed (autosave off), the foundset will not go into find mode.
Make sure the operator and the data (value) are part of the string passed to dataprovider (included inside a pair of quotation marks).
Note: always make sure to check the result of the find() method.

When in find mode, columns can be assigned string expressions (including operators) that are evaluated as:
      c1||c2    (condition1 or condition2)
      c|format  (apply format on condition like 'x|dd-MM-yyyy')
      !c        (not condition)
      #c        (modify condition, depends on column type)
      ^         (is null)
      ^=        (is null or empty)
      <x        (less than value x)
      >x        (greater than value x)
      <=x       (less than or equals value x)
      >=x       (greater than or equals value x)
      x...y     (between values x and y, including values)
      x         (equals value x)

 Number fields:
      =x       (equals value x)
      ^=       (is null or zero)

 Date fields:
      #c       (equals value x, entire day)
      now      (equals now, date and or time)
      //       (equals today)
      today    (equals today)

 Text fields:
      #c      (case insensitive condition)
      = x     (equals a space and 'x')
      ^=      (is null or empty)
      %x%     (contains 'x')
      %x_y%   (contains 'x' followed by any char and 'y')
      \%      (contains char '%')
      \_      (contains char '_')

Related columns can be assigned, they will result in related searches.
For example, "employees_to_department.location_id = headoffice" finds all employees in the specified location).

Searching on related aggregates is supported.
For example, "orders_to_details.total_amount = '>1000'" finds all orders with total order details amount more than 1000.

Arrays can be used for searching a number of values, this will result in an 'IN' condition that will be used in the search.
The values are not restricted to strings but can be any type that matches the column type.
For example, "record.department_id = [1, 33, 99]"

Multiple Find Records for Logical OR:
It's important to note that when in Find Mode, a foundset will initially contain one record object.
However, multiple record objects may be used to articulate search criteria.
This has the effect that the criteria described in each record are concatenated by a SQL OR.

Returns: Boolean true if the foundset is now in find mode, false otherwise.


if (foundset.find()) //find will fail if autosave is disabled and there are unsaved records
	columnTextDataProvider = 'a search value'
	// for numbers you have to make sure to format it correctly so that the decimal point is in your locales notation (. or ,)
	columnNumberDataProvider = '>' + utils.numberFormat(anumber, '####.00');
	columnDateDataProvider = '31-12-2010|dd-MM-yyyy'

// Multiple Find Records for Logical OR - example
// Find customers in the city of Berlin AND in the postal code 12209...
// OR customers in the city of San Francisco AND in the postal code 94117
if (foundset.find()) // Enter find mode    city = 'Berlin';
	city = 'Berlin';   // Assign a search criteria
	postalcode = '12209';
	foundset.newRecord();   // Create a new search record
	city = 'San Francisco';
	postalcode = '94117';
	foundset.search();      // Execute the query and load the records


Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time. It will dynamically load all records in the foundset (using Servoy lazy loading mechanism). If callback function returns a non null value the traversal will be stopped and that value is returned. If no value is returned all records of the foundset will be traversed. Foundset modifications( like sort, omit...) cannot be performed in the callback function. If foundset is modified an exception will be thrown. This exception will also happen if a refresh happens because of a rollback call for records on this datasource when iterating. When an exception is thrown from the callback function, the iteration over the foundset will be stopped.


  • Function callback The callback function to be called for each loaded record in the foundset. Can receive three parameters: the record to be processed, the index of the record in the foundset, and the foundset that is traversed.

Returns: Object Object the return value of the callback


foundset.forEach(function(record,recordIndex,foundset) {
 	//handle the record here

forEach(callback, thisObject)

Iterates over the records of a foundset taking into account inserts and deletes that may happen at the same time. It will dynamically load all records in the foundset (using Servoy lazy loading mechanism). If callback function returns a non null value the traversal will be stopped and that value is returned. If no value is returned all records of the foundset will be traversed. Foundset modifications( like sort, omit...) cannot be performed in the callback function. If foundset is modified an exception will be thrown. This exception will also happen if a refresh happens because of a rollback call for records on this datasource when iterating. When an exception is thrown from the callback function, the iteration over the foundset will be stopped.


  • Function callback The callback function to be called for each loaded record in the foundset. Can receive three parameters: the record to be processed, the index of the record in the foundset, and the foundset that is traversed.

  • Object thisObject What the this object should be in the callback function (default it is the foundset)

Returns: Object Object the return value of the callback


foundset.forEach(function(record,recordIndex,foundset) {
 	//handle the record here


Get the current sort columns.

Returns: String String sort columns


//reverse the current sort

//the original sort "companyName asc, companyContact desc"
//the inversed sort "companyName desc, companyContact asc"
var foundsetSort = foundset.getCurrentSort()
var sortColumns = foundsetSort.split(',')
var newFoundsetSort = ''
for(var i=0; i<sortColumns.length; i++)
	var currentSort = sortColumns[i]
	var sortType = currentSort.substring(currentSort.length-3)
		newFoundsetSort += currentSort.replace(' asc', ' desc')
		newFoundsetSort += currentSort.replace(' desc', ' asc')
	if(i != sortColumns.length - 1)
		newFoundsetSort += ','


Get a value based on a dataprovider name.


  • String dataProviderID data provider name

Returns: Object Object value


var val = foundset.getDataProviderValue('contact_name');


Get the datasource used. The datasource is an url that describes the data source.

Returns: String String data source.


var dataSource = foundset.getDataSource();


Get the list of previously defined foundset filters.

For column-based table filters, a row of 5 fields per filter are returned. The "columns" of a row from this array are: tablename, dataprovider, operator, value, filtername

For query-based filters, a row of 2 fields per filter are returned. The "columns" of a row from this array are: query, filtername

Returns: Array Array of filter definitions.


var params = foundset.getFoundSetFilterParams()
for (var i = 0; params != null && i < params.length; i++)
 if (params[i].length() == 5) {
		application.output('FoundSet filter on table ' + params[i][0] + ': '+ params[i][1] + ' '+params[i][2] + ' '+params[i][3] + (params[i][4] == null ? ' [no name]' : ' ['+params[i][4]+']'))
 if (params[i].length() == 2) {
		application.output('FoundSet filter with query ' + params[i][0]+ ': ' + (params[i][1] == null ? ' [no name]' : ' ['+params[i][1]+']'))


Get a previously defined foundset filter, using its given name. The result is an array of: [ tableName, dataprovider, operator, value, name ]


  • String filterName name of the filter to retrieve.

Returns: Array Array of filter definitions.


var params = foundset.getFoundSetFilterParams()
for (var i = 0; params != null && i < params.length; i++)
	application.output('FoundSet filter on table ' + params[i][0]+ ': '+ params[i][1]+ ' '+params[i][2]+ ' '+params[i][3] +(params[i][4] == null ? ' [no name]' : ' ['+params[i][4]+']'))


Get foundset name. If foundset is not named foundset or related foundset will return null.

Returns: String name.


var name = foundset.getName()


Returns a JSDataSet with the PKs omitted on this foundset If no PKs have been omitted, an empty JSDataSet will be returned

Returns: JSDataSet a JSDataSet




Gets the parent records when called on a related foundset. (empty array if not a related foundset) Depending on the cardinality of the relation, this method returns either 1 or more records. This can be useful when creating a new record in an empty related foundset and some data from the parent record(s) is needed.

Be aware that if datasources.xxx.getFoundset() is called multiple times on the same datasource it creates multiple foundset instances then the related foundset can have multiple references to the same parent record but in different foundsets. (different instances of the record for the same row in the database) In that case, this method will return the record from the first foundset.

Returns: Array an array of records


var parents = relatedFoundset.getParentRecords();


Get the query that the foundset is currently using (as a clone; modifying this QBSelect will not automatically change the foundset). When the foundset is in find mode, the find conditions are included in the resulting query. So the query that would be used when just calling search() (or search(true,true)) is returned. Note that foundset filters are optionally included and table filters are not included in the query.

Returns: QBSelect query.


var q = foundset.getQuery()


Get the query that the foundset is currently using (as a clone; modifying this QBSelect will not automatically change the foundset). When the foundset is in find mode, the find conditions are included in the resulting query. So the query that would be used when just calling search() (or search(true,true)) is returned. Note that foundset filters are optionally included and table filters are not included in the query.


  • Boolean includeFilters include the foundset filters, default true.

Returns: QBSelect query.


var q = foundset.getQuery()


Get the record object at the given index. Argument "index" is 1 based (so first record is 1).


  • Number index record index (1 based).

Returns: JSRecord Record record.


var record = foundset.getRecord(index);


Get the loaded record based on its primary key values.

This will only return a record that is already loaded in this foundset; this will not try to load anything from the database.


  • Array pk pk values as array

Returns: JSRecord Record record.


var record = foundset.getRecordByPk(1); // or getRecordByPk(1,2) or ([1,2]) for multicolumn pk


Get the record index. Will return -1 if the record can't be found.


Returns: Number int index.


var index = foundset.getRecordIndex(record);


Gets the relation name (null if not a related foundset).

Returns: String String relation name when related.


var relName = foundset.getRelationName();


Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset. Optionally, the foundset and table filter params can be excluded in the sql (includeFilters=false).

Returns: String String representing the sql of the JSFoundset.


var sql = foundset.getSQL(true)


Returns the internal SQL of the JSFoundset. Optionally, the foundset and table filter params can be excluded in the sql (includeFilters=false).


  • Boolean includeFilters include the foundset and table filters [default true].

Returns: String String representing the sql of the JSFoundset.


var sql = foundset.getSQL(true)


Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect. Table filters are on by default.

Returns: Array An Array with the sql parameter values.


var parameters = foundset.getSQLParameters(true)


Returns the parameters for the internal SQL of the QBSelect. Table filters are on by default.


  • Boolean includeFilters include the foundset and table filters [default true].

Returns: Array An Array with the sql parameter values.


var parameters = foundset.getSQLParameters(true)


Get the current record index of the foundset.

Returns: Number int current index (1-based)


//gets the current record index in the current foundset
var current = foundset.getSelectedIndex();
//sets the next record in the foundset


Get the indexes of the selected records. When the founset is in multiSelect mode (see property multiSelect), a selection can consist of more than one index.

Returns: Array Array current indexes (1-based)


// modify selection to the first selected item and the following row only
var current = foundset.getSelectedIndexes();
if (current.length > 1)
	var newSelection = new Array();
	newSelection[0] = current[0]; // first current selection
	newSelection[1] = current[0] + 1; // and the next row


Get the selected record.

Returns: JSRecord Record record.


var selectedRecord = foundset.getSelectedRecord();


Get the selected records. When the founset is in multiSelect mode (see property multiSelect), selection can be a more than 1 record.

Returns: Array Array current records.


var selectedRecords = foundset.getSelectedRecords();


Get the number of records in this foundset. This is the number of records loaded, note that when looping over a foundset, size() may increase as more records are loaded.

Returns: Number int current size.


var nrRecords = foundset.getSize()

// to loop over foundset, recalculate size for each record
for (var i = 1; i <= foundset.getSize(); i++)
	var rec = foundset.getRecord(i);


Check wether the foundset has any conditions from a previous find action.

Returns: Boolean wether the foundset has find-conditions


if (foundset.hasConditions())
		// foundset had find actions


Invert the foundset against all rows of the current table. All records that are not in the foundset will become the current foundset.

Returns: void




Returns a boolean if this foundset is in a cleared state (has the clear condition that is added by a clear() call)

Returns: Boolean boolean true if this foundset is cleared


Check if the foundset was disposed.

When the foundset.dispose() method was called successfully, a foundset can no longer be used.

Returns: Boolean


// check if the foundset was disposed.
if (foundset.isDisposed())
   // foundset cannot be used anymore


Check if this foundset is in find mode.

Returns: Boolean boolean is in find mode.


//Returns true when find was called on this foundset and search has not been called yet


Loads all accessible records from the datasource into the foundset. Filters on the foundset are applied.

Before loading the records, all unsaved records will be saved in the database. If this fails (due to validation failures or sql errors) or is not allowed (autosave off), records will not be loaded,

Returns: Boolean true if records are loaded, false otherwise.




Loads the records that are currently omitted as a foundset.

Before loading the omitted records, all unsaved records will be saved in the database. If this fails (due to validation failures or sql errors) or is not allowed (autosave off), omitted records will not be loaded,

Returns: Boolean true if records are loaded, false otherwise.




Reloads all last (related) records again, if, for example, after search in tabpanel. When in find mode, this will reload the records from before the find() call.

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//to reload all last (related) records again, if for example when searched in tabpanel


Copies foundset data from another foundset. This will alter the foundset state to the state of the foundset that is given. If you really just want to use the given foundset on the form itself, then you need to use controller.loadRecords(foundset) that will change the instance of the foundset that is used for this form. Not just update an existing forms foundset.

If you copy over a relation into this foundset, then this foundset will not be a related foundset, it will not automatically update its state of records are updated or added that belong to that relation. It will only be a snapshot of that related foundsets state.

Foundset filter params are copied over from the original/source foundset and are merged with the existing filters on this foundset. So if the original foundset had filters and the given foundset has filters then the resulting foundset will have all the filters of both, If you don't want this and you really want only the state of the given foundset, use controller.loadRecords(fs) instead of foundset.loadRecords(fs)


  • JSFoundSet foundset The foundset to load records from

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//Copies foundset data from another foundset


Loads a primary key dataset, will remove related sort. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key, otherwise first record is selected.


Returns: Boolean true if successful


// loads a primary key dataset, will remove related sort!
//var dataset = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(...);
// dataset must match the table primary key columns (alphabetically ordered)


Loads records into form foundset based on a query builder object (also known as 'Form by query'). When the foundset is in find mode, the find states are discarded, the foundset will go out of find mode and the foundset will be loaded using the query. If the foundset is related, the relation-condition will be added to the query. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key, otherwise first record is selected.

The query of the QBSelect that is given is added as a "search" condition to the existing base query of the foundset. This does mean that loadAllRecords() will revert this, because that will clear the search condition and go back to the base query of the foundset. The same holds true for clear() that will also remove the search condition, and, because of that, the given query will also be removed.

If you want to create more a "view" on your database that will always be kept by this foundset, so loadAllRecords() (with our withou first calliing clear()) will always revert back to this set of data (and you can also search inside this data with find/search or adding another query on top of it. Then have a look at datasources.db.server.table.getFoundset(query) because that will generate a foundset with the given query as the base query.


Returns: Boolean true if successful


var qb = datasources.db.example_data.orders.createSelect();


Loads a single record by primary key, will remove related sort.

NOTE: This function will return true if the foundset was altered/changed. It is up to the developer to check for the presence of actual data using getSize().


  • UUID uuidpk single-column pk value

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//Loads a single record by primary key, will remove related sort!


Loads a single record by primary key, will remove related sort.

NOTE: This function will return true if the foundset was altered/changed. It is up to the developer to check for the presence of actual data using getSize().


  • Number numberpk single-column pk value

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//Loads a single record by primary key, will remove related sort!


Loads records into form foundset based on a query (also known as 'Form by query'). The query must be a valid sql select. If the foundset is related this function is not allowed. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key, otherwise first record is selected. see foundset.loadRecords(QBSelect). When possible, the foundset will be loaded with the given query. This is not always possible because the foundset needs to manipulate the query when adding conditions and joins. In that case the query will be wrapped: select pk from tab where pk = (queryString) The result is the same, except for the ordering in the queryString which will be ignored. The query will be wrapped when one of the following is true:

  • you have no order-by clause

  • you have no from keyword

  • your query is not fully qualified on the main table

  • you have a group-by, having, join or union keyword


  • String queryString select statement

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//loads records in to the foundset based on a query (also known as 'Form by query')

loadRecords(queryString, argumentsArray)

Loads records into form foundset based on a query (also known as 'Form by query'). The query must be a valid sql select. If the foundset is related this function is not allowed. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key, otherwise first record is selected. see foundset.loadRecords(QBSelect). When possible, the foundset will be loaded with the given query. This is not always possible because the foundset needs to manipulate the query when adding conditions and joins. In that case the query will be wrapped: select pk from tab where pk = (queryString) The result is the same, except for the ordering in the queryString which will be ignored. The query will be wrapped when one of the following is true:

  • you have no order-by clause

  • you have no from keyword

  • your query is not fully qualified on the main table

  • you have a group-by, having, join or union keyword


  • String queryString select statement

  • Array argumentsArray arguments to query

Returns: Boolean true if successful


//loads records in to the foundset based on a query (also known as 'Form by query')


Create a new record on top of the foundset and change selection to it. Returns -1 if the record can't be made.

Returns: Number int index of new record.


// foreign key data is only filled in for equals (=) relation items
var idx = foundset.newRecord(false); // add as last record
// foundset.newRecord(); // adds as first record
// foundset.newRecord(2); //adds as second record
if (idx >= 0) // returned index is -1 in case of failure
	foundset.some_column = "some text";
	application.output("added on position " + idx);
	// when adding at the end of the foundset, the returned index
	// corresponds with the size of the foundset


Create a new record in the foundset and change selection to it. Returns -1 if the record can't be made.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record.

Returns: Number int index of new record.


// foreign key data is only filled in for equals (=) relation items
var idx = foundset.newRecord(false); // add as last record
// foundset.newRecord(); // adds as first record
// foundset.newRecord(2); //adds as second record
if (idx >= 0) // returned index is -1 in case of failure
	foundset.some_column = "some text";
	application.output("added on position " + idx);
	// when adding at the end of the foundset, the returned index
	// corresponds with the size of the foundset

newRecord(onTop, changeSelection)

Create a new record in the foundset. Returns -1 if the record can't be made.


  • Boolean onTop when true the new record is added as the topmost record; when false the record is added to the end, if all records are loaded, otherwise it will be added to the top

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the new record.

Returns: Number int index of new record.


// foreign key data is only filled in for equals (=) relation items
var idx = foundset.newRecord(false); // add as last record
// foundset.newRecord(); // adds as first record
// foundset.newRecord(2); //adds as second record
if (idx >= 0) // returned index is -1 in case of failure
	foundset.some_column = "some text";
	application.output("added on position " + idx);
	// when adding at the end of the foundset, the returned index
	// corresponds with the size of the foundset


Create a new record in the foundset and change selection to it. Returns -1 if the record can't be made.


  • Number index the new record is added at specified index.

Returns: Number int index of new record.


// foreign key data is only filled in for equals (=) relation items
var idx = foundset.newRecord(false); // add as last record
// foundset.newRecord(); // adds as first record
// foundset.newRecord(2); //adds as second record
if (idx >= 0) // returned index is -1 in case of failure
	foundset.some_column = "some text";
	application.output("added on position " + idx);
	// when adding at the end of the foundset, the returned index
	// corresponds with the size of the foundset

newRecord(index, changeSelection)

Create a new record in the foundset. Returns -1 if the record can't be made.


  • Number index the new record is added at specified index.

  • Boolean changeSelection when true the selection is changed to the new record.

Returns: Number int index of new record.


// foreign key data is only filled in for equals (=) relation items
var idx = foundset.newRecord(false); // add as last record
// foundset.newRecord(); // adds as first record
// foundset.newRecord(2); //adds as second record
if (idx >= 0) // returned index is -1 in case of failure
	foundset.some_column = "some text";
	application.output("added on position " + idx);
	// when adding at the end of the foundset, the returned index
	// corresponds with the size of the foundset


Omit selected record(s) (add it to omit records list), to be shown with loadOmittedRecords. This operation returns false only when foundset is in bad state (table not accessible or not having a valid selected record) or the record is in an edit state and can't be saved (autosave is false).

Note: The omitted records list is discarded when these functions are executed: loadAllRecords, loadRecords(dataset), loadRecords(sqlstring), invertRecords()

Returns: Boolean boolean true if all selected record(s) could be omitted.


var success = foundset.omitRecord();


Omit record sent as parameter (add it to omit records list), to be shown with loadOmittedRecords. This operation returns false only when foundset is in bad state (table not accessible or not having a valid selected record) or the record is in an edit state and can't be saved (autosave is false) or record not present in foundset.

Note: The omitted records list is discarded when these functions are executed: loadAllRecords, loadRecords(dataset), loadRecords(sqlstring), invertRecords()


Returns: Boolean boolean true if record could be omitted.


var success = foundset.omitRecord(record);


Omit record under the given index (add it to omit records list), to be shown with loadOmittedRecords. If index is null it behaves just like omitRecord(). This operation returns false when index is invalid (should be between 1 and foundset size) or foundset is in bad state (its table not accessible) or the record is in an edit state and can't be saved (autosave is false). Any retrievable record can be omitted.

Note: The omitted records list is discarded when these functions are executed: loadAllRecords, loadRecords(dataset), loadRecords(sqlstring), invertRecords()


  • Number index The index of the record to omit, starting with 1 .

Returns: Boolean boolean true if all records could be omitted.


var success = foundset.omitRecord();


Reloads all last records again with the filters applied.

Returns: void




Perform a relookup for the currently selected records Lookups are defined in the dataprovider (columns) auto-enter setting and are normally performed over a relation upon record creation.

Returns: void




Perform a relookup for the record under the given index Lookups are defined in the dataprovider (columns) auto-enter setting and are normally performed over a relation upon record creation.


  • Number index record index (1-based)

Returns: void




Remove a named foundset filter. Use clear(), reloadWithFilters(), loadRecords() or loadAllRecords() to make the filter effective.


  • String name String filter name.

Returns: Boolean true if removing the filter succeeded, false otherwise.


var success = foundset.removeFoundSetFilterParam('custFilter');// removes all filters with this name
foundset.loadAllRecords(); // to make param(s) effective


Reverts outstanding (not saved) in memory changes from edited records of this foundset. Best used in combination with the function databaseManager.setAutoSave()

Returns: void


Saves all outstanding (unsaved) data of this foundset and exits the current record.

Returns: Boolean true if the save was done without an error.

Start the database search and use the results, returns the number of records, make sure you did "find" function first. Clear results from previous searches.

Note: Omitted records are automatically excluded when performing a search - meaning that the foundset result by default will not include omitted records.

Returns: Number the recordCount


var recordCount = foundset.search();
//var recordCount = foundset.search(false,false); //to extend foundset


Start the database search and use the results, returns the number of records, make sure you did "find" function first. Reduce results from previous searches.

Note: Omitted records are automatically excluded when performing a search - meaning that the foundset result by default will not include omitted records.


  • Boolean clearLastResults boolean, clear previous search, default true

Returns: Number the recordCount


var recordCount = foundset.search();
//var recordCount = foundset.search(false,false); //to extend foundset

search(clearLastResults, reduceSearch)

Start the database search and use the results, returns the number of records, make sure you did "find" function first.

Note: Omitted records are automatically excluded when performing a search - meaning that the foundset result by default will not include omitted records.


  • Boolean clearLastResults boolean, clear previous search, default true

  • Boolean reduceSearch boolean, reduce (true) or extend (false) previous search results, default true

Returns: Number the recordCount


var recordCount = foundset.search();
//var recordCount = foundset.search(false,false); //to extend foundset

selectRecord(pkid1, pkid2, pkidn)

Select the record based on pk data. Note that if the foundset has not loaded the record with the pk, selectrecord will fail.

In case of a table with a composite key, the pk sequence must match the alphabetical ordering of the pk column names.


  • Object pkid1 primary key

  • Object pkid2 second primary key (in case of composite primary key)

  • Object pkidn nth primary key

Returns: Boolean true if succeeded.


foundset.selectRecord(pkid1,pkid2,pkidn);//pks must be alphabetically set! It is also possible to use an array as parameter.

setDataProviderValue(dataProviderID, value)

Set a value based on a dataprovider name.


  • String dataProviderID data provider name

  • Object value value to set

Returns: void



setFoundSetFilters(filterName, tableFilters)

Set multiple foundset filters at the same time. After all filters have been applied / updated, the foundset will re reloaded immediately with the new filters applied.

The filters that have been applied with the same filter name will be removed and replaced with the new set of filters (which may be empty).


  • String filterName The name of the filter that should be set.

  • Array tableFilters list of filters to be applied.

Returns: Boolean true if the table filters could be applied.


// Create a number of filters
var filter1_10 = foundset.createTableFilterParam('customerid', '=', 10);

var query = datasources.db.example_data.orders.createSelect();
var filter2 = databaseManager.createTableFilterParam(query);

// apply multiple filters at the same time, previous filters with the same name are removed:
var success = foundset.setFoundSetFilters('myfilters', [filter1_10, filter2])

// update one of the filters:
var filter1_11 = foundset.createTableFilterParam('customerid', '=', 11);

var success = foundset.setFoundSetFilters('myfilters', [filter1_11, filter2])

// filters can be removed by setting them to an empty list:
var success = databaseManager.setTableFilters('myfilters', [])


Set the current record index.


  • Number index index to set (1-based)

Returns: void


//gets the current record index in the current foundset
var current = foundset.getSelectedIndex();
//sets the next record in the foundset


Set the selected records indexes.


  • Array indexes An array with indexes to set.

Returns: void


// modify selection to the first selected item and the following row only
var current = foundset.getSelectedIndexes();
if (current.length > 1)
	var newSelection = new Array();
	newSelection[0] = current[0]; // first current selection
	newSelection[1] = current[0] + 1; // and the next row


Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key. If first record is selected or cannot select old record it will select first record after sort. TIP: You can use the Copy button in the developer Select Sorting Fields dialog to get the needed syntax string for the desired sort fields/order.


  • String sortString the specified columns (and sort order)

Returns: void


foundset.sort('columnA desc,columnB asc');

sort(sortString, defer)

Sorts the foundset based on the given sort string. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key. If first record is selected or cannot select old record it will select first record after sort. TIP: You can use the Copy button in the developer Select Sorting Fields dialog to get the needed syntax string for the desired sort fields/order.


  • String sortString the specified columns (and sort order)

  • Boolean defer when true, the "sortString" will be just stored, without performing a query on the database (the actual sorting will be deferred until the next data loading action).

Returns: void


foundset.sort('columnA desc,columnB asc');


Sorts the foundset based on the given record comparator function. Tries to preserve selection based on primary key. If first record is selected or cannot select old record it will select first record after sort. The comparator function is called to compare two records, that are passed as arguments, and it will return -1/0/1 if the first record is less/equal/greater then the second record.

The function based sorting does not work with printing. It is just a temporary in-memory sort.

NOTE: starting with 7.2 release this function doesn't save the data anymore


  • Function recordComparisonFunction record comparator function

Returns: void



function mySortFunction(r1, r2)
	var o = 0;
	if(r1.id < r2.id)
		o = -1;
	else if(r1.id > r2.id)
		o = 1;
	return o;


Create a new unrelated foundset that is a copy of the current foundset. If the current foundset is not related, no copy will made.

Returns: JSFoundSet FoundSet unrelated foundset.



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