The Menu node represents an individual Servoy Menu within the Menus structure. It acts as a container for Menu Items, which define navigation and functionality within the application. Each Menu can be assigned to UI components such as the Sidenav or Navbar, allowing centralized menu management.
Each item represents a Servoy Menu created in the active solution.
Properties Summary
See Menu for properties that can be set on a Menu from Properties View.
Commands Summary
A summary of commands available on this item via right-click context menu:
Deletes the menu from workspace
Commands Details
The details for each command available on this item via right-click context menu:
Create menu item
Opens the New MenuItem Wizard in order to create a new menu item. The new created menu item is added under the selected Menu. Menu items define the clickable elements that perform actions, such as opening forms, running scripts, or navigating within the application.
Delete menu
Deletes the menu from workspace. This command permanently removes the selected Menu and all of its associated Menu Items from the Menus node. This action cannot be undone.
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