
Constants Summarized


Constant used for form namedFoundset property.

Constant used for form selectionMode property.

Constant used for form selectionMode property.

Constant used for form selectionMode property.

Constant used for form namedFoundset property.

Properties Summarized


The names of the database server and table that this form is linked to.

Get or set the encapsulation level for the form.

A JSForm instance representing the super form of this form, if this form has a super form.

The default sort order only when the form loads.

The height of the form in pixels.

The width of the form in pixels.

The name of the form.

Property that tells the form to use a named foundset instead of the default foundset.

The navigator (previously named "controller") that is used to control/navigate to the form.

This method is triggered when the form wants to hide; this will be called before onHide, and should be used to return if this form can be hidden or not.

Method that is executed when the data in one of the form's component is successfully changed and the onDataChange callback from the component does not exist or exists and returned true.

The method that is triggered when focus is gained by a component inside the form.

The method that gets triggered when focus is lost by a component inside the form.

This method is triggered when the form gets hidden.

The method that is triggered when a form is loaded/reloaded from the repository; used to alter elements, set globals, hide toolbars, etc; onShow method can also be assigned.

The method that is triggered when a user starts editing a record (for example by clicking into a cell of a table, or editing a field who's data-provider is from that record).

The method that is triggered when a record is being saved.

The method that is triggered each time a record is selected.

The method that gets triggered when resize occurs.

The method that is triggered EVERY TIME the form is displayed; an true argument will be passed to the method if this is the first time the form is displayed.

The method that overrides the Servoy menu item Select > Sort.

The method that is triggered when a form is unloaded from the repository.

Returns true if this form is in responsive mode

Scrollbar options for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars.

Returns the value of the form's selectionMode property.

Get the server name used by this form.

The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class name applied to the form.

The [name of the table/SQL view].

The text that displays in the title bar of the form window.

When set, the form is transparent.

Get or set the positioning (either use anchoring or use css position) for the form.

If true then the min-height css property will be set for this form so it has a default minimum height.

If true then the min-with css property will be set for this form so it has a default minimum width Can return null so that the default system value should be used.

Methods Summarized


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name throughout the whole form hierarchy.

Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name through the whole hierarchy of JSLayoutContainers

Retrieves the Body part of the form.

Returns the comment of this container.

Returns a JSComponent that has the given name; if found it will be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.

Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponents or JSTabPanel.

Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.

Get a design-time property of a form.

Get the design-time properties of a form.

Retrieves the Footer part of the form.

Retrieves the Header part of the form.

Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name of this container.

Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container.

Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container

Gets an existing form method for the given name.

Returns all existing form methods for this form.

Returns all existing form methods for this form.

Gets a part of the form from the given type (see JSPart constants).

Gets a part of the form from the given type (see JSPart constants).

Returns the Y offset of a given part (see JSPart) of the form.

Returns the Y offset of a given part (see JSPart) of the form.

Gets all the parts from the form (not including the parts of the parent form), ordered by there height (lowerbound) property, from top == 0 to bottom.

Gets all the parts from the form (optionally also from the parent form), ordered by there height (lowerbound) property, from top == 0 to bottom.

Returns the UUID of this form.

Gets an existing form variable for the given name.

An array consisting of all form variables for this form.

An array consisting of all form variables for this form.

Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name that is a child of this layout container.

Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container.

Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container.

Creates a new Footer part on the form.

Creates a new Header part on the form.

Create a new layout container as the last child of its parent container.

Create a new layout container.

Create a new layout container.

Create a new layout container as the last child in its parent container.

Creates a new form JSMethod - based on the specified code.

Creates a new part on the form.

Creates a new Title Header part on the form.

Creates a new form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object and the number type, uses the SolutionModel JSVariable constants.

Creates a new form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object , the type and it's default value , uses the SolutionModel JSVariable constants.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on a form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the form.

Set a design-time property of a form.

Removes a component (JSLabel, JSButton, JSField, JSPortal, JSBean, JSTabpanel, JSWebComponent) that has the given name.

Clear a design-time property of a form.

Removes a form JSMethod - based on the specified code.

Removes a JSPart of the given type.

Removes a JSPart of the given type.

Removes a form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object.

Removes a JSWebComponent that has the specified name.

Constants Detailed


Constant used for form namedFoundset property. The form that uses empty namedFoundset will initially have an empty (cleared) foundset.

Type String


// form with empty foundset
var frmEmpty = solutionModel.newForm('products_empty', 'example_data', 'products', null, true, 640, 480);
frmEmpty.newLabel("Empty FoundSet",10,10,200,20);
frmEmpty.namedFoundSet = JSForm.EMPTY_FOUNDSET;


Constant used for form selectionMode property. It means that the foundset's multiSelect property is used.

Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.getForm('my_form_name');
myForm.selectionMode = JSForm.SELECTION_MODE_DEFAULT;


Constant used for form selectionMode property. It means that the form will force multiSelect to true on the foundset it uses.

Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.getForm('my_form_name');
myForm.selectionMode = JSForm.SELECTION_MODE_MULTI;


Constant used for form selectionMode property. It means that the form will force multiSelect to false on the foundset it uses.

Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.getForm('my_form_name');
myForm.selectionMode = JSForm.SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE;


Constant used for form namedFoundset property. The form that uses a separate namedFoundset will initially have an separate (not shared with other forms) foundset.

Type String


// form with separate foundset
var frmSeparate = solutionModel.newForm('products_separate', 'example_data', 'products', null, true, 640, 480);
frmSeparate.newLabel("Separate FoundSet",10,10,200,20);
frmSeparate.namedFoundSet = JSForm.SEPARATE_FOUNDSET;
forms['products_separate'].categoryid = '=2';

Properties Detailed


The names of the database server and table that this form is linked to.

Type String


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm', 'db:/a_server/a_table', 'aStyleName', false, 800, 600)
myForm.dataSource = 'db:/anotherServerName/anotherTableName'


Get or set the encapsulation level for the form.


Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);


A JSForm instance representing the super form of this form, if this form has a super form.

Type JSForm


var subForm = solutionModel.newForm('childForm',myDatasource,null,true,800,600);
var superForm = solutionModel.newForm('childForm',myDatasource,null,true,800,600);
subForm.extendsForm = superForm;


The default sort order only when the form loads. This is applied each time an internal SQL query is being executed (find, find-all, open form); and is only executed when no other manual sort has been performed on the foundset.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm',myDatasource,null,true,800,600);
form.initialSort = "column1 desc, column2 asc, column3 asc";


The height of the form in pixels.

Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
myForm.minHeight = 400;


The width of the form in pixels.

Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
myForm.minWidth = 120;


The name of the form.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm',myDatasource,null,true,800,600);
var formName = form.name;


Property that tells the form to use a named foundset instead of the default foundset. When JSForm.SEPARATE_FOUNDSET is specified the form will always create a copy of assigned foundset and therefore become separated from other foundsets. When JSForm.EMPTY_FOUNDSET, the form will have an initially empty foundset.

The namedFoundset can be based on a global relation; in this case namedFoundset is the relation's name. You can also set the namedFoundset to a JSRelation object directly. It will tell this form to initially load a global relation based foundset. The global relation's foreign datasource must match the form's datasource. Do not use relations named "empty" or "separate" to avoid confusions.

Type String


// form with separate foundset
var frmSeparate = solutionModel.newForm('products_separate', 'db:/example_data/products', null, true, 640, 480);
frmSeparate.newLabel("Separate FoundSet",10,10,200,20);
frmSeparate.namedFoundSet = JSForm.SEPARATE_FOUNDSET;
forms['products_separate'].categoryid = '=2';

// form with empty foundset
var frmEmpty = solutionModel.newForm('products_empty', 'db:/example_data/products', null, true, 640, 480);
frmEmpty.newLabel("Empty FoundSet",10,10,200,20);
frmEmpty.namedFoundSet = JSForm.EMPTY_FOUNDSET;

// form with an initial foundset based on a global relation
var frmGlobalRel = solutionModel.newForm("categories_related", solutionModel.getForm("categories"));
frmGlobalRel.namedFoundSet = "g2_to_category_name";

// form with an initial foundset based on a global relation
var frmGlobalRel = solutionModel.newForm("categories_related", solutionModel.getForm("categories"));
frmGlobalRel.namedFoundSet = solutionModel.getRelation("g1_to_categories");

The navigator (previously named "controller") that is used to control/navigate to the form. The navigator is shown at the left or at the right side of the form, depending on the page orientation.

The following options are available:

-none- - no navigator is assigned. DEFAULT - the Servoy default navigator is assigned. IGNORE - the navigator last assigned to a previous form. Custom - a custom navigator based on a selected form.

Type Object


var aForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
// you can also use SM_DEFAULTS.INGORE to just reuse the navigator that is already set, or SM_DEFAULTS.DEFAULT to have the default servoy navigator.
// here we assign an other new form as the navigator.
var aNavigator = solutionModel.newForm('navForm', myDatasource, null, false, 800, 600);
// set the navigators navigator to NONE
aNavigator.navigator = SM_DEFAULTS.NONE; // Hide the navigator on the form.
myListViewForm.navigator = aNavigator;


This method is triggered when the form wants to hide; this will be called before onHide, and should be used to return if this form can be hidden or not. Before the form is really going to hide, this form and all the forms that this form is also showing in its ui hierarchy must allow the hide (return true in onBeforeHide - if present).

For example, when using onBeforeHide with showFormInDialog, the form will not close by clicking the dialog close box (X) if the main form in the dialog or any of the other visible forms in tabpanels/containers are nested in the main are returning false.

If the hide operation is allowed for all the forms that are in the affected visible hierarchy, then the onHide handler/method will get called on them as well afterwards.

So this handler (on each form) can be used to validate input in the main form and/or any nested visible forms - that are getting ready to hide.

Type JSMethod


form.onShow = form.newMethod('function onShow(firstShow, event) { application.output("onShow intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". first show? " + firstShow); return false; }');
form.onHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("Hide called but this should not block, use onbefore hdie for that" + event.getFormName());}');
form.onBeforeHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("onBeforeHide blocked on " + event.getFormName()); return false; }');


Method that is executed when the data in one of the form's component is successfully changed and the onDataChange callback from the component does not exist or exists and returned true.

Type JSMethod


form.onElementDataChange = form.newMethod('function onElementDataChange(oldValue, newValue, event) { application.output("Data changed from " + oldValue + " to " + newValue + " at " + event.getTimestamp()); }');


The method that is triggered when focus is gained by a component inside the form.

Type JSMethod


form.onElementFocusGained = form.newMethod('function onElementFocusGained(event) { application.output("onElementFocusGained intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onElementFocusLost = form.newMethod('function onElementFocusLost(event) { application.output("onElementFocusLost intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');


The method that gets triggered when focus is lost by a component inside the form.

Type JSMethod


form.onElementFocusGained = form.newMethod('function onElementFocusGained(event) { application.output("onElementFocusGained intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');
form.onElementFocusLost = form.newMethod('function onElementFocusLost(event) { application.output("onElementFocusLost intercepted from " + event.getSource()); }');


This method is triggered when the form gets hidden.

Return value is DEPRECATED: false return value should no longer be used. In the past, if the onHide method returned false, the form hide could be prevented from happening in some cases (for example, when using onHide with showFormInDialog, the form will not close by clicking the dialog close box (X)). But that lead to unexpected situations when the form being hidden had visible nested children it it (tab panels, splits etc.) because only the current form would decide if hide could be denied, and all other forms, even if they returned false in their on-hide, would not be able to block the hide if this form allowed it. So those nested forms might think that they are still visible even though they are not.

Please use the new onBeforeHide method/handler instead if you want to prevent forms from hiding.

Type JSMethod


form.onShow = form.newMethod('function onShow(firstShow, event) { application.output("onShow intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". first show? " + firstShow); return false; }');
form.onHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("Hide called but this should not block, use onbefore hdie for that" + event.getFormName());}');
form.onBeforeHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("onBeforeHide blocked on " + event.getFormName()); return false; }');


The method that is triggered when a form is loaded/reloaded from the repository; used to alter elements, set globals, hide toolbars, etc; onShow method can also be assigned.

NOTE 1: onShow should be used to access current foundset dataproviders; onLoad cannot be used because the foundset data is not loaded until after the form is loaded. Also calls to loadRecords() should be done in the onShow method and not in the onLoad method. If you call loadRecords() in the onShow method, you may want to set the namedFoundSet property of the form to 'empty' to prevent the first default form query.

NOTE 2: the onLoad event bubbles down, meaning that the onLoad is first fired on the parent then on a tab in a tabpanel (and in tab of that tab panels if you are 3 deep)

Type JSMethod


form.onLoad = form.newMethod('function onLoad(event) { application.output("onLoad intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');
form.onUnLoad = form.newMethod('function onUnLoad(event) { application.output("onUnLoad intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


The method that is triggered when a user starts editing a record (for example by clicking into a cell of a table, or editing a field who's data-provider is from that record).

Type JSMethod


form.onRecordEditStart = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStart(event) { application.output("onRecordEditStart intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');
form.onRecordEditStop = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStop(record, event) { application.output("onRecordEditStop intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". record is: " + record); }');
form.onRecordSelection = form.newMethod('function onRecordSelection(event) { application.output("onRecordSelection intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


The method that is triggered when a record is being saved. A record is saved when a user clicks out of it (for example on an empty part of the layout or to another form).

When this event handler returns false (for example as part of a validation), the user cannot leave the record (change selected record).

Type JSMethod


form.onRecordEditStart = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStart(event) { application.output("onRecordEditStart intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');
form.onRecordEditStop = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStop(record, event) { application.output("onRecordEditStop intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". record is: " + record); }');
form.onRecordSelection = form.newMethod('function onRecordSelection(event) { application.output("onRecordSelection intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


The method that is triggered each time a record is selected.

NOTE 1: Data and Servoy tag values are returned when the onRecordSelection method is executed. NOTE 2: this will also fire if the selection goes to -1 because the foundset is cleared. So foundset.getSelectedRecord() can return null.

Type JSMethod


form.onRecordEditStart = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStart(event) { application.output("onRecordEditStart intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');
form.onRecordEditStop = form.newMethod('function onRecordEditStop(record, event) { application.output("onRecordEditStop intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". record is: " + record); }');
form.onRecordSelection = form.newMethod('function onRecordSelection(event) { application.output("onRecordSelection intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


The method that gets triggered when resize occurs.

Type JSMethod


form.onResize = form.newMethod('function onResize(event) { application.output("onResize intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


The method that is triggered EVERY TIME the form is displayed; an true argument will be passed to the method if this is the first time the form is displayed.

NOTE 1: onShow can be used to access current foundset dataproviders; onLoad cannot be used because the foundset data is not loaded until after the form is loaded. NOTE 2: the onShow event bubbles down, meaning that the onShow event of a form displayed in a tabPanel is fired after the onShow event of the parent.

Type JSMethod


form.onShow = form.newMethod('function onShow(firstShow, event) { application.output("onShow intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". first show? " + firstShow); return false; }');
form.onHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("Hide called but this should not block, use onbefore hdie for that" + event.getFormName());}');
form.onBeforeHide = form.newMethod('function onHide(event) { application.output("onBeforeHide blocked on " + event.getFormName()); return false; }');


The method that overrides the Servoy menu item Select > Sort. This property is automatically set to "DEFAULT" (no override) when the form is created.

Type JSMethod


form.onSortCmd = form.newMethod('function onSortCmd(dataProviderID, asc, event) { application.output("onSortCmd intercepted on " + event.getFormName() + ". data provider: " + dataProviderID + ". asc: " + asc); }');


The method that is triggered when a form is unloaded from the repository.

NOTE: Forms can be prevented from being removed from memory by referencing the form object in a global variable or inside an array inside a global variable. But do take care when using this technique. Forms take up memory and if too many forms are in memory and cannot be unloaded, there is a possibility of running out of memory.

Type JSMethod


form.onLoad = form.newMethod('function onLoad(event) { application.output("onLoad intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');
form.onUnLoad = form.newMethod('function onUnLoad(event) { application.output("onUnLoad intercepted on " + event.getFormName()); }');


Returns true if this form is in responsive mode

Type Boolean


var myForm = solutionModel.getForm('myform');
if (myForm.isResponsive()) {}


Scrollbar options for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars. Each of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars can be configured to display all the time, to display only when needed or to never display.

Type Number


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm',myDatasource,null,true,1000,600);


Returns the value of the form's selectionMode property. Selection mode is applied when necessary to the foundset used by the form (through it's multiSelect property), even if the foundset changes. If two or more forms with non-default and different selectionMode values share the same foundset, the visible one decides. If two or more non-visible forms with non-default and different selectionMode values share the same foundset, one of them (always the same from a set of forms) decides. If two or more visible forms with non-default and different selectionMode values share the same foundset, one of them (always the same from a set of forms) decides what the foundset's selectionMode should be.


Type Number


var myForm = solutionModel.getForm('my_form_name');
if (myForm.selectionMode == JSForm.SELECTION_MODE_MULTI) myForm.selectionMode = JSForm.SELECTION_MODE_DEFAULT;


Get the server name used by this form.

Type String


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm',myDatasource,null,true,800,600);
form.serverName = 'anotherServerName';
var theServerName = form.serverName;


The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class name applied to the form.

Type String


var aForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
if (aForm.styleClass == null)
	aForm.styleClass = someStyleClass;
	application.output("The Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class name applied to this form is " + aForm.styleClass);


The [name of the table/SQL view].[the name of the database server connection] the form is based on.

Type String


var aForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
aForm.tableName = 'anotherTableOfMine'
if (forms['newForm1'].controller.find())
	columnTextDataProvider = '=aSearchedValue'
	columnNumberDataProvider = '>10';


The text that displays in the title bar of the form window. NOTE: Data tags and Servoy tags can be used as part of the title text.

Type String


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm', 'db:/a_server/a_table', 'aStyleName', false, 800, 600)
if (myForm.titleText == null)
	myForm.titleText = "My new title text should be really cool!"
	application.output("My text text is already cool");


When set, the form is transparent.

Type Boolean


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm',myDatasource,null,true,1000,800);
if (form.transparent == false)
	var style = solutionModel.newStyle('myStyle','form { background-color: yellow; }');
	style.text = style.text + 'field { background-color: blue; }';
	form.styleName = 'myStyle';
var field = form.newField('columnTextDataProvider',JSField.TEXT_FIELD,100,100,100,50);


Get or set the positioning (either use anchoring or use css position) for the form. This is only working for absolute layout forms in NGClient.

Type Boolean


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
myForm.useCssPosition = true;


If true then the min-height css property will be set for this form so it has a default minimum height.

Can return null so that the default system value should be used.

Type Boolean


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
myForm.useMinHeight = true;


If true then the min-with css property will be set for this form so it has a default minimum width

Can return null so that the default system value should be used.

Type Boolean


var myForm = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
myForm.useMinWidth = true;

Methods Detailed


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name throughout the whole form hierarchy.


  • String name the specified name of the container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer a JSLayoutContainer object


var container = myForm.findLayoutContainer("row1");


Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name through the whole hierarchy of JSLayoutContainers


  • String name the specified name of the web component

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var btn = myForm.findWebComponent("mycomponent");


Retrieves the Body part of the form.

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the Body part of the form.


form.getBodyPart().background = 'blue';


Returns the comment of this container.

Returns: String


var comment = solutionModel.getForm("my_form").getComment();


Returns a JSComponent that has the given name; if found it will be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.


  • String name the specified name of the component

Returns: JSComponent a JSComponent object (might be a JSField, JSLabel, JSButton, JSPortal, JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel)


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var cmp = frm.getComponent("componentName");
application.output("Component type and name: " + cmp);


Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponents or JSTabPanel.

Returns: Array an array of all the JSComponents on the form.


var form = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var components = form.getComponents();
for (var i in components)
	application.output("Component type and name: " + components[i]);


Returns a array of all the JSComponents that a form has; they are of type JSField,JSLabel,JSButton,JSPortal,JSBean, JSWebComponent or JSTabPanel.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from the parent form

Returns: Array an array of all the JSComponents on the form.


var form = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var components = form.getComponents();
for (var i in components)
	application.output("Component type and name: " + components[i]);


Get a design-time property of a form.


Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var prop = frm.getDesignTimeProperty('myprop')


Get the design-time properties of a form.

Returns: Array


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
var propNames = frm.getDesignTimePropertyNames()


Retrieves the Footer part of the form.

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the Footer part of the form.


form.getFooterPart().background = 'magenta';


Retrieves the Header part of the form.

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the Header part of the form.


form.getHeaderPart().background = 'orange';


Returns a JSLayoutContainer that has the given name of this container. Use findLayoutContainer() method to find a JSLayoutContainter through the hierarchy


  • String name the specified name of the container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer a JSLayoutContainer object


var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1");


Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container. Does not return the inherited containers, use #getLayoutContainers(true) to get the inherited as well.

Returns: Array all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var containers = frm.getLayoutContainers();
for (var c in containers)
		var fname = containers[c].name;


Returns all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from parent form

Returns: Array all JSLayoutContainers objects of this container


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var containers = frm.getLayoutContainers();
for (var c in containers)
		var fname = containers[c].name;


Gets an existing form method for the given name.


  • String name the specified name of the method

Returns: JSMethod a JSMethod object (or null if the method with the specified name does not exist)


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var method = frm.getMethod("myMethod");


Returns all existing form methods for this form.

Returns: Array all form methods for the form


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var methods = frm.getMethods();
for (var m in methods)


Returns all existing form methods for this form.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from the parent form

Returns: Array all form methods for the form


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var methods = frm.getMethods();
for (var m in methods)


Gets a part of the form from the given type (see JSPart constants).


  • Number type The type of the part to retrieve.

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance representing the retrieved form part.


form.getPart(JSPart.HEADER).background = 'red';
form.getPart(JSPart.LEADING_SUBSUMMARY, 160).background = 'red';

getPart(type, height)

Gets a part of the form from the given type (see JSPart constants). Use the height if you want to get a specific LEADING_SUBSUMMARY or TRAILING_SUBSUMMARY.


  • Number type The type of the part to retrieve.

  • Number height The height of the part to retrieve. Use this parameter when retrieving one of multiple Leading/Trailing Subsummary parts.

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance representing the retrieved form part.


form.getPart(JSPart.HEADER).background = 'red';
form.getPart(JSPart.LEADING_SUBSUMMARY, 160).background = 'red';


Returns the Y offset of a given part (see JSPart) of the form. This will include all the super forms parts if this form extends a form.


  • Number type The type of the part whose Y offset will be returned.

Returns: Number A number holding the Y offset of the specified form part.


// get the subform
var form = solutionModel.getForm('SubForm');
// get the start offset of the body
var height = form.getPartYOffset(JSPart.BODY);
// place a new button based on the start offset.
form.newButton('mybutton',50,50+height,80,20,solutionModel.getGlobalMethod('globals', 'test'));

getPartYOffset(type, height)

Returns the Y offset of a given part (see JSPart) of the form. This will include all the super forms parts if this form extends a form. Use the height parameter for targetting one of multiple subsummary parts.


  • Number type The type of the part whose Y offset will be returned.

  • Number height The height of the part whose Y offset will be returned. This is used when one of multiple Leading/Trailing Sumsummary parts is retrieved.

Returns: Number A number holding the Y offset of the specified form part.


// get the subform
var form = solutionModel.getForm('SubForm');
// get the start offset of the body
var height = form.getPartYOffset(JSPart.BODY);
// place a new button based on the start offset.
form.newButton('mybutton',50,50+height,80,20,solutionModel.getGlobalMethod('globals', 'test'));


Gets all the parts from the form (not including the parts of the parent form), ordered by there height (lowerbound) property, from top == 0 to bottom.

Returns: Array An array of JSPart instances corresponding to the parts of the form.


var allParts = form.getParts()
for (var i=0; i<allParts.length; i++) {
	if (allParts[i].getPartType() == JSPart.BODY)
		application.output('body Y offset: ' + allParts[i].getPartYOffset());


Gets all the parts from the form (optionally also from the parent form), ordered by there height (lowerbound) property, from top == 0 to bottom.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the parts from parent form

Returns: Array An array of JSPart instances corresponding to the parts of the form.


var allParts = form.getParts()
for (var i=0; i<allParts.length; i++) {
	if (allParts[i].getPartType() == JSPart.BODY)
		application.output('body Y offset: ' + allParts[i].getPartYOffset());


Returns the UUID of this form.

Returns: UUID


var form_UUID = myForm.getUUID();


Gets an existing form variable for the given name.


  • String name the specified name of the variable

Returns: JSVariable a JSVariable object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
	var fvariable = frm.getVariable("myVarName");
	application.output(fvariable.name + " has the default value of " + fvariable.defaultValue);


An array consisting of all form variables for this form.

Returns: Array an array of all variables on this form


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var variables = frm.getVariables();
for (var i in variables)


An array consisting of all form variables for this form.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from the parent form

Returns: Array an array of all variables on this form


var frm = solutionModel.getForm("myForm");
var variables = frm.getVariables();
for (var i in variables)


Returns a JSWebComponent that has the given name that is a child of this layout container. Use findWebComponent() to find a webcomponent through the hierarchy


  • String name the specified name of the web component

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var btn = myForm.getWebComponent("mycomponent");


Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container. If this method is called on a form, then it will return all web components on that form. If the form is responsive, it will return the web components from all the containers. It does not return the inherited components, use #getWebComponents(true) to get the inherited as well.

Returns: Array the list of all JSWebComponent on this forms


var webComponents = myForm.getWebComponents();
for (var i in webComponents)
	if (webComponents[i].name != null)


Returns all JSWebComponents of this form/container. If this method is called on a form, then it will return all web components on that form. If the form is responsive, it will return the web components from all the containers.


  • Boolean returnInheritedElements true to also return the elements from parent form

Returns: Array the list of all JSWebComponents on this forms


var webComponents = myForm.getWebComponents(false);
for (var i in webComponents)
	if (webComponents[i].name != null)


Creates a new Footer part on the form.


  • Number height The height of the new part

Returns: JSPart A JSFooter instance corresponding to the newly created Footer form part.


var footer = form.newFooterPart(440);


Creates a new Header part on the form.


  • Number height The height of the new part

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the newly created Header form part.


var header = form.newHeaderPart(80);


Create a new layout container as the last child of its parent container. This method can only be used in responsive forms.

If you want to use default values and so on from a layout package (like 12grid) or if you use the solution model to create a form that is saved back into the workspace (servoyDeveloper.save(form)) then you have to set the packageName and specName properties. So that it works later on in the designer.

If the packageName and specName are not provided, then: the packageName is the same as for the parent container the specName is the first allowed child defined in the specification of the parent container

If the specification of the parent container does not defined allowed children, then if it is not empty the packageName and the specName are copied from the first child layout container.

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer();
container.packageName = "12grid";
container.specName = "row";


Create a new layout container. The position is used to determine the generated order in html markup. This method can only be used in responsive forms.

If you want to use default values and so on from a layout package (like 12grid) or if you use the solution model to create a form that is saved back into the workspace (servoyDeveloper.save(form)) then you have to set the packageName and specName properties. So that it works later on in the designer.

If the packageName and specName are not provided, then: the packageName is the same as for the parent container the specName is the first allowed child defined in the specification of the parent container

If the specification of the parent container does not defined allowed children, then if it is not empty the packageName and the specName are copied from the first child layout container.


  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1);
container.packageName = "12grid";
container.specName = "row";

newLayoutContainer(position, spec)

Create a new layout container. The position is used to determine the generated order in html markup. This method can only be used in responsive forms.


  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

  • String spec a string of the form 'packageName-layoutName', or 'layoutName'

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1, "12grid-row");
container.newLayoutContainer(1, "column");


Create a new layout container as the last child in its parent container. This method can only be used in responsive forms.


  • String spec a string of the form 'packageName-layoutName', or 'layoutName'

Returns: JSLayoutContainer the new layout container


var container = form.newLayoutContainer(1, "12grid-row");
container.newLayoutContainer(1, "column");


Creates a new form JSMethod - based on the specified code.


  • String code the specified code for the new method

Returns: JSMethod a new JSMethod object for this form


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
var method = form.newMethod('function aMethod(event){application.output("Hello world!");}');
var button = myListViewForm.newButton('Show message!',50,50,100,30,method);

newPart(type, height)

Creates a new part on the form. The type of the new part (use one of the JSPart constants) and its height must be specified.


  • Number type The type of the new part.

  • Number height The height of the new part

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the newly created form part.


var form = solutionModel.newForm('myForm', 'db:/example_data/my_table', null, false, 1200, 800);
var header = form.newPart(JSPart.HEADER, 100);
header.background = 'yellow';
var body = form.newPart(JSPart.BODY, 700);
body.background = 'green';
var footer = form.newPart(JSPart.FOOTER, 800);
footer.background = 'orange';


Creates a new Title Header part on the form.


  • Number height The height of the new part

Returns: JSPart A JSPart instance corresponding to the newly created Title Header form part.


var titleHeader = form.newTitleHeaderPart(40);

newVariable(name, type)

Creates a new form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object and the number type, uses the SolutionModel JSVariable constants.


  • String name the specified name of the variable

  • Number type the specified type of the variable (see Solution Model -> JSVariable node constants)

Returns: JSVariable a JSVariable object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
var variable = form.newVariable('myVar', JSVariable.TEXT , "'This is a default value (with triple quotes)!'");
//or variable = form.newVariable('myVar', JSVariable.TEXT)
//variable.defaultValue = "'This is a default value (with triple quotes)!'" // setting the default value after the variable is created requires form recreation
//variable.defaultValue = "{a:'First letter',b:'Second letter'}"
var field = form.newField(variable, JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 100, 100, 200, 200);

newVariable(name, type, defaultValue)

Creates a new form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object , the type and it's default value , uses the SolutionModel JSVariable constants. This method does not require the form to be destroyed and recreated. Use this method if you want to change the form's model without destroying the runtime form**


  • String name the specified name of the variable

  • Number type the specified type of the variable (see Solution Model -> JSVariable node constants)

  • String defaultValue the default value as a javascript expression string

Returns: JSVariable a JSVariable object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', myDatasource, null, true, 800, 600);
var variable = form.newVariable('myVar', JSVariable.TEXT , "'This is a default value (with triple quotes)!'");
//or variable = form.newVariable('myVar', JSVariable.TEXT)
//variable.defaultValue = "'This is a default value (with triple quotes)!'" // setting the default value after the variable is created requires form recreation
//variable.defaultValue = "{a:'First letter',b:'Second letter'}"
var field = form.newField(variable, JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 100, 100, 200, 200);


Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form. Will receive a generated name. Will be added as last position in container.


  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1")
var bean = container.newWebComponent('mypackage-testcomponent');

newWebComponent(type, position)

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form. Will receive a generated name.


  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1")
var bean = container.newWebComponent('mypackage-testcomponent',1);

newWebComponent(name, type)

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on a form. You must set location/dimension or css position afterwards


  • String name the specified name of the JSWebComponent object

  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
form.useCssPosition = true
var webcomponent = form.newWebComponent('mywebcomponent','mypackage-testcomponent');

newWebComponent(name, type, position)

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the RESPONSIVE form.


  • String name the specified name of the JSWebComponent object

  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

  • Number position the position of JSWebComponent object in its parent container

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
var container = myForm.getLayoutContainer("row1")
var bean = container.newWebComponent('bean','mypackage-testcomponent',1);

newWebComponent(name, type, x, y, width, height)

Creates a new JSWebComponent (spec based component) object on the form.


  • String name the specified name of the JSWebComponent object

  • String type the webcomponent name as it appears in the spec

  • Number x the horizontal "x" position of the JSWebComponent object in pixels

  • Number y the vertical "y" position of the JSWebComponent object in pixels

  • Number width the width of the JSWebComponent object in pixels

  • Number height the height of the JSWebComponent object in pixels

Returns: JSComponent a JSWebComponent object


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', 'db:/server1/table1', null, true, 800, 600);
var bean = form.newWebComponent('bean','mypackage-testcomponent',200,200,300,300);

putDesignTimeProperty(key, value)

Set a design-time property of a form. Value should be primitive data (string, boolean or number). Complex values should be stringified before call.


Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')
frm.putDesignTimeProperty('myprop', 'lemon')


Removes a component (JSLabel, JSButton, JSField, JSPortal, JSBean, JSTabpanel, JSWebComponent) that has the given name. It is the same as calling "if(!removeLabel(name) && !removeButton(name) ....)". Returns true if removal was successful, false otherwise.


  • String name the specified name of the component to be deleted

Returns: Boolean true if component has been successfully deleted; false otherwise


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newFormX','db:/server1/parent_table',null,true,1000,750);
var jsbutton = form.newButton('JSButton to delete',100,100,200,50,null);
jsbutton.name = 'jsb';
var jslabel = form.newLabel('JSLabel to delete',100,200,200,50,null);
jslabel.name = 'jsl';
jslabel.transparent = false;
jslabel.background = 'green';
var jsfield = form.newField('scopes.globals.myGlobalVariable',JSField.TEXT_FIELD,100,300,200,50);
jsfield.name = 'jsf';
var relation = solutionModel.newRelation('parentToChild','db:/server1/parent_table','db:/server1/child_table',JSRelation.INNER_JOIN);
relation.newRelationItem('parent_table_id', '=', 'child_table_id');
var jsportal = form.newPortal('jsp',relation,100,400,300,300);
var childOne = solutionModel.newForm('childOne','db:/server1/child_table',null,false,400,300);
childOne.newField('child_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD,10,10,100,20);
var childTwo = solutionModel.newForm('childTwo','server1','other_table',null,false,400,300);
childTwo.newField('some_table_id', JSField.TEXT_FIELD,10,10,100,100);
var jstabpanel = form.newTabPanel('jst',450,30,620,460);
jstabpanel.newTab('tab1','Child One',childOne,relation);
jstabpanel.newTab('tab2','Child Two',childTwo);
var jsmethod = form.newMethod("function removeMe(event) { var form = solutionModel.getForm('newFormX');\n if ((form.removeComponent('jsb') == true) && (form.removeComponent('jsl') == true) && (form.removeComponent('jsf') == true) && (form.removeComponent('jsp') == true) & (form.removeComponent('jst') == true)) application.output('Components removed ok'); else application.output('Some component(s) could not be deleted'); forms['newFormX'].controller.recreateUI();}");
var removerButton = form.newButton('Click here to remove form components',450,500,250,50,jsmethod);
removerButton.name = 'remover';


Clear a design-time property of a form.


Returns: Object


var frm = solutionModel.getForm('orders')


Removes a form JSMethod - based on the specified code.


  • String name the specified name of the method

Returns: Boolean true if method was removed successfully , false otherwise


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', null, null, true, 800, 600);
var hello = form.newMethod('function aMethod(event){application.output("Hello world!");}');
var removeMethod = form.newMethod('function removeMethod(event){ \
									solutionModel.getForm(event.getFormName()).removeMethod("aMethod"); \
var button1 = form.newButton('Call method!',50,50,120,30,hello);
var button2 = form.newButton('Remove Mehtod!',200,50,120,30,removeMethod);


Removes a JSPart of the given type.


  • Number type The type of the part that should be removed.

Returns: Boolean True if the part is successfully removed, false otherwise.


form.removePart(JSPart.LEADING_SUBSUMMARY, 160);

removePart(type, height)

Removes a JSPart of the given type. The height parameter is for removing one of multiple subsummary parts.


  • Number type The type of the part that should be removed.

  • Number height The height of the part that should be removed. This parameter is for removing one of multiple Leading/Trailing Subsummary parts.

Returns: Boolean True if the part is successfully removed, false otherwise.


form.removePart(JSPart.LEADING_SUBSUMMARY, 160);


Removes a form JSVariable - based on the name of the variable object.


  • String name the specified name of the variable

Returns: Boolean true if removed, false otherwise (ex: no var with that name)


var form = solutionModel.newForm('newForm1', null, null, true, 800, 600);
var variable = form.newVariable('myVar', JSVariable.TEXT);
variable.defaultValue = "'This is a default value (with triple quotes)!'";
//variable.defaultValue = "{a:'First letter',b:'Second letter'}"
var field = form.newField(variable, JSField.TEXT_FIELD, 100, 100, 200, 200);

variable = form.removeVariable('myVar');


Removes a JSWebComponent that has the specified name. Returns true if removal was successful, false otherwise.


  • String name the specified name of the JSWebComponent to be removed

Returns: Boolean true if the JSWebComponent has been removed; false otherwise


var form = solutionModel.getForm('myform');

Last updated